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<p>The Government sets noise-related restrictions at the noise-designated airports
(Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted) and ensures these airports assess their noise impacts
on an annual basis. For these designated airports, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
produces noise exposure contours. These inform Government of areas significantly affected
by aircraft movements, and therefore those communities most likely to suffer aircraft
noise-related health outcomes, which should be prioritised by policy interventions.</p><p>
</p><p>At other airports, restrictions are set locally, usually through the planning
system. It is the responsibility of the local planning authority to conduct any necessary
noise assessment and to enforce any restrictions.</p><p> </p><p>Major airports with
more than 50,000 movements per year are also obliged under the Environmental Noise
Regulations 2006, as amended, to produce noise maps and Noise Action Plans. Current
Noise Action Plans cover the period 2019-2023, while the next round of planning will
cover the period 2024-2028.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> </p>