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star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest true more like this
star this property answer date less than 2019-01-08more like thismore than 2019-01-08
star this property date less than 2019-01-04more like thismore than 2019-01-04
star this property date tabled less than 2019-01-04more like thismore than 2019-01-04
star this property ddp created less than 2019-01-04T16:59:07.797Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-04T16:59:07.797Z
star this property answering body
Attorney General more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 88 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2019-01-04T17:07:42.593Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-04T17:07:42.593Z
less than 2019-01-14T12:58:01.447Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-14T12:58:01.447Z
star this property hansard heading Attorney General: Brexit more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 205326 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 57 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2019-01-14T12:26:03.2Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-14T12:26:03.2Z
star this property question text To ask the Attorney General, what estimate he has made of the additional staff required by his Department in the event that the UK leaves the EU (a) with and (b) without a deal. more like this
star this property session
2017/19 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Glasgow South West more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Chris Stephens more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 205326 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 205326 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Chris Stephens more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Chris Stephens more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2019-01-09more like thismore than 2019-01-09
star this property date less than 2019-01-07more like thismore than 2019-01-07
star this property date tabled less than 2019-01-07more like thismore than 2019-01-07
star this property ddp created less than 2019-01-07T23:00:27.000Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-07T23:00:27.000Z
star this property answering body
Attorney General more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 88 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2019-01-08T20:55:06.294Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-08T20:55:06.294Z
less than 2019-01-14T13:00:02.912Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-14T13:00:02.912Z
star this property hansard heading Offences against Children: Prosecutions more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 205993 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 57 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2019-01-14T12:28:46.093Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-14T12:28:46.093Z
star this property question text To ask the Attorney General, how many cases of sexual abuse of children by sports coaches are currently being prosecuted. more like this
star this property session
2017/19 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Tooting more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Dr Rosena Allin-Khan more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 205993 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 205993 more like this
star this property version 2 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Dr Rosena Allin-Khan more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Dr Rosena Allin-Khan more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2019-01-14more like thismore than 2019-01-14
star this property date less than 2019-01-09more like thismore than 2019-01-09
star this property date tabled less than 2019-01-09more like thismore than 2019-01-09
star this property ddp created less than 2019-01-09T21:31:47.367Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-09T21:31:47.367Z
star this property answering body
Attorney General more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 88 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2019-01-09T21:41:31.295Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-09T21:41:31.295Z
less than 2019-01-14T18:09:01.686Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-14T18:09:01.686Z
star this property hansard heading Brexit more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 206758 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 57 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2019-01-14T17:37:33.39Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-14T17:37:33.39Z
star this property question text To ask the Attorney General, if he will provide a written statement to the House on the legal implications of any potential changes the Government may negotiate to the Withdrawal Agreement with the EU in relation to the sovereignty of decision-making by Parliament on the Northern Irish backstop. more like this
star this property session
2017/19 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Birkenhead more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Frank Field more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 206758 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 206758 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Lord Field of Birkenhead more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Lord Field of Birkenhead more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2019-01-15more like thismore than 2019-01-15
star this property date less than 2019-01-10more like thismore than 2019-01-10
star this property date tabled less than 2019-01-10more like thismore than 2019-01-10
star this property ddp created less than 2019-01-10T20:09:56.077Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-10T20:09:56.077Z
star this property answering body
Attorney General more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 88 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2019-01-10T20:15:23.284Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-10T20:15:23.284Z
less than 2019-01-15T09:41:02.015Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-15T09:41:02.015Z
star this property hansard heading Barristers: Northern Ireland more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 207162 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 57 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2019-01-15T09:09:16.44Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-15T09:09:16.44Z
star this property question text To ask the Attorney General, how many people have been appointed as Queen's Counsel in Northern Ireland in the last three years. more like this
star this property session
2017/19 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency East Londonderry more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Mr Gregory Campbell more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 207162 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 207162 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Mr Gregory Campbell more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Mr Gregory Campbell more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2019-01-23more like thismore than 2019-01-23
star this property date less than 2019-01-21more like thismore than 2019-01-21
star this property date tabled less than 2019-01-21more like thismore than 2019-01-21
star this property ddp created less than 2019-01-21T22:39:28.557Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-21T22:39:28.557Z
star this property answering body
Attorney General more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 88 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2019-01-22T15:35:10.878Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-22T15:35:10.878Z
less than 2019-01-28T13:19:02.233Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-28T13:19:02.233Z
star this property hansard heading Money Laundering: Criminal Investigation more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 210428 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 57 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2019-01-28T12:47:13.37Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-28T12:47:13.37Z
star this property question text To ask the Attorney General, what assessment he has made of the adequacy of resources available to the Serious Fraud Office to undertake investigations into (a) Mukhtar Ablyazov and (b) other cases of large-scale international money laundering. more like this
star this property session
2017/19 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Luton North more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Kelvin Hopkins more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 210428 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 210428 more like this
star this property version 2 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Kelvin Hopkins more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Kelvin Hopkins more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2019-01-23more like thismore than 2019-01-23
star this property date less than 2019-01-21more like thismore than 2019-01-21
star this property date tabled less than 2019-01-21more like thismore than 2019-01-21
star this property ddp created less than 2019-01-21T22:39:30.883Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-21T22:39:30.883Z
star this property answering body
Attorney General more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 88 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2019-01-21T22:45:31.995Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-21T22:45:31.995Z
less than 2019-01-25T10:49:02.200Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-25T10:49:02.200Z
star this property hansard heading Serious Fraud Office more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 210429 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 57 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2019-01-25T10:18:04.543Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-25T10:18:04.543Z
star this property question text To ask the Attorney General, what his powers are in relation to the Serious Fraud Office. more like this
star this property session
2017/19 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Luton North more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Kelvin Hopkins more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 210429 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 210429 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Kelvin Hopkins more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Kelvin Hopkins more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2019-01-24more like thismore than 2019-01-24
star this property date less than 2019-01-21more like thismore than 2019-01-21
star this property date tabled less than 2019-01-21more like thismore than 2019-01-21
star this property ddp created less than 2019-01-21T22:39:40.163Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-21T22:39:40.163Z
star this property answering body
Attorney General more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 88 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2019-01-21T22:45:44.208Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-21T22:45:44.208Z
less than 2019-01-24T09:58:01.830Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-24T09:58:01.830Z
star this property hansard heading Bhanu Choudhrie and Sudhir Choudhrie more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 210433 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 57 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2019-01-24T09:26:50.407Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-24T09:26:50.407Z
star this property question text To ask the Attorney General, what representations the Serious Fraud Office has received on (a) Sudhir Choudhrie, (b) Bhanu Choudrie and (c) other related parties. more like this
star this property session
2017/19 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Luton North more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Kelvin Hopkins more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 210433 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 210433 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Kelvin Hopkins more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Kelvin Hopkins more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2019-01-23more like thismore than 2019-01-23
star this property date less than 2019-01-21more like thismore than 2019-01-21
star this property date tabled less than 2019-01-21more like thismore than 2019-01-21
star this property ddp created less than 2019-01-21T22:39:42.410Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-21T22:39:42.410Z
star this property answering body
Attorney General more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 88 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2019-01-21T22:45:47.351Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-21T22:45:47.351Z
less than 2019-01-23T15:27:29.326Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-23T15:27:29.326Z
star this property hansard heading Bhanu Choudhrie and Sudhir Choudhrie more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 210434 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 57 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2019-01-23T14:56:54.73Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-23T14:56:54.73Z
star this property question text To ask the Attorney General, what is the status of (a) SFO and (b) CPS investigations into (i) Sudhir Choudhrie, (ii) Bhanu Choudhrie and (iii) other related parties. more like this
star this property session
2017/19 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Luton North more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Kelvin Hopkins more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 210434 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 210434 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Kelvin Hopkins more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Kelvin Hopkins more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2019-01-24more like thismore than 2019-01-24
star this property date less than 2019-01-22more like thismore than 2019-01-22
star this property date tabled less than 2019-01-22more like thismore than 2019-01-22
star this property ddp created less than 2019-01-22T19:58:45.207Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-22T19:58:45.207Z
star this property answering body
Attorney General more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 88 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2019-01-22T20:17:29.394Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-22T20:17:29.394Z
less than 2019-01-30T18:11:16.325Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-30T18:11:16.325Z
star this property hansard heading Attorney General: Cleaning Services more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 211107 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 57 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2019-01-30T17:39:34.643Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-30T17:39:34.643Z
star this property question text To ask the Attorney General, which service providers are contracted to carry out third party cleaning contracts for his (a) Department and (b) executive agencies; if he will list all of the services delivered by third party contractors to his (i) Department and (ii) executive agencies; and how many people working for those third party contractors are paid less than the Living Wage as defined by the Living Wage Foundation. more like this
star this property session
2017/19 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Birkenhead more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Frank Field more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 211107 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 211107 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Lord Field of Birkenhead more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Lord Field of Birkenhead more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2019-01-28more like thismore than 2019-01-28
star this property date less than 2019-01-23more like thismore than 2019-01-23
star this property date tabled less than 2019-01-23more like thismore than 2019-01-23
star this property ddp created less than 2019-01-22T20:04:48.510Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-22T20:04:48.510Z
star this property answering body
Attorney General more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 88 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2019-01-24T15:55:06.410Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-24T15:55:06.410Z
less than 2019-01-28T15:19:09.608Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-28T15:19:09.608Z
star this property hansard heading Prosecutions more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 211357 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 57 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2019-01-28T14:47:55.007Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-28T14:47:55.007Z
star this property question text To ask the Attorney General, what discussions he has had with the Director of Public Prosecutions on the potential effect of the UK leaving the EU on the effective prosecution of criminals. more like this
star this property session
2017/19 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Slough more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Mr Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 211357 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 211357 more like this
star this property version 3 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Mr Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Mr Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi more like this