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human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-09-19more like thismore than 2024-09-19
date less than 2024-09-05more like thismore than 2024-09-05
date tabled less than 2024-09-05more like thismore than 2024-09-05
ddp created less than 2024-09-05T19:41:26.907Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-05T19:41:26.907Z
answering body
Department for Education more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 60 more like this
answering dept short name Education more like this
answering dept sort name Education more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-09-05T19:45:24.816Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-05T19:45:24.816Z
less than 2024-09-25T08:48:04.668Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-25T08:48:04.668Z
hansard heading Adoption more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL781 more like this
parliament number 59 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-09-25T08:47:17.143Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-25T08:47:17.143Z
question text To ask His Majesty's Government whether they have met, or have plans to meet with, the Movement for an Adoption Apology; and whether they have any plans to move for apologising for historic forced adoptions that during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, which affected more than 215,000 women and their children. more like this
2024/25 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle remove filter
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 HL781 more like this
uin HL781 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-09-19more like thismore than 2024-09-19
date less than 2024-09-05more like thismore than 2024-09-05
date tabled less than 2024-09-05more like thismore than 2024-09-05
ddp created less than 2024-09-05T19:41:28.420Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-05T19:41:28.420Z
answering body
Department of Health and Social Care more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 17 more like this
answering dept short name Health and Social Care more like this
answering dept sort name Health and Social Care more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-09-05T19:45:28.458Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-05T19:45:28.458Z
less than 2024-09-12T16:38:03.676Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-12T16:38:03.676Z
hansard heading Infant Foods: Labelling more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL782 more like this
parliament number 59 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-09-12T16:37:09.843Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-12T16:37:09.843Z
question text To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the accuracy and compliance of baby milk powder labels with existing regulatory requirements, and what plans they have to bring the law into compliance with WHO provisions on the marketing of infant formula. more like this
2024/25 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle remove filter
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 HL782 more like this
uin HL782 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-09-19more like thismore than 2024-09-19
date less than 2024-09-05more like thismore than 2024-09-05
date tabled less than 2024-09-05more like thismore than 2024-09-05
ddp created less than 2024-09-05T19:41:29.960Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-05T19:41:29.960Z
answering body
Ministry of Defence more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 11 more like this
answering dept short name Defence more like this
answering dept sort name Defence more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-09-05T19:45:30.692Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-05T19:45:30.692Z
less than 2024-09-19T14:58:07.958Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-19T14:58:07.958Z
hansard heading Egypt: World War I more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL783 more like this
parliament number 59 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-09-19T14:57:18.037Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-19T14:57:18.037Z
question text To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Goldie on 25 January 2023 (HL4903), what progress they have made towards (1) identifying and marking the graves of Egyptians who died serving the UK during the First World War, including in the Egyptian Labour Corps, and (2) recovering the records of all Egyptians who served with UK forces. more like this
2024/25 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle remove filter
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 HL783 more like this
uin HL783 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-09-19more like thismore than 2024-09-19
date less than 2024-09-05more like thismore than 2024-09-05
date tabled less than 2024-09-05more like thismore than 2024-09-05
ddp created less than 2024-09-05T19:41:31.700Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-05T19:41:31.700Z
answering body
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 13 more like this
answering dept short name Environment, Food and Rural Affairs more like this
answering dept sort name Environment, Food and Rural Affairs more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-09-05T19:45:32.902Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-05T19:45:32.902Z
less than 2024-09-16T16:01:05.702Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-16T16:01:05.702Z
hansard heading Trifluoromethane more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL784 more like this
parliament number 59 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-09-16T16:00:54.043Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-16T16:00:54.043Z
question text To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the extent to which the release of trifluoromethane (HFC-23) from manufacturing and other processes within the UK is being prevented in line with the 2016 Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol; and what steps they are taking internationally to support and move towards such measures being taken around the world. more like this
2024/25 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle remove filter
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 HL784 more like this
uin HL784 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-09-19more like thismore than 2024-09-19
date less than 2024-09-05more like thismore than 2024-09-05
date tabled less than 2024-09-05more like thismore than 2024-09-05
ddp created less than 2024-09-05T19:41:33.243Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-05T19:41:33.243Z
answering body
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 13 more like this
answering dept short name Environment, Food and Rural Affairs more like this
answering dept sort name Environment, Food and Rural Affairs more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-09-05T19:45:35.263Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-05T19:45:35.263Z
less than 2024-09-17T14:11:03.673Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-17T14:11:03.673Z
hansard heading Fluorinated Gases: Regulation more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL785 more like this
parliament number 59 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-09-17T14:10:40.45Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-17T14:10:40.45Z
question text To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Benyon on 16 March 2023 (HL6230), what progress has been made in the review of the F-gas regulations, both (1) generally, and (2) with regard to the greenhouse gas sulphur hexafluoride (SF6); what steps they are taking in reducing its carbon footprint in electricity transmission, distribution, and hydronic heat pump equipment; and how they intend to ensure that expansion of the electricity grid does not increase carbon emissions through increased use of fluorinated greenhouse gases. more like this
2024/25 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle remove filter
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 HL785 more like this
uin HL785 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-08-13more like thismore than 2024-08-13
date less than 2024-07-30more like thismore than 2024-07-30
date tabled less than 2024-07-30more like thismore than 2024-07-30
ddp created less than 2024-07-30T19:27:14.793Zmore like thismore than 2024-07-30T19:27:14.793Z
answering body
Department for Business and Trade more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 214 more like this
answering dept short name Business and Trade more like this
answering dept sort name Business and Trade more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-07-30T19:35:30.385Zmore like thismore than 2024-07-30T19:35:30.385Z
less than 2024-08-13T14:46:04.841Zmore like thismore than 2024-08-13T14:46:04.841Z
hansard heading Business: Environment Protection and Human Rights more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL483 more like this
parliament number 59 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-08-13T14:45:25.507Zmore like thismore than 2024-08-13T14:45:25.507Z
question text To ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have for a public consultation on the need to introduce legislation to prevent corporate human rights and environmental harms and to ensure proper remedy for those affected by such harms. more like this
2024/25 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle remove filter
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 HL483 more like this
uin HL483 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-08-13more like thismore than 2024-08-13
date less than 2024-07-30more like thismore than 2024-07-30
date tabled less than 2024-07-30more like thismore than 2024-07-30
ddp created less than 2024-07-30T19:27:17.597Zmore like thismore than 2024-07-30T19:27:17.597Z
answering body
Department for Business and Trade more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 214 more like this
answering dept short name Business and Trade more like this
answering dept sort name Business and Trade more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-07-30T19:35:32.822Zmore like thismore than 2024-07-30T19:35:32.822Z
less than 2024-08-13T14:39:04.730Zmore like thismore than 2024-08-13T14:39:04.730Z
hansard heading Business: Sustainable Development more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL484 more like this
parliament number 59 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-08-13T14:38:33.057Zmore like thismore than 2024-08-13T14:38:33.057Z
question text To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the EU’s Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence, and whether they plan to introduce a comparable law in the UK. more like this
2024/25 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle remove filter
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 HL484 more like this
uin HL484 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-08-13more like thismore than 2024-08-13
date less than 2024-07-30more like thismore than 2024-07-30
date tabled less than 2024-07-30more like thismore than 2024-07-30
ddp created less than 2024-07-30T19:27:21.077Zmore like thismore than 2024-07-30T19:27:21.077Z
answering body
Ministry of Justice more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 54 more like this
answering dept short name Justice more like this
answering dept sort name Justice more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-07-31T12:55:07.709Zmore like thismore than 2024-07-31T12:55:07.709Z
less than 2024-08-05T10:22:05.276Zmore like thismore than 2024-08-05T10:22:05.276Z
hansard heading UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL485 more like this
parliament number 59 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-08-05T10:21:45.333Zmore like thismore than 2024-08-05T10:21:45.333Z
question text To ask His Majesty's Government when they will respond to the UN Committee for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights "List of issues in relation to the seventh periodic report of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"; and what other related actions are planned. more like this
2024/25 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle remove filter
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 HL485 more like this
uin HL485 more like this
version 2 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-08-13more like thismore than 2024-08-13
date less than 2024-07-30more like thismore than 2024-07-30
date tabled less than 2024-07-30more like thismore than 2024-07-30
ddp created less than 2024-07-30T19:27:24.480Zmore like thismore than 2024-07-30T19:27:24.480Z
answering body
Department for Business and Trade more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 214 more like this
answering dept short name Business and Trade more like this
answering dept sort name Business and Trade more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-07-30T19:35:37.864Zmore like thismore than 2024-07-30T19:35:37.864Z
less than 2024-08-13T11:06:05.902Zmore like thismore than 2024-08-13T11:06:05.902Z
hansard heading Business: Human Rights more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL486 more like this
parliament number 59 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-08-13T11:05:08.647Zmore like thismore than 2024-08-13T11:05:08.647Z
question text To ask His Majesty's Government whether they plan to convene a cross-department unit on business and human rights. more like this
2024/25 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle remove filter
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 HL486 more like this
uin HL486 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-08-13more like thismore than 2024-08-13
date less than 2024-07-30more like thismore than 2024-07-30
date tabled less than 2024-07-30more like thismore than 2024-07-30
ddp created less than 2024-07-30T19:27:27.197Zmore like thismore than 2024-07-30T19:27:27.197Z
answering body
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 13 more like this
answering dept short name Environment, Food and Rural Affairs more like this
answering dept sort name Environment, Food and Rural Affairs more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-07-30T19:35:40.394Zmore like thismore than 2024-07-30T19:35:40.394Z
less than 2024-08-05T09:57:04.382Zmore like thismore than 2024-08-05T09:57:04.382Z
hansard heading Pesticides: Regulation more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL487 more like this
parliament number 59 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-08-05T09:56:13.8Zmore like thismore than 2024-08-05T09:56:13.8Z
question text To ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have to impose restrictions on the sale of herbicides, insecticides, nematicides, fungicides or other pesticides to domestic users. more like this
2024/25 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle remove filter
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 HL487 more like this
uin HL487 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle more like this