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star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2022-05-18more like thismore than 2022-05-18
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Department of Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property hansard heading Children: Speech and Language Disorders more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
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star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, how many children are assessed using his Department’s Early Language Intervention Measure as a proportion of children undergoing the Healthy Child Programme 2 / 2½ year Review. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Mansfield more like this
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Ben Bradley remove filter
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star this property uin 4677 more like this
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star this property is ministerial correction false more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2022-05-31more like thismore than 2022-05-31
star this property answer text <p>The information requested is not currently held centrally. The guidance supporting the Early Language Intervention Measure (ELIM) and Intervention recommends that local areas record the use of ELIM within a child’s electronic health record and this practice is being implemented locally.</p><p> </p> more like this
star this property answering member constituency Erewash more like this
star this property answering member printed Maggie Throup more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2022-05-31T15:33:15.357Zmore like thismore than 2022-05-31T15:33:15.357Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Maggie Throup more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Ben Bradley more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2022-03-29more like thismore than 2022-03-29
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Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport more like this
star this property answering dept id 10 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Digital, Culture, Media and Sport more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Digital, Culture, Media and Sport more like this
star this property hansard heading Listed Buildings: Empty Property more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
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star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, whether she has made an assessment of the potential merits of withdrawing listed status from buildings that have been left derelict for long periods, in order to facilitate regeneration or development. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Mansfield more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Ben Bradley remove filter
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star this property uin 149361 more like this
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star this property is ministerial correction false more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2022-04-05more like thismore than 2022-04-05
star this property answer text <p>The Secretary of State has a duty under Section1 of the Planning Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Act 1990 to list buildings of special architectural and historic interest. Buildings that have been left derelict for long periods of time may still meet the statutory criteria for listing. Delisting just in circumstances where a building has been left to disrepair would not be appropriate.</p><p>Local Authorities have powers to take action where a designated heritage asset has deteriorated to the extent that its preservation may be at risk. This includes undertaking urgent works and recovering those costs, as well as compulsory acquisition, including provisions for minimum compensation where an owner has deliberately allowed a building to fall into disrepair in order to justify its demolition and secure permission for redevelopment of the site. Listed buildings represent some of our most significant heritage assets and should not be neglected by owners.</p><p> </p> more like this
star this property answering member constituency Mid Worcestershire more like this
star this property answering member printed Nigel Huddleston more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2022-04-05T12:01:35.197Zmore like thismore than 2022-04-05T12:01:35.197Z
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star this property label Biography information for Nigel Huddleston more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Ben Bradley more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2022-02-18more like thismore than 2022-02-18
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Treasury more like this
star this property answering dept id 14 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Treasury more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Treasury more like this
star this property hansard heading Spirits: Imports more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
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star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, if he will provide data on UK import of spirits from (a) the USA, (b) France, (c) Germany and (d) other EU member states for each year between 2016 and 2021. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Mansfield more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Ben Bradley remove filter
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star this property uin 125460 more like this
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star this property is ministerial correction false more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2022-02-25more like thismore than 2022-02-25
star this property answer text <p>HM Revenue &amp; Customs (HMRC) is responsible for the collection and publication of data on imports and exports of goods to and from the UK. HMRC releases this information monthly, as a National Statistic called the Overseas Trade in Goods Statistics (OTS), which is available via their dedicated website (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>). From this website, it is possible to <a href="" target="_blank">build your own data tables</a> based upon bespoke search criteria.</p><p> </p><p>Trade data related to “spirits – beverages” is publicly available on <a href=";;sdata=rKB3ATdT6AxnuRNmLzNDCjdMPPUi8XKTNq0emWZeK6g%3D&amp;reserved=0" target="_blank"></a> under commodity code heading 22 of the Trade Tariff.</p><p> </p><p>The site also contains a ‘Help’ function with information on how to extract trade data. Further assistance can also be obtained via the Customer Services team on phone number: 03000 594 250 or email: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
star this property answering member constituency Faversham and Mid Kent more like this
star this property answering member printed Helen Whately more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2022-02-25T14:38:45.46Zmore like thismore than 2022-02-25T14:38:45.46Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Helen Whately more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Ben Bradley more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2022-02-02more like thismore than 2022-02-02
star this property answering body
Department of Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property hansard heading Food: Advertising more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
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star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, whether he plans to take steps to mitigate the impact of advertising, promotion and placement restrictions on products that are high in fat, salt and sugar on businesses and jobs in the food and drink manufacturing industry. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Mansfield more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Ben Bradley remove filter
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star this property uin 122819 more like this
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star this property is ministerial correction false more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2022-02-23more like thismore than 2022-02-23
star this property answer text <p>The impact assessments for restricting promotions and further advertising restrictions for products high in fat, salt and sugar show a positive net present value for each policy, meaning the health benefits outweigh the costs to business and Government.</p><p> </p><p>Following feedback in response to the public consultations on specific policy proposals on the promotions and placement policy, we have extended the implementation period to October 2022 and included an exemption for micro and small businesses and exempted stores below 185.8 square metres from the location restrictions. On the new advertising restrictions, we have included an exemption for small and medium businesses, brand advertising is out of scope and the online restrictions are limited to paid-for advertising, meaning owned media is out of scope.</p> more like this
star this property answering member constituency Erewash more like this
star this property answering member printed Maggie Throup more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2022-02-23T16:33:02.79Zmore like thismore than 2022-02-23T16:33:02.79Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Maggie Throup more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Ben Bradley more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2022-01-25more like thismore than 2022-01-25
star this property answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
star this property answering dept id 201 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
star this property hansard heading Fossil Fuels more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, with reference to the evolving security situation between the Ukraine and Russia, what steps he has taken to ensure the security of the UK's domestic (a) oil and (b) gas supply. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Mansfield more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Ben Bradley remove filter
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star this property uin 111696 more like this
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star this property is ministerial correction false more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2022-02-02more like thismore than 2022-02-02
star this property answer text <p>The UK has strong oil and gas security of supply.</p><p> </p><p>The UK participates in a global market for crude oil and petroleum products and is a significant producer of both. UK demand is met by a combination of domestic production and imports from a diverse range of reliable suppliers led by North America and Norway.</p><p> </p><p>The UK’s gas system has delivered securely to date and is expected to continue to function well. We meet around half of our supply from the UK Continental Shelf and the vast majority of our imports come from reliable suppliers such as Norway. Less than 3% of our gas supply in 2020 was sourced from Russia via Liquified Natural Gas. There is no direct pipeline between the UK and Russia.</p> more like this
star this property answering member constituency Chelsea and Fulham more like this
star this property answering member printed Greg Hands more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2022-02-02T16:39:07.4Zmore like thismore than 2022-02-02T16:39:07.4Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Greg Hands more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Ben Bradley more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2021-07-08more like thismore than 2021-07-08
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Department of Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property hansard heading Coronavirus: Air Pollution more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
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star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, pursuant to the Answer of 11 May 2021 to Question 496 on Coronavirus: Disease Control, whether the UK Health and Safety Laboratory has made an assessment of the potential merits of using hyrodxyl free radical air purification technologies to help stop the primary cause of covid-19 virus transmission via aerosol and water droplets; which companies provided the technology that was used in the assessments of the potential merits of those technologies that has already been undertaken by (a) SAGE and (b) Public Health England; and what the process is for third parties to be able to present to Government the potential use of their technology and credentials to support the undertaking of such assessments. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Mansfield more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Ben Bradley remove filter
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star this property uin 29887 more like this
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star this property is ministerial correction false more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2022-04-08more like thismore than 2022-04-08
star this property answer text <p>The UK Health and Safety Laboratory conducted a small pilot study of a number of technologies used as ‘air purifiers’ as a preliminary indication of the potential for these systems to improve air quality. However, this pilot preceded the COVID-19 pandemic and therefore did not focus on airborne virus control.</p><p> </p><p>While the Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies undertook a review of existing evidence on the application of UV disinfection, visible light, local air filtration and fumigation technologies to microbial control, it did not make an assessment of technologies supplied by companies. In our earlier answer to Question 496, we stated that Public Health England undertook an assessment of such technologies. However, this information was incorrect and we have amended the record by Written Ministerial Statement on 1 March 2022 <a href=";;sdata=UbDXZQq48LESuf7K4DTkqM%2FURfdzBbX7bWN2KPcxy7w%3D&amp;reserved=0" target="_blank">HCWS648</a>.</p><p> </p><p>The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) accepts submissions from companies for technologies and associated credentials. Interested parties can contact UKHSA directly to provide further information on the potential use of such technologies.</p>
star this property answering member constituency Erewash more like this
star this property answering member printed Maggie Throup more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2022-04-08T09:49:48.09Zmore like thismore than 2022-04-08T09:49:48.09Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Maggie Throup more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Ben Bradley more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2021-06-22more like thismore than 2021-06-22
star this property answering body
Department for Work and Pensions more like this
star this property answering dept id 29 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Work and Pensions more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Work and Pensions more like this
star this property hansard heading Coronavirus: Disease Control more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
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star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, what assessment her Department has made of the potential merits of companies' covid-19 risk assessments including provision of covid-19 fogging equipment. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Mansfield more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Ben Bradley remove filter
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star this property uin 20497 more like this
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star this property is ministerial correction false more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2021-06-29more like thismore than 2021-06-29
star this property answer text <p>COVID-19 risk assessments fall under the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) remit. As each workplace is different, it is for an employer to identify, as part of their risk assessment, how to control COVID-19 transmission. Guidance has been produced by HSE that gives advice and information to employers on how to do such an assessment and manage the risk from COVID-19 in a proportionate manner. <a href="" target="_blank">Risk assessment - Working safely during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (</a></p><p>Frequent surface cleaning is one of several control measures that can be implemented to manage the transmission risk. Fog, mist, vapour or UV (ultraviolet) treatments may be suitable options to help control the spread of coronavirus and disinfecting a larger space or room when people are not present. Any use of these treatments for these purposes should form part of your <a href="" target="_blank">COVID-19 risk assessment</a>. Users must be <a href="" target="_blank">competent and properly trained</a>. HSE provides guidance on its website as to when using these systems may be appropriate. Airborne disinfection does not remove the need for surface cleaning and surfaces that are dirty can reduce the effectiveness of disinfectant applied by airborne dispersion.</p><p>HSE and public health bodies in England, Wales and Scotland have agreed joint advice for dutyholders considering using walk-through spraying or misting disinfecting systems to reduce transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). Spraying people with disinfectants in this way is not recommended under any circumstances (including in a tunnel, cabinet, or chamber). For further information see: <a href="" target="_blank">Disinfecting using fog, mist and other systems during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic - HSE news</a></p>
star this property answering member constituency Mid Sussex more like this
star this property answering member printed Mims Davies more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2021-06-29T16:47:14.777Zmore like thismore than 2021-06-29T16:47:14.777Z
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star this property label Biography information for Mims Davies more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Ben Bradley more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2021-03-15more like thismore than 2021-03-15
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Department of Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property hansard heading Food: Advertising more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
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star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what provisions will be made in the NHS Reform Bill to ensure that the effect on businesses is considered in the restriction on advertising of foods high in fat, sugar and salt; and if he will make a statement. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Mansfield more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Ben Bradley remove filter
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star this property uin 169026 more like this
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star this property is ministerial correction false more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2021-03-23more like thismore than 2021-03-23
star this property answer text <p>‘Integration and innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all’, published on 11 February 2021, confirmed the Government’s intention to introduce further advertising restrictions to prohibit advertisements for products high in fat, sugar or salt (HFSS) being shown on TV before 9pm. In November and December 2020, we consulted on how to go further and implement an online restriction for HFSS advertisements. Depending on the outcome of this consultation, it is our intention to take forward further online advertising restrictions simultaneously in this legislation.</p><p> </p><p>We carefully consider all views and potential impacts of our measures to reduce obesity. This includes feedback from a wide range of experts and stakeholders on specific policy proposals and in response to our public consultations. The final impact assessments on the proposals to restrict the promotion of foods HFSS by location and by volume is available at the following link:</p><p> </p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p> </p><p>The developmental impact assessment on further advertising restrictions on TV and online was published alongside the 2019 consultation on this policy. This is available at the following link:</p><p> </p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p> </p><p>An evidence note was published alongside the consultation on the proposal to introduce a total restriction of online advertising for HFSS products. This builds on the impact assessment that accompanied the 2019 consultation. This is available at the following link:</p><p> </p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p> </p><p>We will publish the final impact assessment on further advertising restrictions on TV and online alongside the full response to the consultation shortly and this will feed into the wider impact assessment for the Health and Care Bill.</p>
star this property answering member constituency Bury St Edmunds more like this
star this property answering member printed Jo Churchill more like this
star this property grouped question UIN 169027 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2021-03-23T15:43:16.813Zmore like thismore than 2021-03-23T15:43:16.813Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Jo Churchill more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Ben Bradley more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2021-03-15more like thismore than 2021-03-15
star this property answering body
Department of Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property hansard heading Food: Advertising more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what assessment he has made of the effect on (a) investment in the UK food manufacturing sector and (b) employment in that sector of the restrictions proposed on promotions, placement and advertising to reduce the rates of obesity in the UK in the policy paper Tackling obesity: empowering adults and children to live healthier lives, and if he will make a statement. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Mansfield more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Ben Bradley remove filter
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star this property uin 169027 more like this
star this property answer
star this property is ministerial correction false more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2021-03-23more like thismore than 2021-03-23
star this property answer text <p>‘Integration and innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all’, published on 11 February 2021, confirmed the Government’s intention to introduce further advertising restrictions to prohibit advertisements for products high in fat, sugar or salt (HFSS) being shown on TV before 9pm. In November and December 2020, we consulted on how to go further and implement an online restriction for HFSS advertisements. Depending on the outcome of this consultation, it is our intention to take forward further online advertising restrictions simultaneously in this legislation.</p><p> </p><p>We carefully consider all views and potential impacts of our measures to reduce obesity. This includes feedback from a wide range of experts and stakeholders on specific policy proposals and in response to our public consultations. The final impact assessments on the proposals to restrict the promotion of foods HFSS by location and by volume is available at the following link:</p><p> </p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p> </p><p>The developmental impact assessment on further advertising restrictions on TV and online was published alongside the 2019 consultation on this policy. This is available at the following link:</p><p> </p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p> </p><p>An evidence note was published alongside the consultation on the proposal to introduce a total restriction of online advertising for HFSS products. This builds on the impact assessment that accompanied the 2019 consultation. This is available at the following link:</p><p> </p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p> </p><p>We will publish the final impact assessment on further advertising restrictions on TV and online alongside the full response to the consultation shortly and this will feed into the wider impact assessment for the Health and Care Bill.</p>
star this property answering member constituency Bury St Edmunds more like this
star this property answering member printed Jo Churchill more like this
star this property grouped question UIN 169026 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2021-03-23T15:43:16.86Zmore like thismore than 2021-03-23T15:43:16.86Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Jo Churchill more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Ben Bradley more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2020-12-10more like thismore than 2020-12-10
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Department for Education more like this
star this property answering dept id 60 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Education more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Education more like this
star this property hansard heading Pupil Premium more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
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star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what assessment he has made of the adequacy of funding allocated to the pupil premium to cover a potential increase in the number of pupils becoming eligible for free school meals in 2021. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Mansfield more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Ben Bradley remove filter
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star this property uin 128256 more like this
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star this property is ministerial correction false more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2020-12-18more like thismore than 2020-12-18
star this property answer text <p>On 17 December, the Government announced that the pupil premium will continue in 2021-22 with the same per pupil funding rates as in 2020-21. The rates are £1,345 per eligible primary pupil, and £955 in secondary.</p><p>We will use the October 2020 census to calculate individual school-level allocations. This will ensure that children who have become eligible for free school meals as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak will attract pupil premium funding from April 2021. As a result, pupil premium funding is expected to increase to over £2.5 billion in 2021-22.</p><p>We are committed to levelling up opportunities to make sure everyone has a fair chance to realise their potential and no-one is left behind. The pupil premium furthers this objective by helping schools improve the academic attainment and wider outcomes of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.</p><p> </p><p> </p> more like this
star this property answering member constituency Bognor Regis and Littlehampton more like this
star this property answering member printed Nick Gibb more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2020-12-18T14:35:37.547Zmore like thismore than 2020-12-18T14:35:37.547Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Nick Gibb more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Ben Bradley more like this