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<p><del class="ministerial">The Government and local bodies together are investing
£1.7 billion of public money to support vital improvements in broadband services across
the UK. Superfast broadband coverage reached 95% of premises in December 2017 – up
from 45% in 2010. Many of the premises reached had exchange only lines.</del></p><p>
</p><p><del class="ministerial">For any premises not covered by superfast broadband,
as confirmed in our announcement in December 2017, we are pushing ahead with our plans
for a Universal Service Obligation (USO) so that by 2020 everyone across the UK will
have a clear, enforceable right to request 10 Megabit per second broadband.</del></p><p>
</p><p><del class="ministerial">Within London the Government expects superfast broadband
coverage to be provided by the private sector and is encouraging providers to tackle
remaining issues including exchange only lines.</del></p><p><ins class="ministerial">Consumers
can register their landline and mobile telephone numbers with the Telephone Preference
Service (TPS), which helps prevent them receiving unsolicited nuisance marketing calls.
The TPS is a free service and consumers can register at the following address:</ins><br
/></p><p><ins class="ministerial">In addition, phone companies provide consumers with
a range of services to protect them against nuisance calls. It is for phone companies
to decide whether to offer these services for free or for a charge. The Government
welcomes services being provided free, or at low cost, for the benefit of consumers.</ins></p><p>