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registered interest false more like this
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answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Solar Power: Housing more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, pursuant to the Answer of 23 July 2018 to Question 163508 on Housing: Solar Power and with reference to the Building Research Establishment's report, Fire and solar PV systems - recommendations for the photovoltaic industry, published on 17 July 2017, what steps his Department plans to take as a result of those recommendations. more like this
tabling member constituency Birmingham, Selly Oak more like this
tabling member printed
Steve McCabe more like this
uin 194025 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-11-26more like thismore than 2018-11-26
answer text <p>This interim report made recommendations to industry, standards bodies and training organisations for changes to further reduce the already very small risk of fires caused by solar photo-voltaic systems.</p><p> </p><p>Since its publication the BRE National Solar Centre has been working on behalf of the Department to ensure relevant bodies, such as the Microgeneration Certification Scheme, British Standards Institute and the International Electrotechnical Commission, are aware of the findings so they can take steps to update standards, guidance and advice accordingly.</p><p> </p><p>Most recently they held a workshop on 20<sup>th</sup> November, with relevant technical experts, to consider amongst other issues whether changes to building regulations might be required.</p> more like this
answering member constituency Devizes more like this
answering member printed Claire Perry more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-11-26T17:17:01.763Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-26T17:17:01.763Z
answering member
label Biography information for Claire Perry remove filter
tabling member
label Biography information for Lord McCabe more like this
registered interest false more like this
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answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Renewable Energy: Taiwan more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, what steps his Department is taking to co-operate with Taiwan on renewable energy; and whether his Department plans actively to engage with Taiwan’s delegation at the 24th Session of the Conference of the Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in December 2018. more like this
tabling member constituency Knowsley more like this
tabling member printed
Mr George Howarth more like this
uin 194065 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-11-29more like thismore than 2018-11-29
answer text <p>Cooperation on renewable energy forms part of the UK’s commercial and economic ties with Taiwan. In 2017 we agreed to initiate an official-level dialogue on energy as a component of the annual Trade Talks. The first meeting took place in June 2018 in London between officials from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Department for International Trade, and a delegation led by Taiwan’s Bureau of Energy. The dialogue focussed on renewable energy, particularly offshore wind, grid stability and smart energy systems. Both sides agreed that there was value in further dialogue and opportunities for businesses to work together on renewable energy.</p><p>Broader energy and climate change cooperation between the UK and Taiwan is part of our economic and commercial relationship. We expect this engagement to continue in the margins of the 24<sup>th</sup> Conference of the Parties under the UNFCCC next month, though no formal plans have yet been made. Broad cooperation is vital for tackling this global issue.</p>
answering member constituency Devizes more like this
answering member printed Claire Perry more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-11-29T14:33:41.263Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-29T14:33:41.263Z
answering member
label Biography information for Claire Perry remove filter
tabling member
label Biography information for Sir George Howarth more like this
registered interest false more like this
date remove filter
answering body
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept id 201 more like this
answering dept short name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
answering dept sort name Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy more like this
hansard heading Climate Change Convention more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, what discussions his Department has had with representatives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on the UK hosting the conference of parties to that convention in 2020. more like this
tabling member constituency Brighton, Pavilion more like this
tabling member printed
Caroline Lucas more like this
uin 194170 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-12-12more like thismore than 2018-12-12
answer text <p>As I have previously stated, the UK is engaging with partners to determine who is best placed to preside over the United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2020 (COP26). This has included discussions with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat to understand the scale of the undertaking. Whoever takes on the COP26 Presidency in 2020, will be working with a wide range of partners to ensure it is a success.</p> more like this
answering member constituency Devizes more like this
answering member printed Claire Perry more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-12-12T11:22:28.04Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-12T11:22:28.04Z
answering member
label Biography information for Claire Perry remove filter
tabling member
label Biography information for Caroline Lucas more like this