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star this property ddp created less than 2020-09-24T14:19:05.812Zmore like thismore than 2020-09-24T14:19:05.812Z
star this property ddp modified less than 2020-09-24T14:19:05.812Zmore like thismore than 2020-09-24T14:19:05.812Z
star this property question first answered
less than 2020-09-24T13:47:40.623Zmore like thismore than 2020-09-24T13:47:40.623Z
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star this property ddp created less than 2020-09-24T14:19:07.447Zmore like thismore than 2020-09-24T14:19:07.447Z
star this property ddp modified less than 2020-09-24T14:19:07.447Zmore like thismore than 2020-09-24T14:19:07.447Z
star this property question first answered
less than 2020-09-24T13:47:40.577Zmore like thismore than 2020-09-24T13:47:40.577Z
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star this property ddp created less than 2020-09-30T14:31:06.087Zmore like thismore than 2020-09-30T14:31:06.087Z
star this property ddp modified less than 2020-09-30T14:31:06.087Zmore like thismore than 2020-09-30T14:31:06.087Z
star this property question first answered
less than 2020-09-30T13:59:07.303Zmore like thismore than 2020-09-30T13:59:07.303Z
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star this property ddp created less than 2021-05-12T14:56:50.407Zmore like thismore than 2021-05-12T14:56:50.407Z
star this property ddp modified less than 2021-05-25T11:57:06.828Zmore like thismore than 2021-05-25T11:57:06.828Z
star this property hansard heading Insects: EU Countries more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2021-05-25T11:25:28.74Zmore like thismore than 2021-05-25T11:25:28.74Z
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star this property ddp created less than 2021-05-12T14:57:13.443Zmore like thismore than 2021-05-12T14:57:13.443Z
star this property ddp modified less than 2021-05-20T14:57:18.075Zmore like thismore than 2021-05-20T14:57:18.075Z
star this property hansard heading Taxation: Treaties more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2021-05-20T14:26:15.317Zmore like thismore than 2021-05-20T14:26:15.317Z
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star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2016-06-02more like thismore than 2016-06-02
star this property date less than 2016-05-18more like thismore than 2016-05-18
star this property date tabled less than 2016-05-18more like thismore than 2016-05-18
star this property ddp created less than 2016-05-18T20:16:58.277Zmore like thismore than 2016-05-18T20:16:58.277Z
star this property answering body
Department for International Development more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 20 more like this
star this property answering dept short name International Development more like this
star this property answering dept sort name International Development more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2016-05-18T20:28:02.657Zmore like thismore than 2016-05-18T20:28:02.657Z
less than 2016-06-02T16:20:07.203Zmore like thismore than 2016-06-02T16:20:07.203Z
star this property hansard heading Development Aid: Education more like this
star this property house id 2 more like this
star this property identifier HL76 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 56 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2016-06-02T15:48:27.173Zmore like thismore than 2016-06-02T15:48:27.173Z
star this property question text to ask Her Majesty’s Government what steps they will take to ensure that the new Education Cannot Wait fund will focus on the most marginalised children, including girls and children with disabilities. more like this
star this property session
2016/17 more like this
star this property session number 2 more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Lord Alton of Liverpool more like this
star this property title House of Lords Tabled Parliamentary Question 2016/17 HL76 more like this
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star this property uin HL76 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
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star this property label Biography information for Lord Alton of Liverpool more like this
star this property publisher 25277
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Lord Alton of Liverpool more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2021-01-26more like thismore than 2021-01-26
star this property date less than 2021-01-18more like thismore than 2021-01-18
star this property date tabled less than 2021-01-18more like thismore than 2021-01-18
star this property ddp created less than 2021-01-18T22:41:33.870Zmore like thismore than 2021-01-18T22:41:33.870Z
star this property answering body
Department of Health and Social Care more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2021-01-18T22:47:48.507Zmore like thismore than 2021-01-18T22:47:48.507Z
less than 2021-04-01T13:04:07.232Zmore like thismore than 2021-04-01T13:04:07.232Z
star this property hansard heading Coronavirus: Vaccination more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 139140 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 58 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2021-04-01T12:32:27.553Zmore like thismore than 2021-04-01T12:32:27.553Z
star this property question text "To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what discussions he has had with his Israeli counterpart on that country's distribution of covid-19 vaccines to neighbourhood vaccination centres and remote sites. more like this
star this property session
2019/21 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Bassetlaw more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Brendan Clarke-Smith more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2019/21 139140 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 139140 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Brendan Clarke-Smith more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Brendan Clarke-Smith more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2022-11-14more like thismore than 2022-11-14
star this property date less than 2022-11-08more like thismore than 2022-11-08
star this property date tabled less than 2022-11-08more like thismore than 2022-11-08
star this property ddp created less than 2022-11-08T19:53:02.920Zmore like thismore than 2022-11-08T19:53:02.920Z
star this property answering body
Department for Work and Pensions more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 29 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Work and Pensions more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Work and Pensions more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2022-11-08T20:11:08.419Zmore like thismore than 2022-11-08T20:11:08.419Z
less than 2022-11-14T15:20:30.781Zmore like thismore than 2022-11-14T15:20:30.781Z
star this property hansard heading Social Security Benefits: Terminal Illnesses more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 82293 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 58 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2022-11-14T14:49:38.317Zmore like thismore than 2022-11-14T14:49:38.317Z
star this property question text "To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, when the provisions of the Social Security (Special Rules for End of Life) Act 2022 enabling people who are thought to be in the final year of their life to receive fast-tracked access to disability benefits such as Personal Independent Payments will come into effect. more like this
star this property session
2022/23 more like this
star this property session number 3 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Stockton North more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Alex Cunningham more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2022/23 82293 more like this
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star this property uin 82293 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
star this property answer answer
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star this property label Biography information for Alex Cunningham more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Alex Cunningham more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2020-11-18more like thismore than 2020-11-18
star this property date less than 2020-11-16more like thismore than 2020-11-16
star this property date tabled less than 2020-11-16more like thismore than 2020-11-16
star this property ddp created less than 2020-11-16T22:56:11.597Zmore like thismore than 2020-11-16T22:56:11.597Z
star this property answering body
Department of Health and Social Care more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2020-11-16T23:12:15.311Zmore like thismore than 2020-11-16T23:12:15.311Z
less than 2020-11-30T13:07:06.138Zmore like thismore than 2020-11-30T13:07:06.138Z
star this property hansard heading Department for Health and Social Care: Written Questions more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 115837 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 58 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2020-11-30T12:35:37.25Zmore like thismore than 2020-11-30T12:35:37.25Z
star this property question text (FAO Amelia) To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, when his Department plans to Answer Question 97046, tabled by the hon Member for Eastleigh on 29 September 2020. more like this
star this property session
2019/21 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Eastleigh more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Paul Holmes more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2019/21 115837 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 115837 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Paul Holmes more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Paul Holmes more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property answer date less than 2021-02-02more like thismore than 2021-02-02
star this property date less than 2021-01-28more like thismore than 2021-01-28
star this property date tabled less than 2021-01-28more like thismore than 2021-01-28
star this property ddp created less than 2021-01-28T18:32:03.873Zmore like thismore than 2021-01-28T18:32:03.873Z
star this property answering body
Home Office more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 1 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Home Office more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Home Office more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2021-01-29T10:17:17.813Zmore like thismore than 2021-01-29T10:17:17.813Z
less than 2021-02-02T17:25:26.134Zmore like thismore than 2021-02-02T17:25:26.134Z
star this property hansard heading Prevent Independent Review more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 145139 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property parliament number 58 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2021-02-02T16:46:57.2Zmore like thismore than 2021-02-02T16:46:57.2Z
star this property question text (FAO Amelia) To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, with reference to comments made by William Shawcross, then Director at the Henry Jackson Society, in a speech on 17 January 2012, that Europe and Islam is one of the greatest, most terrifying problems of the future, if she will make an assessment of the effectiveness of the independence of the Prevent review. more like this
star this property session
2019/21 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Manchester, Gorton more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Afzal Khan more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2019/21 145139 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 145139 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
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star this property label Biography information for Afzal Khan more like this
star this property publisher 25259
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Afzal Khan more like this