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registered interest false more like this
date less than 2025-02-06more like thismore than 2025-02-06
answering body
Home Office more like this
answering dept id 1 more like this
answering dept short name Home Office more like this
answering dept sort name Home Office more like this
hansard heading Police: Workplace Pensions more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, how many outstanding calculations remain for retired police officer pensions arising from the McCloud Judgement within each police force in the United Kingdom. more like this
tabling member constituency Belfast East more like this
tabling member printed
Gavin Robinson more like this
uin 29448 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2025-02-11more like thismore than 2025-02-11
answer text <p>Calculations for the police pension scheme, including those related to the McCloud remedy, are produced for each scheme member by the relevant scheme administrator.</p><p>While the Home Office has responsibility for overarching policy and legislative changes to the police pension regulations in England &amp; Wales, the police pension scheme is locally administered by individual police forces. The devolved governments have overarching policy and legislative responsibility in Scotland and Northern Ireland.</p><p>It is for each Chief Constable, in their role as scheme manager for their force, to determine their administrative timetable.</p><p>The Home Office is actively collaborating with policing to support the effective implementation of the McCloud remedy for all affected individuals.</p> more like this
answering member constituency Kingston upon Hull North and Cottingham more like this
answering member printed Dame Diana Johnson more like this
question first answered
less than 2025-02-11T16:29:31.733Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-11T16:29:31.733Z
answering member
label Biography information for Dame Diana Johnson more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Gavin Robinson more like this