{ "format" : "linked-data-api", "version" : "0.2", "result" : {"_about" : "https://eldaddp.azurewebsites.net/answeredquestions.text?date=2014-10-21&_page=2&_view=AnsweredQuestions&_sort=-type,type.&max-answer.dateOfAnswer=2014-10-27", "definition" : "https://eldaddp.azurewebsites.net/meta/answeredquestions.text?date=2014-10-21&_view=AnsweredQuestions&_sort=-type,type.&max-answer.dateOfAnswer=2014-10-27", "extendedMetadataVersion" : "https://eldaddp.azurewebsites.net/answeredquestions.text?date=2014-10-21&_page=2&_view=AnsweredQuestions&_metadata=all&_sort=-type,type.&max-answer.dateOfAnswer=2014-10-27", "first" : "https://eldaddp.azurewebsites.net/answeredquestions.text?date=2014-10-21&_page=0&_view=AnsweredQuestions&_sort=-type,type.&max-answer.dateOfAnswer=2014-10-27", "isPartOf" : {"_about" : "https://eldaddp.azurewebsites.net/answeredquestions.text?date=2014-10-21&_view=AnsweredQuestions&_sort=-type,type.&max-answer.dateOfAnswer=2014-10-27", "definition" : "https://eldaddp.azurewebsites.net/meta/answeredquestions.text?date=2014-10-21&_view=AnsweredQuestions&_sort=-type,type.&max-answer.dateOfAnswer=2014-10-27", "hasPart" : "https://eldaddp.azurewebsites.net/answeredquestions.text?date=2014-10-21&_page=2&_view=AnsweredQuestions&_sort=-type,type.&max-answer.dateOfAnswer=2014-10-27", "type" : "http://purl.org/linked-data/api/vocab#ListEndpoint"} , "items" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100124", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Culture Media and Sport"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100124/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

The information requested is not readily available. With the exception of the Hull area, where KCom is the only significant provider, the broadband market is defined according to the level of competition across the UK as whole. Ofcom carries out a rolling programme of market reviews of competition in communications markets to ensure that regulation remains appropriate and proportionate in the light of changing market conditions. The market definition and market analysis procedure that Ofcom is required to follow is set out in the EU regulatory framework for communications.<\/p>


In June of this year, on completion of its latest Wholesale Broadband Access (WBA) market review, Ofcom reduced the number of market areas from 4 to 3 to better reflect developments in the market since the last review was undertaken in 2010. Details of the market areas, the number of exchanges in each area and the percentage of premises served are:<\/p>



No of exchanges<\/p><\/td>

% of UK premises served<\/p><\/td><\/tr>

The Hull area<\/p><\/td>



Market A<\/p><\/td>



Market B<\/p><\/td>




Market A is defined as an area as where there are no more than two principal operators present or forecast to be present, and market B as an area where there is effective competition. Market A tends to be in the more rural and remote parts of the country. Details of the exchanges in each area are available in the Ofcom WBA statement published on 26 June - http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/review-wba-markets/statement/<\/a><\/p>


<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1580", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Lord Vaizey of Didcot"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Wantage"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Mr Edward Vaizey"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2014-10-24", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "groupedQuestionUIN" : {"_value" : "211384"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2014-10-24T12:40:11.9722779Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "10"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Culture, Media and Sport"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Culture, Media and Sport"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2014-10-21", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Broadband"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, how many businesses are registered in each of the market exchange categories for broadband in (a) South Lanarkshire, (b) Scotland and (c) the UK.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4047", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Tom Greatrex"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Rutherglen and Hamilton West"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Tom Greatrex"} ], "uin" : "211398"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100125", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Culture Media and Sport"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100125/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

The information requested is not readily available. With the exception of the Hull area, where KCom is the only significant provider, the broadband market is defined according to the level of competition across the UK as whole. Ofcom carries out a rolling programme of market reviews of competition in communications markets to ensure that regulation remains appropriate and proportionate in the light of changing market conditions. The market definition and market analysis procedure that Ofcom is required to follow is set out in the EU regulatory framework for communications.<\/p>


In June of this year, on completion of its latest Wholesale Broadband Access (WBA) market review, Ofcom reduced the number of market areas from 4 to 3 to better reflect developments in the market since the last review was undertaken in 2010. Details of the market areas, the number of exchanges in each area and the percentage of premises served are:<\/p>



No of exchanges<\/p><\/td>

% of UK premises served<\/p><\/td><\/tr>

The Hull area<\/p><\/td>



Market A<\/p><\/td>



Market B<\/p><\/td>




Market A is defined as an area as where there are no more than two principal operators present or forecast to be present, and market B as an area where there is effective competition. Market A tends to be in the more rural and remote parts of the country. Details of the exchanges in each area are available in the Ofcom WBA statement published on 26 June - http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/review-wba-markets/statement/<\/a><\/p>


<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1580", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Lord Vaizey of Didcot"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Wantage"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Mr Edward Vaizey"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2014-10-24", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "groupedQuestionUIN" : {"_value" : "211398"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2014-10-24T12:40:12.1625069Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "10"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Culture, Media and Sport"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Culture, Media and Sport"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2014-10-21", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Broadband"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, how many people are covered by each of the three market exchange categories for broadband in (a) South Lanarkshire, (b) Scotland and (c) the UK.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4047", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Tom Greatrex"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Rutherglen and Hamilton West"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Tom Greatrex"} ], "uin" : "211384"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100132", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Ministry of Defence"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100132/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

The Maritime Support Delivery Framework (MSDF) Contract includes support provided by Babcock Marine to the management of Her Majesty\u2019s Naval Base Clyde over the next five and a half years.

The recruitment of apprentices is a matter for Babcock Marine. However, the company has given the Ministry of Defence the understanding that the increased certainty from the MSDF contract will allow them to continue the recruitment of apprentices to meet the business needs of the Naval Base. This includes plans to recruit 10 over the next 12 months.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1542", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Philip Dunne"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Ludlow"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Mr Philip Dunne"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2014-10-24", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2014-10-24T13:28:42.3615519Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "11"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Defence"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Defence"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2014-10-21", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Clyde Naval Base"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many apprenticeships will be created by the defence contract awarded to Faslane naval base.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4246", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Iain McKenzie"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Inverclyde"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Iain McKenzie"} ], "uin" : "211357"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100139", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Ministry of Justice"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100139/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

This Government takes recovery and enforcement of financial impositions very seriously and remains committed to finding new ways to encourage payment of impositions and to trace those who do not pay. This is why there has been a year on year increase in the amount of financial penalties collected over the last three years.<\/p>


When it appears to HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) that an offender is normally resident in another EU country HMCTS can transfer road traffic offence fines, imposed by courts in this country, to other EU jurisdictions for enforcement under the EU Framework Decision on Mutual Recognition of Financial Penalties (MRFP). The Framework Decision obliges Member States to take over enforcement of eligible fines imposed by other Member States\u2019 courts, where the offender is resident or has assets in the enforcing state. All monies collected however are retained by the enforcing Member State.<\/p>


Where the offender is resident in a non EU country or in one not included in the MRFP Framework there is no mechanism for HMCTS to be able to recover the amounts outstanding.<\/p>


It is not possible to identify the value of fines outstanding which relate to motoring offences for offenders who live overseas without incurring disproportionate cost as this information could only be obtained by a manual search of all live fine accounts.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1496", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Shailesh Vara"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "North West Cambridgeshire"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Mr Shailesh Vara"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2014-10-27", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "groupedQuestionUIN" : {"_value" : "211323"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2014-10-27T15:32:05.8033735Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "54"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Justice"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Justice"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2014-10-21", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Driving Offences: Fines"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, what steps she is taking to better secure the payment of speeding fines by offenders whose vehicles are registered overseas.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/95", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Mr Andrew Smith"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Oxford East"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Mr Andrew Smith"} ], "uin" : "211277"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100140", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Education"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100140/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

Small local authorities (Isles of Scilly and City of London) receive £25,000 and all other local authorities receive set up costs of around £50,000, a further sum is allocated on the basis of population estimates for each local authority and, adjusted according to a number of factors including area costs and deprivation.<\/p>

The link below provides further background and amounts for individual local authorities:<\/p>

www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/318588/S31_SEND_Implementation_Grant_Determination_Letter__2014-15__FINAL_SIGNE....pdf<\/a><\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1605", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Edward Timpson"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Crewe and Nantwich"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Mr Edward Timpson"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2014-10-24", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2014-10-24T14:21:42.004295Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "60"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Education"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Education"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2014-10-21", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Special Educational Needs"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Education, with reference to page 12 of her Department's publication, Implementing a new 0 to 25 special needs system: LAs and partners, published in July 2014, how the £45.2 million special education needs and disability implementation grant has been allocated to local authorities.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/298", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve McCabe"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Birmingham, Selly Oak"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Steve McCabe"} ], "uin" : "211276"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100141", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Education"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100141/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

It is for local authorities to determine the support they arrange, including any specialist education services for children and young people with low incidence needs. The importance of making appropriate provision for children with low incidence needs and local authorities including information about specialist support in their local offer is set out in the new 0-25 special educational needs and disability code of practice. Under Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014, local authorities have a duty to keep under review the educational provision, training provision and social care provision made in their area for children and young people who have special educational needs.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1605", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Edward Timpson"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Crewe and Nantwich"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Mr Edward Timpson"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2014-10-27", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2014-10-27T17:55:11.2999137Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "60"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Education"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Education"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2014-10-21", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Special Educational Needs"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what assessment she has made of the quality of specialist education support services for children in (a) England and (b) Plymouth with low incidence needs.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1552", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Alison Seabeck"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Plymouth, Moor View"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Alison Seabeck"} ], "uin" : "211273"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100142", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Education"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100142/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

The National Scholarship Fund was introduced in 2011 following a commitment in the Importance of Teaching white paper to encourage teachers to deepen their subject knowledge. This year the priority subject area was special educational needs.<\/p>

In round two, the National Scholarship Fund was expanded to include a scholarship for special educational needs (SEN) support staff to undertake a SEN related course or activity. There were 493 applications from SEN support staff and in round three of the National Scholarship Fund there were 225 applications from SEN support staff and in this year\u2019s round (round 4) there were 215 applications from SEN Support Staff.<\/p>

Of the £1 million made available for teachers and SEN Support staff in the National Scholarship Fund 2014-15, £792,652.63 was offered to applicants as awards.<\/p>

Scholarships will only be awarded where applications are judged to be of sufficient merit. This will determine the number of scholarships awarded. We sought the assistance of colleagues from the sector to form an expert panel to judge the applications. The panel interrogated and ratified the internal assessment process. As impartial educational professionals they brought particular and relevant expertise to the process. They acted as independent external verifiers to ensure the rigour and consistency of the assessment process, and to endorse the scholarly nature of funded development activity.<\/p>

<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1605", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Edward Timpson"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Crewe and Nantwich"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Mr Edward Timpson"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2014-10-24", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "groupedQuestionUIN" : {"_value" : "211205"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2014-10-24T13:41:05.9946064Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "60"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Education"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Education"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2014-10-21", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Special Educational Needs"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Education, how much of the £1 million made available for teachers and special educational needs support staff through the National Scholarship Fund has been awarded.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/298", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve McCabe"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Birmingham, Selly Oak"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Steve McCabe"} ], "uin" : "211317"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100143", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Education"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100143/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

The number and proportion of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with a hearing impairment who achieved 5 or more GCSE A* to C grades (or equivalent) in a) England, b) the South West and c) Plymouth in 2013 can be found in the table below.<\/p>

Pupils with a hearing impairment<\/strong><\/p><\/td><\/tr>

Number of eligible pupils1<\/sup><\/p><\/td>

Number of pupils achieving 5 or more
A*-C GCSE grades (or equivalent)<\/p><\/td>

Percentage of pupils achieving 5 or more
A*-C GCSE grades (or equivalent)<\/p><\/td><\/tr>





South West<\/p><\/td>








Source: National pupil database<\/p>

  1. Figures are based on pupils at the end of key stage 4 and do not include those pupils recently arrived from overseas.<\/li><\/ol>

    x = Figures not shown due to 1 or 2 pupils not achieving 5 or more A*-C GCSE grades (or equivalent). This suppression is to protect pupil confidentiality and consistent with the Department for Education\u2019s statistical policy[1].<\/p>

    [1] www.gov.uk/government/publications/standards-for-official-statistics-published-by-the-department-for-education<\/a><\/p>

    <\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1605", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Edward Timpson"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Crewe and Nantwich"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Mr Edward Timpson"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2014-10-24", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2014-10-24T13:44:58.688251Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "60"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Education"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Education"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2014-10-21", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Special Educational Needs: Hearing Impairment"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Education, how many deaf pupils achieved five A* to C grades in (a) England, (b) the South West and (c) Plymouth in 2013.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1552", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Alison Seabeck"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Plymouth, Moor View"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Alison Seabeck"} ], "uin" : "211272"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100144", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Education"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100144/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

    The Initial Teacher Training Census for 2014-15 will be published on 27 November 2014. This will contain a breakdown of figures to cover school-led (including school direct) and provider-led places.<\/p>

    The publication will be made available at:<\/p>


    <\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1473", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Mr David Laws"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Yeovil"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Mr David Laws"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2014-10-24", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2014-10-24T10:12:15.8427489Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "60"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Education"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Education"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2014-10-21", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Teachers: Training"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Education, when she expects to announce the initial teacher training: trainee number census 2014-15 for (a) school direct places and (b) provider-led places.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1400", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Kevin Brennan"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Cardiff West"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Kevin Brennan"} ], "uin" : "211329"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100145", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Education"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/100145/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "

    The Government publishes an annual report which describes recent developments in the terrorist threat to the UK and its interests, and the progress made in our counter-terrorism work. This includes high-level information about the contribution of different Government departments to the implementation of the Prevent strategy.<\/p>

    The Secretary of State's statement to the House on 22 July, in response to Peter Clarke's report into allegations about schools in Birmingham, set out the latest steps that the Government is taking to increase the resilience of schools to extremism.<\/p>

    The Secretary of State is still considering the best format to update the House on delivery of the Department\u2019s commitments, and will report in due course.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1605", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Edward Timpson"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Crewe and Nantwich"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Mr Edward Timpson"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2014-10-24", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2014-10-24T13:31:32.3859761Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "60"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Education"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Education"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2014-10-21", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Schools: Radicalism"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Education, pursuant to her contribution of 22 July 2014, Official Report, column 1262, what progress her Department has made on implementing the commitments made in the 2011 Prevent Strategy review; and what plans she has to publish the information on her Department's work in this area.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1533", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Dame Diana Johnson"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Kingston upon Hull North"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Diana Johnson"} ], "uin" : "211284"} ], "itemsPerPage" : 10, "next" : "https://eldaddp.azurewebsites.net/answeredquestions.text?date=2014-10-21&_page=3&_view=AnsweredQuestions&_sort=-type,type.&max-answer.dateOfAnswer=2014-10-27", "page" : 2, "prev" : "https://eldaddp.azurewebsites.net/answeredquestions.text?date=2014-10-21&_page=1&_view=AnsweredQuestions&_sort=-type,type.&max-answer.dateOfAnswer=2014-10-27", "startIndex" : 21, "totalResults" : 107, "type" : "http://purl.org/linked-data/api/vocab#Page"} }