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registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-07-17more like thismore than 2018-07-17
answering body
Home Office more like this
answering dept id 1 more like this
answering dept short name Home Office more like this
answering dept sort name Home Office more like this
hansard heading UK Border Force: Staff more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, how many UK Border Force staff were employed at each UK (a) port and (b) airport in (i) 2012 and (ii) May 2018. more like this
tabling member constituency Kingston upon Hull East more like this
tabling member printed
Karl Turner more like this
uin 164993 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2019-01-15more like thismore than 2019-01-15
answer text <p>I refer the Hon. Member to the answer given to the Hon. Member for Westmorland and Lonsdale on the 7th February 2017, UIN 60627 for staffing from 2012 to 2015. The latest published staffing figures for Border Force can be found in the Home Office Annual Report for 2016 - 17.</p><p>Refer to link below: FY2016/17 – Page 66<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p>Data for staffing levels in 2017/18 will be available when the Annual Report for 2017 – 18 is published</p> more like this
answering member constituency Romsey and Southampton North more like this
answering member printed Caroline Nokes more like this
question first answered
less than 2019-01-15T17:05:58.167Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-15T17:05:58.167Z
answering member
label Biography information for Caroline Nokes more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Karl Turner more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-09-03more like thismore than 2018-09-03
answering body
Cabinet Office more like this
answering dept id 53 more like this
answering dept short name Cabinet Office more like this
answering dept sort name Cabinet Office more like this
hansard heading Lutfur Rahman more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office, which Government Minister authorised the press statement issued by the Cabinet Office Press Department on 15 July 2018 on the legal costs associated with the Tower Hamlets Election Court case against Lutfur Rahman. more like this
tabling member constituency Birkenhead more like this
tabling member printed
Frank Field more like this
uin 169062 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2019-01-10more like thismore than 2019-01-10
answer text <p>In order to satisfy the high volume and varied nature of media queries in a prompt manner, not all responses issued by departmental spokespeople to journalists are required to be individually approved by ministers. Information is routinely provided by government media officers to help journalists understand the policies and the background of the department’s policy</p> more like this
answering member constituency Norwich North more like this
answering member printed Chloe Smith more like this
question first answered
less than 2019-01-10T12:38:00.393Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-10T12:38:00.393Z
answering member
label Biography information for Chloe Smith more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Lord Field of Birkenhead more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-07-24more like thismore than 2018-07-24
answering body
Cabinet Office more like this
answering dept id 53 more like this
answering dept short name Cabinet Office more like this
answering dept sort name Cabinet Office more like this
hansard heading UK Relations with EU more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office, what discussions officials in his Department's Europe Unit had with representatives of EU member states and EU institutions prior to 12 July 2018 on the content of the White Paper on the future relationship between the UK and the EU. more like this
tabling member constituency Witham more like this
tabling member printed
Priti Patel more like this
uin 169344 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2019-01-07more like thismore than 2019-01-07
answer text <p>In the run up to the publication of the White Paper, there was regular engagement with our EU counterparts, but no copies were shared with other Member States.</p><p> </p><p>Work to support this required a cross-government effort, including close collaboration the Cabinet Office Europe Unit, the Department for Exiting the European Union and other Government departments.</p><p> </p> more like this
answering member constituency Aylesbury more like this
answering member printed Mr David Lidington more like this
question first answered
less than 2019-01-07T17:17:35.127Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-07T17:17:35.127Z
answering member
label Biography information for Sir David Lidington more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Priti Patel more like this
registered interest false more like this
date remove maximum value filtermore like thismore than 2018-11-05
answering body
Department for Work and Pensions more like this
answering dept id 29 more like this
answering dept short name Work and Pensions more like this
answering dept sort name Work and Pensions more like this
hansard heading Universal Credit more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, how many hours of training is planned to be given to her Department's decision-makers to identify people who may be vulnerable or have complex needs for the purposes of the universal credit managed migration. more like this
tabling member constituency Birmingham, Edgbaston more like this
tabling member printed
Preet Kaur Gill more like this
uin 188159 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2019-01-07more like thismore than 2019-01-07
answer text <p>All DWP staff working with customers complete training that prepares them for their role. This includes developing the skills they need to support and communicate with a diverse range of customers, and specific training is provided for working with different vulnerable groups.</p><p> </p><p>We are taking a slow, measured approach to managed migration and this will allow for on-going evaluation of the process to ensure that it is working successfully, which will enable us to refine our methods to support claimants.</p><p> </p><p>The revised draft regulations now before Parliament provide that we must give claimants a minimum of three months in which to make a claim for Universal Credit and sets no maximum period in which a claim must be made. With unlimited flexibility to extend claim periods we will work with representative groups to produce guidance that will ensure adequate support for each individual claimant’s needs.</p><p> </p><p>Decision makers and all our customer facing staff undertake learning related to supporting vulnerable claimants. Decision Makers receive 19.5 hours of training on dealing with vulnerable groups and line managers review whether there is a need to refresh the knowledge / learning with individuals where appropriate.</p>
answering member constituency Reading West more like this
answering member printed Alok Sharma more like this
question first answered
less than 2019-01-07T16:15:59.167Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-07T16:15:59.167Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Sharma more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Preet Kaur Gill more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-10-17more like thismore than 2018-10-17
answering body
Department for Work and Pensions more like this
answering dept id 29 more like this
answering dept short name Work and Pensions more like this
answering dept sort name Work and Pensions more like this
hansard heading Universal Credit more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, whether she plans to increase (a) universal and (b) other transitional support to help the transition to universal credit under managed migration. more like this
tabling member constituency Airdrie and Shotts more like this
tabling member printed
Neil Gray more like this
uin 180755 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2019-01-07more like thismore than 2019-01-07
answer text <p>We will identify those who, during the transition to Universal Credit under managed migration, will require additional support and, equally importantly, what that support should be. As we start to migrate claimants, we will do this in a gradual way, to learn from our approach and adapt it further to ensure it meets the needs of our vulnerable claimants.</p><p> </p><p>The Universal Credit (Managed Migration) 2018 regulations which have been laid before Parliament ensure that those living in temporary and supported accommodation will have access to transitional protection if they are managed migrated. These claimants will remain in receipt of their existing Housing Benefit while they continue to live in this form of accommodation and, therefore, no support paid for housing will be taken into account when considering if transitional protection should be awarded. This transitional protection is dependent on the Managed Migration regulations receiving Parliamentary approval.</p><p> </p><p>As announced in the 2018 Autumn Budget, the income related elements of Employment and Support Allowance and Jobseeker’s Allowance, and Income Support will continue for two weeks after a claim for Universal Credit has been made from July 2020. Claimants will therefore receive one two week run-on payment when being migrated to Universal Credit. Both of these measures are subject to parliamentary approval. These payments are in addition to the 2 week run-on of Housing Benefit to support claimants when they transition to Universal Credit, which we introduced in April 2018.</p><p><em> </em></p>
answering member constituency Reading West more like this
answering member printed Alok Sharma more like this
question first answered
less than 2019-01-07T16:15:27.607Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-07T16:15:27.607Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Sharma more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Neil Gray more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-10-22more like thismore than 2018-10-22
answering body
Department for Work and Pensions more like this
answering dept id 29 more like this
answering dept short name Work and Pensions more like this
answering dept sort name Work and Pensions more like this
hansard heading Universal Credit more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, how exceptional circumstances is defined when determining whether a universal credit claimant in receipt of a universal credit advance payment is eligible for the three-month discretionary period after the first universal credit instalment before repayments of that advance begin. more like this
tabling member constituency Garston and Halewood more like this
tabling member printed
Maria Eagle more like this
uin 182115 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2019-01-03more like thismore than 2019-01-03
answer text <p>The maximum value of an advance payment of Universal Credit is the claimant’s standard allowance plus any additional amounts to provide for extra needs such as housing, children or disability, up to 100% of the claimant’s indicative award and can be repaid over 12 months.</p><p>There is not a prescriptive list of exceptional circumstances to allow the deferral of the advance repayment. Consideration is given to whether the household would face genuine hardship.</p><p>During the recovery of the advance, exceptional circumstances may occur that were not foreseen when the advance was taken out. For example hospital visits resulting in unexpected and regular bus/taxi fares. If these circumstances push the claimant into genuine hardship resulting in difficulty repaying the advance over the agreed recovery time, a maximum 3 month deferral can be considered. Full recovery must currently be made within 12 months. However, from October 2021, the recovery period for advances will increase from 12 to 16 months.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
answering member constituency Reading West more like this
answering member printed Alok Sharma more like this
grouped question UIN 182114 more like this
question first answered
less than 2019-01-03T17:29:14.817Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-03T17:29:14.817Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Sharma more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Maria Eagle more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-10-22more like thismore than 2018-10-22
answering body
Department for Work and Pensions more like this
answering dept id 29 more like this
answering dept short name Work and Pensions more like this
answering dept sort name Work and Pensions more like this
hansard heading Universal Credit more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, what criteria her Department uses to calculate the value of an advance under universal credit provided to claimants awaiting their first universal credit instalment. more like this
tabling member constituency Garston and Halewood more like this
tabling member printed
Maria Eagle more like this
uin 182114 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2019-01-03more like thismore than 2019-01-03
answer text <p>The maximum value of an advance payment of Universal Credit is the claimant’s standard allowance plus any additional amounts to provide for extra needs such as housing, children or disability, up to 100% of the claimant’s indicative award and can be repaid over 12 months.</p><p>There is not a prescriptive list of exceptional circumstances to allow the deferral of the advance repayment. Consideration is given to whether the household would face genuine hardship.</p><p>During the recovery of the advance, exceptional circumstances may occur that were not foreseen when the advance was taken out. For example hospital visits resulting in unexpected and regular bus/taxi fares. If these circumstances push the claimant into genuine hardship resulting in difficulty repaying the advance over the agreed recovery time, a maximum 3 month deferral can be considered. Full recovery must currently be made within 12 months. However, from October 2021, the recovery period for advances will increase from 12 to 16 months.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
answering member constituency Reading West more like this
answering member printed Alok Sharma more like this
grouped question UIN 182115 more like this
question first answered
less than 2019-01-03T17:29:14.757Zmore like thismore than 2019-01-03T17:29:14.757Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Sharma more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Maria Eagle more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-10-31more like thismore than 2018-10-31
answering body
Home Office more like this
answering dept id 1 more like this
answering dept short name Home Office more like this
answering dept sort name Home Office more like this
hansard heading Immigration: EU Nationals more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if he will make it Government policy to enable employers to make (a) the required Settled Status payments directly to his Department on behalf of employees and (b) ensure that such support is not treated as a benefit in kind. more like this
tabling member constituency Linlithgow and East Falkirk more like this
tabling member printed
Martyn Day more like this
uin 186400 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-12-21more like thismore than 2018-12-21
answer text <p>It is a matter for individual employers as to whether they wish to pay the EU Settlement Scheme fee on behalf of an employee.</p><p>In terms of employers choosing to reimburse their staff for the cost of applying to the settlement scheme, taxation rules are not a matter for the Home Office. However, HMRC has advised that in situations like these, where an employer pays or reimburses their employees’ application costs, such a payment would be taxable as earnings from their employment and may also attract a National Insurance contributions (NICs) charge. However, employers can also choose to meet the cost of this tax and NICs charge for their employees. For many employers this can be managed within their existing arrangements with HMRC, using a PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA) which allows employers to make one annual payment to cover all the tax and NICs due on minor, irregular or impracticable expenses or benefits for their staff.</p> more like this
answering member constituency Romsey and Southampton North more like this
answering member printed Caroline Nokes more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-12-21T17:39:33.4Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-21T17:39:33.4Z
answering member
label Biography information for Caroline Nokes more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-10-30more like thismore than 2018-10-30
answering body
Home Office more like this
answering dept id 1 more like this
answering dept short name Home Office more like this
answering dept sort name Home Office more like this
hansard heading Home Office: Pay more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, how many staff in his Department are paid less than £10.20 per hour. more like this
tabling member constituency Glasgow East more like this
tabling member printed
David Linden more like this
uin 185778 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-12-21more like thismore than 2018-12-21
answer text <p>From April 2018, all employers in the UK were required to pay a new National Living Wage of £7.83 per hour. The Home Office pays all direct employees at least the statutory National Living Wage, regardless of age.</p><p>There are 987 direct employees of the Home Office who earn less than £8.75 per hour. This includes 103 apprentices and 884 staff on the National and London Provincial pay rates. No employees on the London Pay Rates receive less than £10.20 per hour.</p> more like this
answering member constituency Louth and Horncastle more like this
answering member printed Victoria Atkins more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-12-21T16:44:26.027Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-21T16:44:26.027Z
answering member
label Biography information for Victoria Atkins more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for David Linden more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-10-31more like thismore than 2018-10-31
answering body
Home Office more like this
answering dept id 1 more like this
answering dept short name Home Office more like this
answering dept sort name Home Office more like this
hansard heading Police more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, how many officers in (a) the Metropolitan Police and (b) other police forces are in teams working solely on preparing for the UK leaving the EU. more like this
tabling member constituency Sheffield, Heeley more like this
tabling member printed
Louise Haigh more like this
uin 186385 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-12-21more like thismore than 2018-12-21
answer text <p>Decisions on the use and deployment of resources are independent matters for individual Chief Constables. The Home Office does not centrally hold the information requested.</p> more like this
answering member constituency Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner more like this
answering member printed Mr Nick Hurd more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-12-21T16:39:14.443Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-21T16:39:14.443Z
answering member
label Biography information for Mr Nick Hurd more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Louise Haigh more like this