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human indexable true more like this
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answer date less than 2014-11-10more like thismore than 2014-11-10
date remove maximum value filtermore like thismore than 2014-10-27
date tabled less than 2014-10-27more like thismore than 2014-10-27
ddp created less than 2014-10-27T23:21:21.323Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-27T23:21:21.323Z
ddp modified less than 2015-02-06T19:19:04.390Zmore like thismore than 2015-02-06T19:19:04.390Z
answering body
Department for Work and Pensions more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 29 more like this
answering dept short name Work and Pensions more like this
answering dept sort name Work and Pensions more like this
hansard heading Food Banks more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL2415 more like this
parliament number 55 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-11-04T14:50:14.1847305Zmore like thismore than 2014-11-04T14:50:14.1847305Z
question text To ask Her Majesty’s Government what estimate they have made of the percentage of people using food banks who also receive benefits; and whether they have any plans to discuss the matter with the organisers of food banks or to adapt benefits to take account of the situation. more like this
2014/15 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Gould of Potternewton more like this
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2014/15 HL2415 more like this
uin HL2415 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Gould of Potternewton more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Gould of Potternewton more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2014-11-10more like thismore than 2014-11-10
date remove maximum value filtermore like thismore than 2014-10-27
date tabled less than 2014-10-27more like thismore than 2014-10-27
ddp created less than 2014-10-27T23:21:22.023Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-27T23:21:22.023Z
ddp modified less than 2015-02-06T19:19:05.747Zmore like thismore than 2015-02-06T19:19:05.747Z
answering body
Department for Communities and Local Government more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 7 more like this
answering dept short name Communities and Local Government more like this
answering dept sort name Communities and Local Government more like this
hansard heading Refuges more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL2416 more like this
parliament number 55 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-31T14:59:13.6647764Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-31T14:59:13.6647764Z
question text To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of the research conducted by Women's Aid on the number of women's refuge spaces for victims of domestic violence; and what plans they have to support the remaining women's refuge centres in dealing with increased demand for their services. more like this
2014/15 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2014/15 HL2416 more like this
uin HL2416 more like this
version 2 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2014-11-10more like thismore than 2014-11-10
date remove maximum value filtermore like thismore than 2014-10-27
date tabled less than 2014-10-27more like thismore than 2014-10-27
ddp created less than 2014-10-27T23:21:22.523Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-27T23:21:22.523Z
ddp modified less than 2015-02-06T19:19:07.120Zmore like thismore than 2015-02-06T19:19:07.120Z
answering body
Department for Communities and Local Government more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 7 more like this
answering dept short name Communities and Local Government more like this
answering dept sort name Communities and Local Government more like this
hansard heading Refuges: South West more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL2417 more like this
parliament number 55 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-31T14:59:14.4929117Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-31T14:59:14.4929117Z
question text To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of research conducted by Women's Aid on the number of bed spaces for victims of domestic violence in the south west of England; and what assessment they have made of the impact on any shortfall on the existing services in Stroud. more like this
2014/15 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2014/15 HL2417 more like this
uin HL2417 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2014-11-10more like thismore than 2014-11-10
date remove maximum value filtermore like thismore than 2014-10-27
date tabled less than 2014-10-27more like thismore than 2014-10-27
ddp created less than 2014-10-27T23:21:22.837Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-27T23:21:22.837Z
ddp modified less than 2015-02-06T19:19:08.570Zmore like thismore than 2015-02-06T19:19:08.570Z
answering body
Department for Communities and Local Government more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 7 more like this
answering dept short name Communities and Local Government more like this
answering dept sort name Communities and Local Government more like this
hansard heading Refuges more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL2418 more like this
parliament number 55 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-31T14:59:14.6362762Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-31T14:59:14.6362762Z
question text To ask Her Majesty’s Government how much funding was allocated to women's refuge centres in (1) May 2010, and (2) September 2014. more like this
2014/15 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2014/15 HL2418 more like this
uin HL2418 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2014-11-10more like thismore than 2014-11-10
date remove maximum value filtermore like thismore than 2014-10-27
date tabled less than 2014-10-27more like thismore than 2014-10-27
ddp created less than 2014-10-27T23:21:23.133Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-27T23:21:23.133Z
ddp modified less than 2015-02-06T19:19:09.913Zmore like thismore than 2015-02-06T19:19:09.913Z
answering body
Department for Communities and Local Government more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 7 more like this
answering dept short name Communities and Local Government more like this
answering dept sort name Communities and Local Government more like this
hansard heading Refuges more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL2419 more like this
parliament number 55 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-31T14:59:14.7768604Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-31T14:59:14.7768604Z
question text To ask Her Majesty’s Government how many women's refuge centres were open in (1) May 2010, and (2) September 2014. more like this
2014/15 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2014/15 HL2419 more like this
uin HL2419 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2014-11-10more like thismore than 2014-11-10
date remove maximum value filtermore like thismore than 2014-10-27
date tabled less than 2014-10-27more like thismore than 2014-10-27
ddp created less than 2014-10-27T23:21:23.443Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-27T23:21:23.443Z
ddp modified less than 2015-02-06T19:19:11.237Zmore like thismore than 2015-02-06T19:19:11.237Z
answering body
Department for Communities and Local Government more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 7 more like this
answering dept short name Communities and Local Government more like this
answering dept sort name Communities and Local Government more like this
hansard heading Refuges more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL2420 more like this
parliament number 55 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-31T14:59:14.9196327Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-31T14:59:14.9196327Z
question text To ask Her Majesty’s Government what are the names and locations of all women's refuge centres in the United Kingdom. more like this
2014/15 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2014/15 HL2420 more like this
uin HL2420 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2014-11-10more like thismore than 2014-11-10
date remove maximum value filtermore like thismore than 2014-10-27
date tabled less than 2014-10-27more like thismore than 2014-10-27
ddp created less than 2014-10-27T23:21:24.007Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-27T23:21:24.007Z
ddp modified less than 2015-02-06T19:19:12.563Zmore like thismore than 2015-02-06T19:19:12.563Z
answering body
Department for Communities and Local Government more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 7 more like this
answering dept short name Communities and Local Government more like this
answering dept sort name Communities and Local Government more like this
hansard heading Refuges more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL2421 more like this
parliament number 55 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-31T14:59:15.1803352Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-31T14:59:15.1803352Z
question text To ask Her Majesty’s Government whether they have any plans to create a national network of women's refuges for victims of domestic violence. more like this
2014/15 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2014/15 HL2421 more like this
uin HL2421 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Royall of Blaisdon more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2014-11-10more like thismore than 2014-11-10
date remove maximum value filtermore like thismore than 2014-10-27
date tabled less than 2014-10-27more like thismore than 2014-10-27
ddp created less than 2014-10-27T23:21:24.303Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-27T23:21:24.303Z
ddp modified less than 2015-02-06T19:19:13.843Zmore like thismore than 2015-02-06T19:19:13.843Z
answering body
Department for Education more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 60 more like this
answering dept short name Education more like this
answering dept sort name Education more like this
hansard heading Academies more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL2422 more like this
parliament number 55 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-11-03T14:16:55.3064532Zmore like thismore than 2014-11-03T14:16:55.3064532Z
question text To ask Her Majesty’s Government whether the terms of the Academies Financial Handbook allow an academy chain to outsource all non-teaching staff to a profit-making provider. more like this
2014/15 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Jones of Whitchurch more like this
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2014/15 HL2422 more like this
uin HL2422 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Jones of Whitchurch more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Jones of Whitchurch more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2014-11-10more like thismore than 2014-11-10
date remove maximum value filtermore like thismore than 2014-10-27
date tabled less than 2014-10-27more like thismore than 2014-10-27
ddp created less than 2014-10-27T23:21:24.553Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-27T23:21:24.553Z
ddp modified less than 2015-02-06T19:19:15.187Zmore like thismore than 2015-02-06T19:19:15.187Z
answering body
Department for Education more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 60 more like this
answering dept short name Education more like this
answering dept sort name Education more like this
hansard heading Languages: Primary Education more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL2423 more like this
parliament number 55 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-11-03T17:32:12.7551203Zmore like thismore than 2014-11-03T17:32:12.7551203Z
question text To ask Her Majesty’s Government what overall assessment will be made of the quality of foreign language teaching in primary schools following such teaching becoming compulsory in September 2014. more like this
2014/15 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Jones of Whitchurch more like this
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2014/15 HL2423 more like this
uin HL2423 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Jones of Whitchurch more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Jones of Whitchurch more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2014-11-10more like thismore than 2014-11-10
date remove maximum value filtermore like thismore than 2014-10-27
date tabled less than 2014-10-27more like thismore than 2014-10-27
ddp created less than 2014-10-27T23:21:24.800Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-27T23:21:24.800Z
ddp modified less than 2015-02-06T19:19:16.467Zmore like thismore than 2015-02-06T19:19:16.467Z
answering body
Department for Education more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 60 more like this
answering dept short name Education more like this
answering dept sort name Education more like this
hansard heading Languages: Primary Education more like this
house id 2 more like this
identifier HL2424 more like this
parliament number 55 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-11-03T17:36:25.6382601Zmore like thismore than 2014-11-03T17:36:25.6382601Z
question text To ask Her Majesty’s Government whether they have plans to provide additional training and resources to support primary school teachers teaching foreign languages. more like this
2014/15 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member printed
Baroness Jones of Whitchurch more like this
title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2014/15 HL2424 more like this
uin HL2424 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Baroness Jones of Whitchurch more like this
publisher 25277
tabling member
label Biography information for Baroness Jones of Whitchurch more like this