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"date" : {"_value" : "2014-03-19", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "dateTabled" : {"_value" : "2014-03-19", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "ddpCreated" : {"_value" : "2014-03-19T22:50:38.843Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "ddpModified" : {"_value" : "2015-02-07T02:50:11.610Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "humanIndexable" : {"_value" : "true", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "identifier" : {"_value" : "192846"} , "legislature" : ["http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259"], "parliamentNumber" : "55", "published" : {"_value" : "true", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "publisher" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2014-03-26T12:00:00.00Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ], "questionText" : "To ask the Attorney General, what plans the Crown Prosecution Service has to change or upgrade the tablet computers provided to its prosecutors.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "session" : ["2013/14"], "sessionNumber" : {"_value" : "3"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1536", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Emily Thornberry"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Islington South and Finsbury"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Emily Thornberry"} ], "title" : "House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2013/14 192846", "type" : "http://data.parliament.uk/schema/parl#WrittenParliamentaryQuestion", "uin" : "192846", "version" : "1", "writtenParliamentaryQuestionType" : "Ordinary"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/43926", "AnswerDate" : {"_value" : "2014-03-24", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Attorney General"} ], "QuestionStatus" : {"_value" : "Tabled"} , "answer" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/43926/answer", "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "88"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Attorney General"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Attorney 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Service in each of the last three years and in 2013-14 to date; how many such cautions were breached; how many prosecutions of such breaches there were; in how many cases the conditional caution was varied; and in how many cases no action was taken.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "session" : ["2013/14"], "sessionNumber" : {"_value" : "3"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1536", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Emily Thornberry"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Islington South and Finsbury"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Emily Thornberry"} ], "title" : "House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2013/14 192845", "type" : "http://data.parliament.uk/schema/parl#WrittenParliamentaryQuestion", "uin" : "192845", "version" : "1", "writtenParliamentaryQuestionType" : "Ordinary"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/43928", "AnswerDate" : {"_value" : 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