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registered interest false more like this
date less than 2017-06-22more like thismore than 2017-06-22
answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Gas Fired Power Stations more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, what the total installed generating capacity is of those gas-powered generating stations which have been constructed in England since 2000. more like this
tabling member constituency Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East more like this
tabling member printed
Stuart C. McDonald remove filter
uin 553 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2017-06-28more like thismore than 2017-06-28
answer text <p>The current total installed generating capacity of gas-powered generating stations which have been constructed in England since 2000 is 12,611 MW.</p><p>This information is publicly available as part of DUKES (Digest of UK Energy Statistics) at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> more like this
answering member constituency Watford more like this
answering member printed Richard Harrington more like this
question first answered
less than 2017-06-28T12:53:25.76Zmore like thismore than 2017-06-28T12:53:25.76Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Harrington of Watford more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Stuart C McDonald more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2017-06-22more like thismore than 2017-06-22
answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Hydroelectric Power: Scotland more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, how many renewable obligation certificates have been issued to date to accredited Scottish hydro stations built before 2000; and of those, how many were issued to hydro stations that, before 2000, had a generating capacity calculated in excess of 20MWs, but were subsequently calculated as having a net capacity of less than 20MWs. more like this
tabling member constituency Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East more like this
tabling member printed
Stuart C. McDonald remove filter
uin 835 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2017-06-28more like thismore than 2017-06-28
answer text <p>The Department does not hold this information. However, between 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2017, a total of 21.97 million Renewables Obligation Certificates (ROCs) were issued to accredited Scottish hydro stations that commissioned before 2000.<sup><sup>[1]</sup></sup></p><p>Hydro stations with a declared net capacity of above 20MW which first commissioned on or before 1 April 2002 are not eligible for ROCs.</p><p> </p><p>[1] Data is not held on build dates. The figure for total ROCs issued is based on those issued and not subsequently revoked for stations that commissioned up to the end of 1999. The commissioning data is taken from Ofgem’s RO accredited stations report at: <a href=";ReportVisibility=1&amp;ReportCategory=1" target="_blank">;ReportVisibility=1&amp;ReportCategory=1</a></p><p>The number of ROCs issued to these stations from 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2006 comes from Ofgem’s spreadsheets at: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> . Data from 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2017 comes from Ofgem’s certificates report at: <a href=";ReportVisibility=1&amp;ReportCategory=2" target="_blank">;ReportVisibility=1&amp;ReportCategory=2</a></p><p>Both data sources were accessed on 23 June 2017. No information is available on previous capacity before the stations accredited under the RO.</p>
answering member constituency Watford more like this
answering member printed Richard Harrington more like this
question first answered
less than 2017-06-28T12:51:08.343Zmore like thismore than 2017-06-28T12:51:08.343Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Harrington of Watford more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Stuart C McDonald more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2017-07-10more like thismore than 2017-07-10
answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Post Offices: Bank Services more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, whether he has received any representations on the Post Office's planned operation of Transcash in 2017-18. more like this
tabling member constituency Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East more like this
tabling member printed
Stuart C. McDonald remove filter
uin 3839 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2017-07-14more like thismore than 2017-07-14
answer text <p>The Department has not received any representation on the Post Office’s operation of Santander’s Transcash service in 2017-18.</p><p> </p><p> </p> more like this
answering member constituency Stourbridge more like this
answering member printed Margot James more like this
question first answered
less than 2017-07-14T08:29:09.77Zmore like thismore than 2017-07-14T08:29:09.77Z
answering member
label Biography information for Margot James more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Stuart C McDonald more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-03-02more like thismore than 2018-03-02
answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Skilled Workers: EU Nationals more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, what steps he is taking to ensure skilled EU professionals have their professional qualifications recognised after the UK leaves the EU. more like this
tabling member constituency Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East more like this
tabling member printed
Stuart C. McDonald remove filter
uin 130706 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-03-09more like thismore than 2018-03-09
answer text <p>The UK Government has agreed to protect the rights of EU citizens in the UK and UK nationals in the EU under the Withdrawal Agreement. This includes the continued recognition of EU qualifications, where recognition decisions were received or where recognition procedures were ongoing before the withdrawal date and where an EU citizen is resident in the UK on the date of withdrawal (and vice versa). The government has stated that it will seek to agree a continued system for the recognition of professional qualifications as part of the future economic partnership, and we hope to begin this phase of negotiations shortly.</p><p> </p> more like this
answering member constituency Burton more like this
answering member printed Andrew Griffiths more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-03-09T12:10:12.727Zmore like thismore than 2018-03-09T12:10:12.727Z
answering member
label Biography information for Andrew Griffiths more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Stuart C McDonald more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-06-13more like thismore than 2018-06-13
answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Wylfa Power Station more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, what assessment his Department made of Hitachi’s nuclear power safety record in advance of considering private sector involvement in the Wylfa nuclear project. more like this
tabling member constituency Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East more like this
tabling member printed
Stuart C. McDonald remove filter
uin 153322 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-06-20more like thismore than 2018-06-20
answer text <p>Nuclear power is proven technology with modern reactors capable of producing safe and secure low carbon electricity over many decades. Reactors deployed in the UK must meet the robust independent regulatory requirements which include early assessment of the safety, security and environmental impacts of reactor designs through the Generic Design Assessment (GDA), prior to any application for a site-specific statutory Nuclear Site Licence. This is a robust process, taking several years which ensures that all aspects of new station design are thoroughly assessed prior to construction and operation.</p><p> </p><p>Hitachi’s UK ABWR reactor design completed GDA in December 2017 and full details of that assessment are available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> .</p> more like this
answering member constituency Watford more like this
answering member printed Richard Harrington more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-06-20T16:31:13.377Zmore like thismore than 2018-06-20T16:31:13.377Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Harrington of Watford more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Stuart C McDonald more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-06-13more like thismore than 2018-06-13
answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Sizewell C Power Station more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, what discussions his Department had with representatives of EDF Energy on funding options for Sizewell C nuclear power station in Suffolk. more like this
tabling member constituency Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East more like this
tabling member printed
Stuart C. McDonald remove filter
uin 153323 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-06-20more like thismore than 2018-06-20
answer text <p>The Government regularly engages with a number of new build developers on a range of issues relevant to delivering new nuclear projects including financing. These discussions are commercially sensitive and it is therefore not appropriate to provide details.</p> more like this
answering member constituency Watford more like this
answering member printed Richard Harrington more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-06-20T16:31:39.097Zmore like thismore than 2018-06-20T16:31:39.097Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Harrington of Watford more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Stuart C McDonald more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-06-13more like thismore than 2018-06-13
answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Bradwell B Power Station: Environment more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, what assessment his Department has made of the environmental effect of Bradwell B nuclear plant in Essex. more like this
tabling member constituency Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East more like this
tabling member printed
Stuart C. McDonald remove filter
uin 153324 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-06-20more like thismore than 2018-06-20
answer text <p>As part of the process to designate a National Policy Statement (NPS) for nuclear power generation in 2011, the Government undertook a strategic siting assessment of potentially suitable sites, including an Appraisal of Sustainability. The conclusions of these assessments were included in an annex to the final NPS. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p><p>The Government is working towards a new NPS for nuclear power stations deploying after 2025 and intends to consult on a draft NPS in 2019. Siting assessments and Appraisals of Sustainability will be undertaken for those sites listed in the draft NPS.</p><p> </p><p>CGN’s UK HPR1000 reactor, which is proposed for deployment at Bradwell, commenced the GDA process in January 2017. More information can be found at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. The GDA is a robust process conducted jointly by the Office of Nuclear Regulation and the Environment Agency over many years, ensuring that all aspects of new station design, including safety, security and environmental impacts, are properly assessed prior to construction and operation.</p>
answering member constituency Watford more like this
answering member printed Richard Harrington more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-06-20T16:32:02.947Zmore like thismore than 2018-06-20T16:32:02.947Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Harrington of Watford more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Stuart C McDonald more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-06-13more like thismore than 2018-06-13
answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Nuclear Power Stations: Construction more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, what discussions his Department has had it's counterpart in South Korea on (a) new nuclear power stations in the UK and (b) funding options for Moorside project in Cumbria. more like this
tabling member constituency Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East more like this
tabling member printed
Stuart C. McDonald remove filter
uin 153325 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-06-20more like thismore than 2018-06-20
answer text <p>The Government regularly engages with a number of new build developers on a range of issues relevant to delivering new nuclear projects including financing. These discussions are commercially sensitive and it is therefore not appropriate to provide details.</p> more like this
answering member constituency Watford more like this
answering member printed Richard Harrington more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-06-20T16:32:21.977Zmore like thismore than 2018-06-20T16:32:21.977Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Harrington of Watford more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Stuart C McDonald more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-06-13more like thismore than 2018-06-13
answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Sellafield more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, what assessment his Department has made of the (a) availability and (b) reliability of financial backers for Moorside nuclear reactor in Cumbria. more like this
tabling member constituency Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East more like this
tabling member printed
Stuart C. McDonald remove filter
uin 153326 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-06-21more like thismore than 2018-06-21
answer text <p>The availability and reliability of financial backers for the Moorside nuclear project is a commercial matter for Toshiba, who own NuGen, the developer of the Moorside site.</p><p> </p><p>We continue to engage closely with NuGen, as we do for other new build developers on a range of issues relevant to delivering new nuclear projects.</p> more like this
answering member constituency Watford more like this
answering member printed Richard Harrington more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-06-21T12:43:39.383Zmore like thismore than 2018-06-21T12:43:39.383Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Harrington of Watford more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Stuart C McDonald more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-06-13more like thismore than 2018-06-13
answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Sellafield more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, what discussions his Department has had with (a) it's Chinese counterpart and (b) representatives of State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation on the Moorside nuclear reactor project in Cumbria. more like this
tabling member constituency Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East more like this
tabling member printed
Stuart C. McDonald remove filter
uin 153327 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-06-20more like thismore than 2018-06-20
answer text <p>The Department has engaged with a number of parties with respect to the proposed sale of NuGen, developers of the proposed Moorside project in Cumbria. These discussions are commercially sensitive so we are unable to provide details.</p> more like this
answering member constituency Watford more like this
answering member printed Richard Harrington more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-06-20T16:32:43.76Zmore like thismore than 2018-06-20T16:32:43.76Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Harrington of Watford more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Stuart C McDonald more like this