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<p>Data on the number of children being educated at home are not collected centrally.</p><p>Parents
have a legal duty under Section 7 of the Education Act 1996 to ensure that a child
of compulsory school age receives an efficient and full-time education suitable to
its age, ability and aptitude, and any special education needs - either by regular
attendance at school or otherwise. ‘Otherwise’ includes education at home. There are
no other specific requirements relating to the content of such education, unless a
child has a statement of special educational needs or an Education and Health Care
Plan, which can specify that the child is being educated at home. If it does, the
local authority is under a duty to ensure the provision specified is made.</p><p>Parents
choosing to educate at home take on the responsibilities involved, including financial
responsibility. There is no entitlement to support. Some local authorities offer guidance,
and there are other organisations which offer guidance or provide part-time education
in specific subjects to supplement home education.</p>