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<p>Ensuring a stronger, more democratic and more prosperous Eastern neighbourhood
remains a priority for Her Majesty's Government. We recognise that a thriving civil
society and strong, independent institutions are key to achieving these objectives.
The Government is already providing targeted assistance to Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine
through its Global Britain, Good Governance and Conflict, Stability and Security Funds
and will commit over £17 million towards these countries this year.</p><p>In Belarus,
the UK is funding a number of projects on human rights and economic reform. This includes
projects on improved access to justice for children, preventing domestic violence
and improved transparency in financial reporting of state-owned enterprises.</p><p>In
Moldova, the UK is providing support to civil society on local government accountability
and independent media. We are also providing support to State institutions, especially
in the financial and banking sectors.</p><p>In Ukraine, the UK is providing programme
assistance to institutions including the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Cabinet
of Ministers, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade,
and the Ukrainian Public Broadcaster. Projects also include support for civil society
in monitoring government and increasing democratic inclusion.</p>