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The Government has committed £16 billion in funding to local councils over the current five year spending review period to tackle public health issues. Any decisions on commission of effective drug and alcohol prevention and treatment services are the responsibility of local authorities based on an assessment of local need.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4067", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve Brine"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Winchester"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Steve Brine"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-07-11", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "groupedQuestionUIN" : {"_value" : "2783"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-07-11T09:49:47.33Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "17"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2017-07-04", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Drugs: Misuse"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Health, why expenditure on adult drug misuse services in England has fallen by over £42 million since 2013-14.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4465", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Ronnie Cowan"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Inverclyde"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Ronnie Cowan"} ], "uin" : "2963"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748209", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department of Health"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748209/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

Ministers and Government officials have had a number of discussions with Vertex and NHS England in which the availability of Orkambi for the treatment of cystic fibrosis was raised.<\/p>


The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is the independent body that develops guidance for the National Health Service on whether new drugs and treatments represent a clinically and cost effective use of resources.<\/p>


NICE published final guidance on the use of Orkambi (lumacaftor-ivacaftor) for treating cystic fibrosis homozygous for the F508del mutation in July 2016 that does not recommend this treatment.<\/p>


Where NICE has not been able to recommend a treatment, funding decisions should be made by the relevant NHS commissioner, based on an assessment of the available evidence.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4067", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve Brine"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Winchester"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Steve Brine"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-07-12", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-07-12T09:12:44.797Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "17"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2017-07-04", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Lumacaftor/ivacaftor"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Health, what steps he is taking to secure an affordable price for Orkambi, to make it available to people with cystic fibrosis.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4573", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Dr Rosena Allin-Khan"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Tooting"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Dr Rosena Allin-Khan"} ], "uin" : "2960"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748278", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department of Health"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748278/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

The information requested is not collected.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4067", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve Brine"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Winchester"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Steve Brine"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-07-10", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "groupedQuestionUIN" : {"_value" : "2950"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-07-10T16:39:15.48Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "17"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2017-07-04", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Compulsorily Detained Psychiatric Patients: Relatives"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how many applications to displace an unsuitable nearest relative under section 29 of the Mental Health Act 1983 have been made in England in the most recent year for which data is available.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4456", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Jeff Smith"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Manchester, Withington"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Jeff Smith"} ], "uin" : "2951"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748277", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department of Health"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748277/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

The information requested is not collected.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4067", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve Brine"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Winchester"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Steve Brine"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-07-10", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "groupedQuestionUIN" : {"_value" : "2951"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-07-10T16:39:15.37Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "17"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2017-07-04", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Compulsorily Detained Psychiatric Patients: Relatives"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how many times a nearest relative formally objected to the detention or transferral into detention of a person under the Mental Health Act 1983 in the most recent year for which data is available.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4456", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Jeff Smith"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Manchester, Withington"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Jeff Smith"} ], "uin" : "2950"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748320", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department of Health"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748320/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

NHS England contracts with general practitioners (GPs) as independent providers of medical services for the National Health Service. Under the terms of their contract, GPs are required to provide certain medical reports or complete certain forms, including those related to claiming disability benefits, free of charge to their registered patients.<\/p>


Outside their contractual requirements, GPs also offer a variety of other services which successive governments have regarded as private matters between the patient and the GP. In such cases, decisions on whether to charge a fee and the level of the fee charged are at the GP\u2019s discretion.<\/p>


Where GPs intend to charge for services to patients, the British Medical Association (BMA) advises them to forewarn patients, at the earliest opportunity, of the likely level of fees. The BMA also produces guidance on the level of fees that should be charged for commonly provided services.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4067", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve Brine"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Winchester"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Steve Brine"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-07-10", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "groupedQuestionUIN" : {"_value" : "2927"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-07-10T14:17:17.153Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "17"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2017-07-04", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Medical Certificates: Disability"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Health, what proportion of GP surgeries refuse to provide supporting letters for disability benefit claimants; what proportion of surgeries charge for those letters; and how much surgeries charge to issue those letters.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/304", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Mr Roger Godsiff"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Birmingham, Hall Green"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Mr Roger Godsiff"} ], "uin" : "2928"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748191", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department of Health"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748191/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

NHS England contracts with general practitioners (GPs) as independent providers of medical services for the National Health Service. Under the terms of their contract, GPs are required to provide certain medical reports or complete certain forms, including those related to claiming disability benefits, free of charge to their registered patients.<\/p>


Outside their contractual requirements, GPs also offer a variety of other services which successive governments have regarded as private matters between the patient and the GP. In such cases, decisions on whether to charge a fee and the level of the fee charged are at the GP\u2019s discretion.<\/p>


Where GPs intend to charge for services to patients, the British Medical Association (BMA) advises them to forewarn patients, at the earliest opportunity, of the likely level of fees. The BMA also produces guidance on the level of fees that should be charged for commonly provided services.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4067", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve Brine"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Winchester"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Steve Brine"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-07-10", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "groupedQuestionUIN" : {"_value" : "2928"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-07-10T14:17:17.057Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "17"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2017-07-04", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "General Practitioners: Social Security Benefits"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Health, whether the Government provides guidance to GP surgeries on whether they should provide supporting letters for disability benefit claims if patients request them.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/304", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Mr Roger Godsiff"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Birmingham, Hall Green"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Mr Roger Godsiff"} ], "uin" : "2927"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748189", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department of Health"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748189/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

Information is not available in the format requested. NHS England publish quarterly data from all National Health Service organisations that operate beds that are open overnight or day only. This includes the number of mental illness beds. This data is available at the link below:<\/p>

https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/bed-availability-and-occupancy/<\/a><\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4067", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve Brine"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Winchester"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Steve Brine"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-07-10", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-07-10T16:32:28.21Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "17"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2017-07-04", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Mental Health Services: Hospital Beds"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how many NHS beds were available for mental health patients in each of the last five years.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1588", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Baroness Keeley"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Worsley and Eccles South"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Barbara Keeley"} ], "uin" : "2925"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748188", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department of Health"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748188/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

The data requested is not available in the format requested.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4067", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve Brine"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Winchester"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Steve Brine"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-07-10", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-07-10T15:12:52.63Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "17"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2017-07-04", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Mental Health Services"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how many NHS mental health patients were treated in non-NHS institutions in each of the last five years.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1588", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Baroness Keeley"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Worsley and Eccles South"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Barbara Keeley"} ], "uin" : "2924"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748214", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department of Health"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748214/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

<\/strong>The Government remains committed to supporting carers to provide care as they would wish, and to do so in a way that supports their own health and wellbeing, employment and wider life chances.<\/p>

We have said that more widely we will consult on proposals to improve social care. Next steps will be set out in due course.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4067", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve Brine"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Winchester"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Steve Brine"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-07-10", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-07-10T16:31:40.847Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "17"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2017-07-04", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Carers"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Health, with reference to the Answer of 7 March 2017 to Question 66131, on carers, what plans he has to publish the national carers strategy.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1588", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Baroness Keeley"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Worsley and Eccles South"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Barbara Keeley"} ], "uin" : "2923"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748212", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department of Health"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/748212/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

The Department is in direct contact with all suppliers of piperacillin-tazobactam about future supplies coming into the United Kingdom, including Pfizer who market the brand Tazocin. Pfizer currently have supplies available and have confirmed that they are able to bring larger volumes of Tazocin to the UK market from October onwards. Several other suppliers of generic piperacillin-tazobactam injection have also confirmed supplies are available and there is no clinical preference between any given manufacturer\u2019s version of the medicine.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4067", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve Brine"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Winchester"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Steve Brine"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-07-10", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-07-10T15:14:31.25Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "17"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Health"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2017-07-04", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Piperacillin/tazobactam"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Health, what steps he plans to take to ensure future supplies of the Tazocin brand of the antibiotic piperacillin-tazobactam.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4342", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Liz McInnes"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Heywood and Middleton"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Liz McInnes"} ], "uin" : "2915"} ], "itemsPerPage" : 10, "next" : "https://eldaddp.azurewebsites.net/answeredquestions.text?date=2017-07-04&_page=1&_view=AnsweredQuestions&_sort=-answer.answeringMember.label,-uin", "page" : 0, "startIndex" : 1, "totalResults" : 398, "type" : "http://purl.org/linked-data/api/vocab#Page"} }