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The Government is working closely with local authorities required to take action under the UK plan for tackling roadside nitrogen dioxide concentrations. Bespoke advice, expertise and funding has already been provided. There is regular engagement with the local authorities and the Government is committed to continuing to support local authorities with specific advice, expertise and funding targeted at each area throughout the production and implementation of their local plans.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4098", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Dr Thérèse Coffey"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Suffolk Coastal"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Dr Thérèse Coffey"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-10-11", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "groupedQuestionUIN" : {"_value" : "105494"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-10-11T16:37:29.07Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "13"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2017-10-06", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Motor Vehicles: Exhaust Emissions"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, with reference to his Department's strategy, UK plan for tackling roadside nitrogen dioxide concentrations, published in July 2017, when his Department plans to issue guidance to local authorities; and if he will make that guidance publicly available.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1491", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Kerry McCarthy"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Bristol East"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Kerry McCarthy"} ], "type" : "http://data.parliament.uk/schema/parl#WrittenParliamentaryQuestion", "uin" : "105493"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/420295", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Transport"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/420295/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "
The certification of aero-engines is primarily the responsibility of the certification authority for the state of manufacture. In Europe this is the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) who also have oversight of engines certified in other regions that expect to be registered in the UK or any other European country. We are in discussion with EASA as to how we might be reassured that the results for aviation certifications are robust. The certification requirement for Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), Carbon Monoxide and unburnt hydrocarbon is based on operating the engine on a test bed at different thrust settings to simulate the landing and take-off phases of flight below 3000 feet. The visible smoke test identifies the worst case condition for smoke. A new standard for CO2 emissions from aircraft is being developed and is expected to assess the cruise emissions as this phase dominates total fuel burn. EASA certification engineers would verify the fuel burn on tightly controlled test flights. The Secretary of State informed the Transport Select Committee on 12th October that the current focus of the Government\u2019s investigation into the use of defeat devices is focussed on cars and light commercial vehicles.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1562", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Sir Robert Goodwill"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Scarborough and Whitby"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Mr Robert Goodwill"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2015-10-15", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "groupedQuestionUIN" : [{"_value" : "11164"} , {"_value" : "11165"} ], "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2015-10-15T13:47:08.277Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "27"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2015-10-09", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Motor Vehicles: Exhaust Emissions"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if he will include aero-engines in the scope of his inquiry into whether car manufacturers in the UK have been using emission cheat devices.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4062", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Richmond Park"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Zac Goldsmith"} ], "type" : "http://data.parliament.uk/schema/parl#WrittenParliamentaryQuestion", "uin" : "11163"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/419999", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/419999/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "
The projections modelled in the draft plans were based on road transport emission factors from COPERT (Computer Programme to calculate Emissions from Road Transport). These take into account the gap between real world emissions and those from testing.<\/p>"} , "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4137", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Rory Stewart"} } , "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Penrith and The Border"} , "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Rory Stewart"} , "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2015-10-19", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2015-10-19T10:36:40.907Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} ]} , "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "13"} , "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"} , "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"} , "date" : {"_value" : "2015-10-09", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} , "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Motor Vehicles: Exhaust Emissions"} , "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"} , "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"} } ], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, if her Department will revise its consultation paper on air quality draft plans, published on 12 September 2015, to take into account findings by the US Environmental Protection Agency of car manufacturers cheating in vehicle emissions tests.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4062", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park"} } , "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Richmond Park"} , "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Zac Goldsmith"} ], "type" : "http://data.parliament.uk/schema/parl#WrittenParliamentaryQuestion", "uin" : "11166"} , {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/421183", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Transport"} ], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/421183/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : "
<\/strong><\/p> In the UK, the Vehicle Certification Agency conducts tests on vehicles and components to ensure they meet the minimum standards required by European and UN-ECE legislation.<\/p> Emissions tests are carried out to determine that the level of pollutants emitted from a vehicle is below the required limits. The test is a laboratory based test under controlled conditions in order to achieve repeatable results.<\/p> The Department for Transport recognises the current test cycle for emissions is outdated and no longer represents normal driving patterns. Discussions have taken place over recent years to replace this with an updated more relevant laboratory test. The Department anticipates this will be implemented from 2017. In addition, a new real world driving emissions test is being implemented to ensure emissions in normal driving comply with the legal obligation. These new tests will remove the ability of car manufacturers to falsify test results.<\/p> All new vehicles are tested in accordance with EU law to ensure that they meet the legislated requirements for emissions. There is no evidence that these emissions tests have been falsified in the UK.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/3996", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Andrew Jones"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Harrogate and Knaresborough"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Andrew Jones"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2015-10-16", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2015-10-16T12:47:47.603Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "27"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2015-10-13", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Motor Vehicles: Exhaust Emissions"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps his Department plans to take to ensure that automotive manufacturers have not falsified emissions data in the same manner as Volkswagen has done.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/1447", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Andrew Rosindell"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Romford"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Andrew Rosindell"}
], "type" : "http://data.parliament.uk/schema/parl#WrittenParliamentaryQuestion", "uin" : "11659"}
, {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/802236", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Transport"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/802236/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : " We continue to press manufacturers to rectify failings where vehicles on the road, even some of the newest models, show harmful emissions levels significantly greater than the laboratory test limits. Some manufacturers have committed to offering voluntary software changes to EU5 and EU6 vehicles to improve their real world performance and we are encouraging other manufacturers to do the same.<\/p> <\/p> In the Autumn Budget, Government announced supplements to Vehicle Excise Duty and Company Car Tax for new diesel cars not certified to step 2 of Real Driving Emissions (RDE2) standards \u2013 also known as Euro-6d. These supplements provide strong incentives for manufacturers to innovate and adopt cleaner technologies on an accelerated basis.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/3991", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Jesse Norman"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Hereford and South Herefordshire"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Jesse Norman"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-12-14", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-12-14T15:10:12.63Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "27"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2017-12-06", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Motor Vehicles: Exhaust Emissions"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps is he taking to encourage the car industry to tackle air pollution.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4491", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Vicky Foxcroft"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Lewisham, Deptford"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Vicky Foxcroft"}
], "type" : "http://data.parliament.uk/schema/parl#WrittenParliamentaryQuestion", "uin" : "117923"}
, {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/802695", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/802695/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : " Defra works closely with the Department for Transport in tackling the shared challenges of improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This includes regular discussions at Ministerial and official level. Last year we established a Joint Air Quality Unit, staffed by members of both Departments, which is responsible for driving delivery of the UK plan for tackling roadside nitrogen dioxide concentrations.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4098", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Dr Thérèse Coffey"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Suffolk Coastal"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Dr Thérèse Coffey"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2017-12-12", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2017-12-12T11:32:32.983Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "13"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2017-12-07", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Motor Vehicles: Exhaust Emissions"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, what recent discussions he has had with the Secretary of State for Transport on reducing roadside emissions.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4061", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Bill Esterson"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Sefton Central"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Bill Esterson"}
], "type" : "http://data.parliament.uk/schema/parl#WrittenParliamentaryQuestion", "uin" : "118244"}
, {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/833770", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Transport"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/833770/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : " All vehicles must meet strict emission standards before they enter use and emissions from private cars are then checked at the annual MoT for cars of 3 years age and older.<\/p> <\/p> Smoky lorries and buses can be reported by telephone via DVSA\u2019s national number, online via GOV.UK or by sending an email. DVSA will then send a letter to the registered keeper of the vehicle as recorded on the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency\u2019s database. The letter is also copied to the remote enforcement office at DVSA. The operator is then required to undergo an emissions test and submit the results to DVSA\u2019s enforcement team.<\/p> <\/p> The Government currently has no plans to extend the ability to report suspected excessive lorry and bus exhaust emissions to private cars and motorcycles. It remains the user\u2019s responsibility to ensure the vehicle continues to meet these emissions standards at all times while in use.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/3991", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Jesse Norman"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Hereford and South Herefordshire"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Jesse Norman"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2018-02-05", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2018-02-05T14:03:12.33Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "27"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2018-01-30", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Motor Vehicles: Exhaust Emissions"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether he plans to extend the ability to report excessive emissions at present applied to buses and commercial vehicles to private cars and motorcycles; and if he will make a statement.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/252", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Dr David Drew"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Stroud"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Dr David Drew"}
], "type" : "http://data.parliament.uk/schema/parl#WrittenParliamentaryQuestion", "uin" : "125528"}
, {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/862303", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Transport"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/862303/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : " The Government\u2019s Consultation Principles replaced the previous Code of Practice in July 2012. The latest version dated 14 January 2016 requires that \u201cConsultations should last for a proportionate amount of time\u201d. In this case, the proposals were the subject of informal discussion between the UK motor industry and the department\u2019s technical experts prior to the consultation launch.<\/p> <\/p> <\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/3991", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Jesse Norman"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Hereford and South Herefordshire"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Jesse Norman"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2018-03-19", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2018-03-19T15:00:27.09Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "27"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2018-03-14", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Motor Vehicles: Exhaust Emissions"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of Transport, for what reasons his Department's consultation entitled Road Vehicles Improving Air quality and Safety has run for a period of four weeks rather than the 12 weeks recommended in the Code of Practice on Consultation.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4649", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Thelma Walker"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Colne Valley"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Thelma Walker"}
], "type" : "http://data.parliament.uk/schema/parl#WrittenParliamentaryQuestion", "uin" : "132722"}
, {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/864308", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Transport"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/864308/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : " The proposals would have no effect on the owners of kit cars that are already registered, as the new requirements apply only to newly constructed and unregistered vehicles. Full consideration is being given to the representations received from the public consultation.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4039", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Lord Johnson of Marylebone"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Orpington"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Joseph Johnson"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2018-03-20", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2018-03-20T13:30:51.497Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "27"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2018-03-15", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Motor Vehicles: Exhaust Emissions"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what assessment the Government has made of the potential effect on kit car owners of the implementation of proposals on emissions in paragraph 4.11 of the consultation on Road vehicles: Improving air quality and safety.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4466", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Peter Grant"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Glenrothes"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Peter Grant"}
], "type" : "http://data.parliament.uk/schema/parl#WrittenParliamentaryQuestion", "uin" : "132792"}
, {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/869431", "AnsweringBody" : [{"_value" : "Department for Transport"}
], "answer" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/869431/answer", "answerText" : {"_value" : " As part of the work to establish clean air zones, it may be necessary for some local authorities to implement local charging schemes for certain vehicles. We are therefore developing the necessary infrastructure to support charging schemes, which includes working with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency on how owners of affected vehicles could check to see whether or not a charge is applicable.<\/p>"}
, "answeringMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/3991", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Jesse Norman"}
, "answeringMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Hereford and South Herefordshire"}
, "answeringMemberPrinted" : {"_value" : "Jesse Norman"}
, "dateOfAnswer" : {"_value" : "2018-03-27", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "isMinisterialCorrection" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "questionFirstAnswered" : [{"_value" : "2018-03-27T14:28:43.773Z", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "answeringDeptId" : {"_value" : "27"}
, "answeringDeptShortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "answeringDeptSortName" : {"_value" : "Transport"}
, "date" : {"_value" : "2018-03-22", "_datatype" : "dateTime"}
, "hansardHeading" : {"_value" : "Motor Vehicles: Exhaust Emissions"}
, "houseId" : {"_value" : "1"}
, "legislature" : [{"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/terms/25259", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "House of Commons"}
], "questionText" : "To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what plans he has to introduce an online emissions standard system for drivers to check the euro emissions standard of their vehicle; and if he will make a statement.", "registeredInterest" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"}
, "tablingMember" : {"_about" : "http://data.parliament.uk/members/4269", "label" : {"_value" : "Biography information for Andy McDonald"}
, "tablingMemberConstituency" : {"_value" : "Middlesbrough"}
, "tablingMemberPrinted" : [{"_value" : "Andy McDonald"}
], "type" : "http://data.parliament.uk/schema/parl#WrittenParliamentaryQuestion", "uin" : "133945"}
], "itemsPerPage" : 10, "next" : "https://eldaddp.azurewebsites.net/answeredquestions.text?_page=1&_view=AnsweredQuestions&_properties=type.&_sort=uin&hansardHeading=Motor%20Vehicles:%20Exhaust%20Emissions&max-answer.dateOfAnswer=2018-11-20", "page" : 0, "startIndex" : 1, "totalResults" : 95, "type" : "http://purl.org/linked-data/api/vocab#Page"}