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registered interest true more like this
date less than 2014-10-22more like thismore than 2014-10-22
answering body
Attorney General more like this
answering dept id 88 more like this
answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
hansard heading Stalking more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Attorney General, how many employees of the Crown Prosecution Service have been trained on the law on stalking to date; and what further such training is planned. more like this
tabling member constituency Mid Bedfordshire more like this
tabling member printed
Nadine Dorries more like this
uin 211538 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2014-10-28more like thismore than 2014-10-28
answer text <p>The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has developed two online e-Learning courses on all types of stalking. The “Cyber Crime: Cyber Stalking” course includes cyber stalking, non-cyber stalking and harassment. The “Stalking and Harassment” course (which was released in April 2014) deals specifically with stalking and harassment offences.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The CPS maintains a central record of the number of employees who have been trained on the law on stalking by way of the e-Learning courses. 1581 of its employees in post on 23 October 2014 have completed all elements of either of the e-Learning courses in the period between 1 November 2012 (the month when the Cyber Stalking e-Learning module was revised to include the new stalking offences) and 23 October 2014.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>In October 2014 the CPS issued follow-up, face-to-face training material on the Stalking and Harassment offences. It can be used flexibly at a local CPS level; accordingly, its delivery is not recorded on a central database.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Although there are no current plans for new training products to be launched, the CPS will continue to train its staff in this critical area of work.</p><p> </p>
answering member constituency South Swindon more like this
answering member printed Mr Robert Buckland more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-28T13:15:18.0854691Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-28T13:15:18.0854691Z
answering member
label Biography information for Sir Robert Buckland more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Ms Nadine Dorries more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-11-09more like thismore than 2018-11-09
answering body
Attorney General more like this
answering dept id 88 more like this
answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
hansard heading Attorney General: Billing more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Attorney General, what proportion of contracts issued by his Department and contractors include provisions to impose, as between parties to the subcontract, that any payment due from the contractor to a subcontractor under the contract is to be made no later than the end of a period of 30 days from the date on which the relevant invoice is regarded as valid and undisputed, as required by the Public Contract Regulations 2015. more like this
tabling member constituency Hemsworth more like this
tabling member printed
Jon Trickett more like this
uin 189562 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-11-23more like thismore than 2018-11-23
answer text <p>Wherever possible the Attorney General’s Office and the Law Officers Departments (the Crown Prosecution Service, the Serious Fraud Office, The Government Legal Department and HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate) let contracts over £10,000 using call-off contracts from frameworks procured by the Crown Commercial Service (CCS). These frameworks include provision for payments to sub-contractors within 30 days of receipt of undisputed invoice.</p><p>Central records are not held for procurements partially, or fully, managed outside the procurement service. To confirm that these contracts include provisions for prompt payment of sub-contractor invoices would require a manual check of all procurement records, which would incur a disproportionate cost.</p> more like this
answering member constituency South Swindon more like this
answering member printed Robert Buckland more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-11-23T14:12:04.993Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-23T14:12:04.993Z
answering member
label Biography information for Sir Robert Buckland more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Jon Trickett more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-11-09more like thismore than 2018-11-09
answering body
Attorney General more like this
answering dept id 88 more like this
answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
hansard heading Crown Prosecution Service: Wales more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Attorney General, whether the Government has plans to close the Crown Prosecution Service office on (a) Greyfriars Road, Cardiff; (b) Wrexham Road, Mold and (c) Grove Place, Swansea. more like this
tabling member constituency Ceredigion more like this
tabling member printed
Ben Lake more like this
uin 189821 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-11-15more like thismore than 2018-11-15
answer text <p>The Crown Prosecution Service has no plans to close its offices on (a) Greyfriars Road, Cardiff; (b) Wrexham Road, Mold and (c) Grove Place, Swansea.</p> more like this
answering member constituency South Swindon more like this
answering member printed Robert Buckland more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-11-15T14:53:10.4Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-15T14:53:10.4Z
answering member
label Biography information for Sir Robert Buckland more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Ben Lake more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2014-10-22more like thismore than 2014-10-22
answering body
Attorney General more like this
answering dept id 88 more like this
answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
hansard heading Stalking more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Attorney General, how many people have been charged under the provisions of section 4a of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 since 25 November 2012. more like this
tabling member constituency Walthamstow more like this
tabling member printed
Stella Creasy more like this
uin 211469 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2014-10-27more like thismore than 2014-10-27
answer text <p>I refer the Hon. Member to the answer I gave to the Hon. Member for Dwyfor Meirionnydd on 23<sup>rd</sup> October 2014 (questions, 211141, 211143 and 211144). The previous answer included tables detailing the number of offences charged under Sections 4A(1)(a)(b)(i), Sections 4A(1)(a)(b)(ii) and 2A(1) of the 1997 Act broken down by each police force in England and Wales.</p><p> </p> more like this
answering member constituency South Swindon more like this
answering member printed Mr Robert Buckland more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-27T17:36:47.6085527Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-27T17:36:47.6085527Z
answering member
label Biography information for Sir Robert Buckland more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Stella Creasy more like this
registered interest true more like this
date less than 2014-10-22more like thismore than 2014-10-22
answering body
Attorney General more like this
answering dept id 88 more like this
answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
hansard heading Stalking more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Attorney General, how many people have been charged under the provisions of section 4a of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 since 25 November 2012. more like this
tabling member constituency Mid Bedfordshire more like this
tabling member printed
Nadine Dorries more like this
uin 211534 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2014-10-28more like thismore than 2014-10-28
answer text <p>I refer the Hon. Member to the answer I gave to the Hon. Member for Dwyfor Meirionnydd on 23<sup>rd</sup> October 2014 (questions, 211141, 211143 and 211144). The previous answer included tables detailing the number of offences charged under Sections 4A(1)(a)(b)(i), Sections 4A(1)(a)(b)(ii) and 2A(1) of the 1997 Act broken down by each police force in England and Wales.</p> more like this
answering member constituency South Swindon more like this
answering member printed Mr Robert Buckland more like this
grouped question UIN 211533 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-28T13:17:54.7648416Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-28T13:17:54.7648416Z
answering member
label Biography information for Sir Robert Buckland more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Ms Nadine Dorries more like this
registered interest true more like this
date less than 2014-10-22more like thismore than 2014-10-22
answering body
Attorney General more like this
answering dept id 88 more like this
answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
hansard heading Stalking more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Attorney General, how many people have been charged under the provisions of section 2a of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 since 25 November 2012. more like this
tabling member constituency Mid Bedfordshire more like this
tabling member printed
Nadine Dorries more like this
uin 211533 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2014-10-28more like thismore than 2014-10-28
answer text <p>I refer the Hon. Member to the answer I gave to the Hon. Member for Dwyfor Meirionnydd on 23<sup>rd</sup> October 2014 (questions, 211141, 211143 and 211144). The previous answer included tables detailing the number of offences charged under Sections 4A(1)(a)(b)(i), Sections 4A(1)(a)(b)(ii) and 2A(1) of the 1997 Act broken down by each police force in England and Wales.</p> more like this
answering member constituency South Swindon more like this
answering member printed Mr Robert Buckland more like this
grouped question UIN 211534 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-28T13:17:54.542166Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-28T13:17:54.542166Z
answering member
label Biography information for Sir Robert Buckland more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Ms Nadine Dorries more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-11-12more like thismore than 2018-11-12
answering body
Attorney General more like this
answering dept id 88 more like this
answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
hansard heading Brexit: Northern Ireland more like this
house id 2 more like this
pref label House of Lords more like this
question text To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they intend to publish the legal advice prepared by the Attorney General for the Prime Minister on the Irish backstop proposals for the Brexit negotiations; whether the full advice was made available to members of the Cabinet; and if not, why not. more like this
tabling member printed
Lord Myners more like this
uin HL11404 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-11-26more like thismore than 2018-11-26
answer text <p>The Government recognises the legitimate desire in Parliament, from Members on all sides and in both Houses, to understand the legal implications of the final Withdrawal Agreement. The Government will therefore make available to all members of Parliament a full, reasoned position statement, setting out the Government’s agreed legal position on the Agreement, including the Irish backstop proposals. The Attorney will also make a statement to the House of Commons and take questions. This will help to ensure Parliament has all appropriate information ahead of the vote on the final deal.</p><p> </p><p>We expect the Attorney General’s statement to be repeated in the Lords, with questions.</p> more like this
answering member printed Lord Keen of Elie more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-11-26T13:40:39.573Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-26T13:40:39.573Z
answering member
label Biography information for Lord Keen of Elie more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Lord Myners more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2014-10-23more like thismore than 2014-10-23
answering body
Attorney General more like this
answering dept id 88 more like this
answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
hansard heading Offences against Children more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Attorney General, if he will place in the Library a table of Crown Prosecution Service child-abuse flagged (a) pre-charge decisions, (b) prosecutions and (c) convictions for each financial year since 2006-07. more like this
tabling member constituency Islington South and Finsbury more like this
tabling member printed
Emily Thornberry more like this
uin 211679 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2014-10-28more like thismore than 2014-10-28
answer text <p>The information requested is contained in the attached table, a copy of which has been deposited in the Library of the House.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The CPS definition of child abuse covers any case where the victim was under 18 years of age at the time of the offence. This includes allegations or crimes perpetrated by both adults and persons under the age of 18. Child abuse includes physical, emotional and sexual criminal offences, as well as neglect of a child and historical child abuse where the victim is now an adult. The data provided is primarily used for monitoring performance on cases that involve allegations of child abuse. The data relies on the application of a monitoring flag and is accurate only to the extent that the flag is correctly applied.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The CPS has published a breakdown of both pre-charge decisions and prosecutions for child abuse flagged cases within the annual ‘Violence against Women and Girls Report 2013-14’.</p><p> </p> more like this
answering member constituency South Swindon more like this
answering member printed Mr Robert Buckland more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-28T13:05:17.726002Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-28T13:05:17.726002Z
answering member
label Biography information for Sir Robert Buckland more like this
file name 211679 - CPS child abuse data.xlsx more like this
title CPS child abuse flagged data more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Emily Thornberry more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2014-10-23more like thismore than 2014-10-23
answering body
Attorney General more like this
answering dept id 88 more like this
answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
hansard heading Offences against Children more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Attorney General, if he will place in the Library a list of the local authorities who have adopted the information-sharing protocol launched by the Crown Prosecution Service in January 2014. more like this
tabling member constituency Islington South and Finsbury more like this
tabling member printed
Emily Thornberry more like this
uin 211680 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2014-10-28more like thismore than 2014-10-28
answer text <p>The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) does not centrally record the number of local authorities that have adopted the national disclosure Protocol.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>A survey of Chief Crown Prosecutors found that 82 local authorities have signed a local protocol as of 5 September 2014. The attached list of the local authorities identified in the survey has been placed in the library.</p><p> </p> more like this
answering member constituency South Swindon more like this
answering member printed Mr Robert Buckland more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-28T13:10:13.5272744Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-28T13:10:13.5272744Z
answering member
label Biography information for Sir Robert Buckland more like this
file name 211680 - Table - information sharing Protocol.docx more like this
title List: signatories - protocol more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Emily Thornberry more like this
registered interest false more like this
date less than 2018-11-14more like thismore than 2018-11-14
answering body
Attorney General more like this
answering dept id 88 more like this
answering dept short name Attorney General more like this
answering dept sort name Attorney General more like this
hansard heading Domestic Abuse: Restraining Orders more like this
house id 1 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
question text To ask the Attorney General, whether he has had any discussions with the CPS on introducing tighter restrictions on the circumstances in which a restraining order may be varied to prevent the situation whereby a perpetrator of domestic abuse is granted a variation that permits them to work within a one mile radius from their victim. more like this
tabling member constituency Harlow more like this
tabling member printed
Robert Halfon more like this
uin 191386 more like this
is ministerial correction false more like this
date of answer less than 2018-11-27more like thismore than 2018-11-27
answer text <p>The Attorney General and Solicitor General meet the director of Public Prosecutions regularly to discuss CPS priority areas which includes ensuring that the CPS continues to protect vulnerable victims of crime. However, the Law Officers do not intervene on individual cases; judges have discretion to make decisions based on the evidence before them.</p><p>Section 12 of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 enables courts to make restraining orders at the conclusion of a case. These are civil orders; however, breach of an order is a criminal offence. The Crown Prosecution Service takes domestic abuse seriously and in 2017 in England and Wales 19,216 restraining orders were issued on conviction and 1,932 were issued on acquittal. The Government sees the response to domestic abuse as a top priority and is committed to securing justice for all victims.</p><p> </p><p> </p> more like this
answering member constituency South Swindon more like this
answering member printed Robert Buckland more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-11-27T16:10:18.567Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-27T16:10:18.567Z
answering member
label Biography information for Sir Robert Buckland more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Robert Halfon more like this