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human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2014-10-28more like thismore than 2014-10-28
date less than 2014-10-23more like thismore than 2014-10-23
date tabled less than 2014-10-23more like thismore than 2014-10-23
ddp created less than 2014-10-23T20:10:25.430Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-23T20:10:25.430Z
ddp modified less than 2015-02-08T04:00:52.187Zmore like thismore than 2015-02-08T04:00:52.187Z
answering body
Women and Equalities more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 31 more like this
answering dept short name Women and Equalities more like this
answering dept sort name Women and Equalities more like this
hansard heading Public Appointments more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 211836 more like this
pref label House of Commons remove filter
parliament number 55 more like this
question first answered
less than 2014-10-28T09:02:42.0148887Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-28T09:02:42.0148887Z
question text To ask the Ministers for Women and Equalities, how many (a) men and (b) women her Department has publicly appointed in each of the last five years; and how much has been paid to each (i) man and (ii) woman. more like this
2014/15 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member constituency Ashfield more like this
tabling member printed
Gloria De Piero more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2014/15 211836 more like this
uin 211836 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Gloria De Piero more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Gloria De Piero more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2018-11-26more like thismore than 2018-11-26
date less than 2018-11-22more like thismore than 2018-11-22
date tabled less than 2018-11-22more like thismore than 2018-11-22
ddp created less than 2018-11-22T18:41:49.257Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-22T18:41:49.257Z
answering body
Women and Equalities more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 31 more like this
answering dept short name Women and Equalities more like this
answering dept sort name Women and Equalities more like this
ddp modified
less than 2018-11-22T18:57:19.515Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-22T18:57:19.515Z
less than 2018-12-03T16:45:06.986Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-03T16:45:06.986Z
hansard heading Political Parties: Equality more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 194722 more like this
pref label House of Commons remove filter
parliament number 57 more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-12-03T16:13:39.43Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-03T16:13:39.43Z
question text To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, pursuant to the Answer of 13 November 2018 to Question 188804 on Equality Act 2010, what the timeframe is for the implement Section 106 of the Equality Act 2010. more like this
2017/19 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member constituency Tooting more like this
tabling member printed
Dr Rosena Allin-Khan more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 194722 more like this
uin 194722 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Dr Rosena Allin-Khan more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Dr Rosena Allin-Khan more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2018-11-27more like thismore than 2018-11-27
date less than 2018-11-22more like thismore than 2018-11-22
date tabled less than 2018-11-22more like thismore than 2018-11-22
ddp created less than 2018-11-22T18:43:51.260Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-22T18:43:51.260Z
answering body
Women and Equalities more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 31 more like this
answering dept short name Women and Equalities more like this
answering dept sort name Women and Equalities more like this
ddp modified
less than 2018-11-22T18:59:10.010Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-22T18:59:10.010Z
less than 2018-11-29T14:58:03.544Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-29T14:58:03.544Z
hansard heading Government Equalities Office: Meetings more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 194662 more like this
pref label House of Commons remove filter
parliament number 57 more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-11-29T14:26:19.257Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-29T14:26:19.257Z
question text To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, on how many occasions she and Ministers in her Department have had meetings with (a) Mermaids UK, (b) Stonewall and (c) Gendered Intelligence in the last three years. more like this
2017/19 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member constituency Monmouth more like this
tabling member printed
David T. C. Davies more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 194662 more like this
uin 194662 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for David T C Davies more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for David T C Davies more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2018-11-27more like thismore than 2018-11-27
date less than 2018-11-22more like thismore than 2018-11-22
date tabled less than 2018-11-22more like thismore than 2018-11-22
ddp created less than 2018-11-22T18:43:53.517Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-22T18:43:53.517Z
answering body
Women and Equalities more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 31 more like this
answering dept short name Women and Equalities more like this
answering dept sort name Women and Equalities more like this
ddp modified
less than 2018-11-22T18:59:12.056Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-22T18:59:12.056Z
less than 2018-11-29T14:58:02.227Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-29T14:58:02.227Z
hansard heading Government Equalities Office: Meetings more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 194663 more like this
pref label House of Commons remove filter
parliament number 57 more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-11-29T14:26:19.337Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-29T14:26:19.337Z
question text To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, on how many occasions she has had meetings with (a) A Woman's Place, (b) Transgender Trend and (c) Fair Play for Women in the last three years. more like this
2017/19 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member constituency Monmouth more like this
tabling member printed
David T. C. Davies more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 194663 more like this
uin 194663 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for David T C Davies more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for David T C Davies more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2018-12-06more like thismore than 2018-12-06
date less than 2018-12-04more like thismore than 2018-12-04
date tabled less than 2018-12-04more like thismore than 2018-12-04
ddp created less than 2018-12-04T21:34:03.810Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-04T21:34:03.810Z
answering body
Women and Equalities more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 31 more like this
answering dept short name Women and Equalities more like this
answering dept sort name Women and Equalities more like this
ddp modified
less than 2018-12-04T22:07:45.965Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-04T22:07:45.965Z
less than 2018-12-11T17:48:02.607Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-11T17:48:02.607Z
hansard heading EnAble Fund for Elected Office more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 198797 more like this
pref label House of Commons remove filter
parliament number 57 more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-12-11T17:16:33.907Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-11T17:16:33.907Z
question text To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, with reference to the Written Statement of 17 May 2018 on Access to Elected Office for Disabled People, HCWS695, when she plans to publish further information on the scheme; and how candidates for the English local elections in 2019 can apply to the new fund. more like this
2017/19 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member constituency Brighton, Pavilion more like this
tabling member printed
Caroline Lucas more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 198797 more like this
uin 198797 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Caroline Lucas more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Caroline Lucas more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2018-12-10more like thismore than 2018-12-10
date less than 2018-12-06more like thismore than 2018-12-06
date tabled less than 2018-12-06more like thismore than 2018-12-06
ddp created less than 2018-12-06T20:56:40.723Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-06T20:56:40.723Z
answering body
Women and Equalities more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 31 more like this
answering dept short name Women and Equalities more like this
answering dept sort name Women and Equalities more like this
ddp modified
less than 2018-12-06T21:11:39.387Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-06T21:11:39.387Z
less than 2018-12-13T18:20:03.248Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-13T18:20:03.248Z
hansard heading Females: Hate Crime more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 199794 more like this
pref label House of Commons remove filter
parliament number 57 more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-12-13T17:48:05.84Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-13T17:48:05.84Z
question text To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, what discussions she has had with the Secretary of State for Education on using the national curriculum to tackle misogyny. more like this
2017/19 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member constituency Brent Central more like this
tabling member printed
Dawn Butler more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 199794 more like this
uin 199794 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Dawn Butler more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Dawn Butler more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2018-12-10more like thismore than 2018-12-10
date less than 2018-12-06more like thismore than 2018-12-06
date tabled less than 2018-12-06more like thismore than 2018-12-06
ddp created less than 2018-12-06T20:56:53.147Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-06T20:56:53.147Z
answering body
Women and Equalities more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 31 more like this
answering dept short name Women and Equalities more like this
answering dept sort name Women and Equalities more like this
ddp modified
less than 2018-12-06T21:11:55.661Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-06T21:11:55.661Z
less than 2018-12-13T18:20:01.831Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-13T18:20:01.831Z
hansard heading Political Parties: Equality more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 199797 more like this
pref label House of Commons remove filter
parliament number 57 more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-12-13T17:49:00.137Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-13T17:49:00.137Z
question text To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, what representations she has had from civil society organisations on bringing Section 106 of the Equality Act 2010 into force. more like this
2017/19 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member constituency Brent Central more like this
tabling member printed
Dawn Butler more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 199797 more like this
uin 199797 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Dawn Butler more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Dawn Butler more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2018-12-10more like thismore than 2018-12-10
date less than 2018-12-06more like thismore than 2018-12-06
date tabled less than 2018-12-06more like thismore than 2018-12-06
ddp created less than 2018-12-06T20:56:58.453Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-06T20:56:58.453Z
answering body
Women and Equalities more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 31 more like this
answering dept short name Women and Equalities more like this
answering dept sort name Women and Equalities more like this
ddp modified
less than 2018-12-06T21:12:13.049Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-06T21:12:13.049Z
less than 2018-12-13T16:41:03.394Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-13T16:41:03.394Z
hansard heading Flexible Working: Menopause more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 199799 more like this
pref label House of Commons remove filter
parliament number 57 more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-12-13T16:09:12.453Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-13T16:09:12.453Z
question text To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, what steps the Government is taking to encourage employers to offer flexible working arrangements to women going through the menopause. more like this
2017/19 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member constituency Brent Central more like this
tabling member printed
Dawn Butler more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 199799 more like this
uin 199799 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Dawn Butler more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Dawn Butler more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2018-12-11more like thismore than 2018-12-11
date less than 2018-12-06more like thismore than 2018-12-06
date tabled less than 2018-12-06more like thismore than 2018-12-06
ddp created less than 2018-12-06T21:02:42.910Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-06T21:02:42.910Z
answering body
Women and Equalities more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 31 more like this
answering dept short name Women and Equalities more like this
answering dept sort name Women and Equalities more like this
ddp modified
less than 2018-12-06T21:16:02.827Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-06T21:16:02.827Z
less than 2018-12-11T17:47:06.602Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-11T17:47:06.602Z
hansard heading Government Equalities Office: Meetings more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 199833 more like this
pref label House of Commons remove filter
parliament number 57 more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-12-11T17:15:02.58Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-11T17:15:02.58Z
question text To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, pursuant to the Answer of 29 November 2018 to Question 194662 and Question 194663 on Government Equalities Office: Meetings, on how many occasions (a) she and (b) officials in her Department have held meetings with (i) Mermaids UK, (ii) Stonewall and (iii) Gendered Intelligence, (iv) Transgendered Trend, (v) Fair Play for Women and (vi) A Woman's Place in each of the last three years. more like this
2017/19 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member constituency Monmouth more like this
tabling member printed
David T. C. Davies more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 199833 more like this
uin 199833 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for David T C Davies more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for David T C Davies more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2018-12-13more like thismore than 2018-12-13
date less than 2018-12-10more like thismore than 2018-12-10
date tabled less than 2018-12-10more like thismore than 2018-12-10
ddp created less than 2018-12-10T21:56:33.097Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-10T21:56:33.097Z
answering body
Women and Equalities more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 31 more like this
answering dept short name Women and Equalities more like this
answering dept sort name Women and Equalities more like this
ddp modified
less than 2018-12-10T22:08:30.546Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-10T22:08:30.546Z
less than 2018-12-13T18:19:02.072Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-13T18:19:02.072Z
hansard heading Candidates: Disability more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 200689 more like this
pref label House of Commons remove filter
parliament number 57 more like this
question first answered
less than 2018-12-13T17:47:07.38Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-13T17:47:07.38Z
question text To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, with reference to the launch of the EnAble Fund for Elected Office, what support her Department is providing to help disabled candidates standing for parliamentary elections. more like this
2017/19 more like this
session number 1 more like this
tabling member constituency Lancaster and Fleetwood more like this
tabling member printed
Cat Smith more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2017/19 200689 more like this
uin 200689 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Cat Smith more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Cat Smith more like this