, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Caroline Nokes"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Romsey and Southampton North"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Caroline Nokes"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2019-07-22", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2019-07-22T16:15:21.857Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Home Office"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Home Office"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2019-07-18", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Visas: Married People"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, pursuant to the Answer of 11 March 2019 to Question 229177 on visas: married people, if he will collate and publish figures for (a) the number of applications submitted under Appendix FM where the sponsor did not meet the financial requirement but argued that there were exceptional circumstances pertaining to their case and (b) the number of applications that were successful.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Lord Bellingham"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "North West Norfolk"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Sir Henry Bellingham"}
], "uin" : "278926"}
, {"_about" : "", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Scotland Office"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "", "answerText" : {"_value" : "Strengthening and Sustaining the Union is a key priority for the UK Government. This is why we have asked Lord Dunlop to carry out a review to ensure that we are working in the most effective way possible to realise fully all the benefits of being a United Kingdom.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for David Mundell"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "David Mundell"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2019-07-24", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "groupedQuestionUIN" : {"_value" : "912072"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2019-07-24T14:37:34.3Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "2"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Scotland"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Scotland"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2019-07-24", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "United Kingdom"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "What steps he is taking to strengthen the Union.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Lord Bellingham"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "North West Norfolk"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Sir Henry Bellingham"}
], "uin" : "912066"}
, {"_about" : "", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Education"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "", "answerText" : {"_value" : "
We have committed an extra £14 billion to schools in England over the next three years. This will bring the schools budget to £52.2 billion in 2022-23. This will allow funding increases for all schools. In particular, every secondary school will receive a minimum of at least £5,000 per pupil next year, with every primary school getting a minimum of at least £4,000 from 2021-22. This is the largest cash boost in a generation and has only been possible because of our balanced approach to the public finances and careful stewardship of the economy since 2010.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Nick Gibb"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Bognor Regis and Littlehampton"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Nick Gibb"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2019-09-09", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2019-09-09T12:54:04.553Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "60"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Education"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Education"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2019-09-06", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Schools: Finance"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what plans the Government has to increase the level of funding for schools.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Lord Bellingham"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "North West Norfolk"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Sir Henry Bellingham"}
], "uin" : "912332"}
, {"_about" : "", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "", "answerText" : {"_value" : "
The government is committed to nationwide rollout of future proof, gigabit-capable broadband as soon as possible. Improving mobile coverage in rural areas is also a priority. We are committed to extending geographic mobile coverage to 95% of the UK and we are considering all of the options available to facilitate this.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Matt Warman"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Boston and Skegness"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Matt Warman"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2019-10-03", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2019-10-03T13:23:00.503Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "10"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Digital, Culture, Media and Sport"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Digital, Culture, Media and Sport"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2019-10-03", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Broadband and Mobile Phones: Rural Areas"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "What steps her Department is taking to increase (a) broadband and (b) mobile phone coverage in rural areas.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Lord Bellingham"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "North West Norfolk"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Sir Henry Bellingham"}
], "uin" : "912544"}
, {"_about" : "", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Transport"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "", "answerText" : {"_value" : "
As part of the first Roads Investment Strategy, the six A47 improvement schemes were due to start construction in 2019/20. In 2017 we announced that some adjustments were made to the sequencing of scheme delivery across the Road Investment Strategy programme, which moved five of the six A47 schemes into the second Road Investment Strategy period which will run from 2020 to 2025. The A47 schemes represent the biggest one-time investment in the A47.<\/p>
The sixth scheme is the A47 Great Yarmouth Junctions. The scope of the A47 Great Yarmouth Junctions scheme is under review in light of the new Great Yarmouth third river crossing. Originally, this proposed to improve the Vauxhall and Gapton roundabouts in Great Yarmouth; but the effects of the new crossing mean that these improvements no longer match the expected pattern of traffic. The scheme will be redesigned to take new circumstances into account and the junctions will be delivered once the crossing is in place. The Government is committed to tackling road congestion in Great Yarmouth.<\/p>
The six A47 schemes are currently scheduled for a phased start of works, with the first construction starting in 2021. This has been done to smooth the timing and frequency of the roadworks along the A47, reducing the impact on the public. Specific timescales will be confirmed following publication of the second Roads Investment Strategy shortly.<\/p>
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Chris Heaton-Harris"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Daventry"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Chris Heaton-Harris"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2020-02-11", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2020-02-11T16:51:50.973Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "27"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2020-02-06", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "A47"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what the planned dates for start of (a) construction and (b) completion were for each of the six A47 improvement schemes under the Roads Investment Strategy at the time that strategy was published; and what the status is of each of those schemes.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for James Wild"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "North West Norfolk"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "James Wild"}
], "uin" : "13604"}
, {"_about" : "", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Treasury"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "", "answerText" : {"_value" : "
HM Treasury has not made an assessment of the cost to the public purse of this proposal. It is for Local Authorities to set Minimum Income Guarantee rates in their area, subject to nationally mandated floors. At the 2019 Spending Round we gave LAs access to up to an additional £1.5bn for social care, on top of existing grants.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve Barclay"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "North East Cambridgeshire"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Steve Barclay"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2020-02-27", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2020-02-27T13:37:59.247Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "14"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Treasury"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Treasury"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2020-02-24", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Income Support: Uprating"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, what the cost to the public purse is of increasing the Minimum Income Guarantee for people receiving local authority social care other than in a care home in line with inflation in the financial year 2020-2021.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for James Wild"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "North West Norfolk"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "James Wild"}
], "uin" : "19979"}
, {"_about" : "", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "", "answerText" : {"_value" : "
Our current 25 Year Environment Plan committed us to \u201csafeguarding and enhancing the beauty of our natural scenery and improving its environmental value while being sensitive to considerations of its heritage\u201d. We will continue this approach to improving the natural environment, both identifying the mutually positive impacts on the natural and historic environments our policies can have, as well as identifying potential trade-offs between them.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Rebecca Pow"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Taunton Deane"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Rebecca Pow"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2020-03-09", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2020-03-09T11:51:38.843Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "13"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2020-03-02", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Historic Buildings: Environment Protection"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, if he will make it his policy to include heritage buildings and structures in the definition of the natural environment to be used in preparing environmental improvement plans.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for James Wild"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "North West Norfolk"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "James Wild"}
], "uin" : "23598"}
, {"_about" : "", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "", "answerText" : {"_value" : "
100 places were selected to develop proposals for Town Deals as part of the Towns Fund. In December 2019, local authorities received a share of £16.4 million revenue capacity funding to support the development of a Town Deal Board and Investment Plan for each of the selected towns in their area, up to a maximum of £173,029 per town. To date, no capital funding has been allocated.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Sir Simon Clarke"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Mr Simon Clarke"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2020-03-05", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2020-03-05T11:12:36.117Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "7"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Housing, Communities and Local Government"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Housing, Communities and Local Government"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2020-03-02", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Towns Fund"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what the capital budget was for each lead local authority in the 100 areas selected to apply for the Towns Fund in the financial year 2019-20.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "true", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for James Wild"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "North West Norfolk"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "James Wild"}
], "uin" : "23600"}
, {"_about" : "", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Treasury"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "", "answerText" : {"_value" : "
DHSC hold policy responsibility for social care and review the social care allowances, including the Minimum Income Guarantee, annually.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Steve Barclay"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "North East Cambridgeshire"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Steve Barclay"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2020-03-09", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2020-03-09T17:15:04.697Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "14"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Treasury"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Treasury"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2020-03-03", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Personal Income"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, pursuant to the Answer of 27 February 2020 to Question 19979 on Personal Income, if he will make an estimate the cost to the public purse of an increase in the nationally mandated rate by the rate of inflation.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for James Wild"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "North West Norfolk"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "James Wild"}
], "uin" : "24446"}
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