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<p>DFID has provided £83.5 million to the Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund (EHF) over the
last five years from the total DFID bilateral funding listed in the table below. In
2015/16, the EHF provided £29 million of life-saving support to 4.3 million people
during Ethiopia’s worst drought in 30 years. Approximately £4.4 million of this funding
was delivered by local and national NGOs.</p><p>In addition to our bilateral funding,
targeted support is being provided through DFID’s centrally managed Disasters Emergency
Preparedness Programme to deliver 5 projects supporting national and local NGOs in
Ethiopia to engage more effectively in humanitarian preparedness and response.</p><table><tbody><tr><td><p>Financial
Year</p></td><td><p>DFID bilateral programme outturn (in £s)</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>2015/16</p></td><td><p>336,426,000</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>2014/15</p></td><td><p>336,355,000</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>2013/14</p></td><td><p>284,360,000</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>2012/13</p></td><td><p>261,460,000</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p>
</p><p>Figures for financial year 2016/17 will be published in the DFID Annual Report
and accounts due for publication in Summer 2017.</p>