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<p>The Home Office does not routinely publish data on its inspection activity.</p><p><br>Local
Authorities are actively engaged in the inspection and monitoring of properties used
by asylum seekers and we welcome their input and expertise. In the first instance
we expect Providers to develop close working relationships with Local Authorities
on property standards and in particular they must com-ply with local authority licensing
and regulation regimes. Where licences are applicable and issued the Local Authority
can and do inspect property stand-ards to ensure they comply.</p><p><br>We encourage
our Providers to take a proactive role in engaging Local Author-ities on property
standards and would expect that in the first instance that Pro-viders and local authorities
inspect jointly where that is required. This has in-cluded joint inspections with
over 25 Local Authorities over the last 12 months.</p><p><br>The offer to inspect
jointly with UKVI or the accommodation provider is open to all Local Authority areas
though we cannot compel them to do so. If Local Au-thorities feel they do not have
sufficient resource to inspect with UKVI, or the accommodation Provider, then the
Home Office is committed to using its re-source to inspect areas of concern and feedback
our findings.</p><p><br>As part of our Assurance Plan, we have offered a pilot to
three Local Authority areas in the Yorkshire and Humberside region. We will evaluate
their success and roll out any future programmes to all Local Authorities who wish
to take us up on that offer.</p>