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<p>Public Health England (PHE) has a comprehensive range of action aimed at reducing
the incidence and mortality from liver disease. It monitors the incidence, mortality
and outcomes of treatment for liver disease and the risk factors: alcohol obesity
and Hepatitis B and C. PHE has a wide range of action to tackle unhealthy alcohol
consumption, obesity and viral hepatitis through strengthening local action, promoting
healthy choices, and giving appropriate information to support healthier lives. <br>
<br> In response to the All Party Parliamentary Hepatology Group report PHE has committed
to producing a PHE Liver Disease Framework. This will focus on public health action
to tackle risk factors for liver disease and inequalities in relation to liver disease.
Work has already begun to bring together expertise within PHE on the major risk factors
for liver disease (alcohol, hepatitis B and C and obesity), data on liver disease
and its risk factors and on death and dying from liver disease. Many of the actions
to tackle the major risk factors require a coordinated approach between PHE and NHS
England.</p><p> </p><p><br> NHS England is responsible for delivering improvements
in outcomes against the NHS Mandate and in line with the NHS Outcomes Framework. NHS
England are adopting a broad strategy for delivering improvements in relation to premature
mortality, working with commissioners and PHE to support clinical commissioning groups
in understanding where local challenges lie and in identifying the evidence in relation
to the priorities for reducing mortality at a national level.</p><p> </p>