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star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2014-10-23more like thismore than 2014-10-23
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Department of Health more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health more like this
star this property hansard heading Osteoporosis more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how much from the publich purse has been spent on research into osteoporosis in each of the last five years. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Leicester West more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Liz Kendall more like this
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star this property uin 211732 more like this
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star this property is ministerial correction true more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2014-10-29more like thismore than 2014-10-29
star this property answer text <p>The following table shows estimated expenditure on research on asthma, motor neurone disease (MND) and osteoporosis by the Medical Research Council, other Research Councils and Innovate UK, and by the National Institute for Health (NIHR) through its research programmes, research centres and units, and research fellowships.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><em>£ million</em></p><p> </p><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td><p>2009-10</p></td><td><p>2010-11</p></td><td><p>2011-12</p></td><td><p>2012-13</p></td><td><p>2013-14</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Asthma</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">22.2 </del><ins class="ministerial">6.6</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">17.5 </del><ins class="ministerial">5.3</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">17.2</del><ins class="ministerial"> 4.5</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">19.4</del><ins class="ministerial"> 3.6</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">18.8</del><ins class="ministerial"> 5.4</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.3</p></td><td><p>1.5</p></td><td><p>0.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>2.6</p></td><td><p>3.4</p></td><td><p>2.4</p></td><td><p>3.4</p></td><td><p>3.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">24.8</del><ins class="ministerial"> 9.2</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">21.0</del><ins class="ministerial"> 8.8</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">19.9</del><ins class="ministerial"> 7.2</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">24.3 </del><ins class="ministerial">8.5</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">23.4</del> <ins class="ministerial">10.0</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Motor Neurone Research</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p>7.0</p></td><td><p>7.5</p></td><td><p>4.2</p></td><td><p>4.1</p></td><td><p>3.6</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.2</p></td><td><p>0.2</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>1.0</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>0.5</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p>7.3</p></td><td><p>7.8</p></td><td><p>5.0</p></td><td><p>5.5</p></td><td><p>5.1</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Osteoporosis</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p>6.2</p></td><td><p>5.4</p></td><td><p>5.1</p></td><td><p>4.6</p></td><td><p>5.9</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>1.0</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>0.3</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>0.8</p></td><td><p>1.3</p></td><td><p>1.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p>6.5</p></td><td><p>6.1</p></td><td><p>6.0</p></td><td><p>6.3</p></td><td><p>8.7</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The figures shown for asthma exclude research into air pollution and potential effects on health outcomes including asthma.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Total spend by the NIHR on asthma, MND and osteoporosis is higher than the figures shown because expenditure by the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) on these diseases cannot be disaggregated from total CRN expenditure. NIHR expenditure relating to development of new drugs for asthma, MND and osteroporosis occurs primarily through NIHR research infrastructure including the CRN and cannot be disaggregated from total expenditure.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Information on MRC expenditure into the development of new drugs for asthma, MND or osteoporosis is not available.</p><p> </p>
star this property answering member constituency Mid Norfolk more like this
star this property answering member printed George Freeman more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2014-10-29T17:12:28.3318918Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-29T17:12:28.3318918Z
star this property question first ministerially corrected
less than 2014-11-13T10:22:56.0372213Zmore like thismore than 2014-11-13T10:22:56.0372213Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for George Freeman more like this
star this property previous answer version
star this property answering member constituency Mid Norfolk more like this
star this property answering member printed George Freeman more like this
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for George Freeman more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Liz Kendall more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2014-10-23more like thismore than 2014-10-23
star this property answering body
Department of Health more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health more like this
star this property hansard heading Motor Neurone Disease: Drugs more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how much from the public purse has been spent on the development of new drugs to prevent or treat symptoms of motore neurone disease in each of the last five years. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Leicester West more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Liz Kendall more like this
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star this property uin 211734 more like this
star this property answer
star this property is ministerial correction true more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2014-10-29more like thismore than 2014-10-29
star this property answer text <p>The following table shows estimated expenditure on research on asthma, motor neurone disease (MND) and osteoporosis by the Medical Research Council, other Research Councils and Innovate UK, and by the National Institute for Health (NIHR) through its research programmes, research centres and units, and research fellowships.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><em>£ million</em></p><p> </p><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td><p>2009-10</p></td><td><p>2010-11</p></td><td><p>2011-12</p></td><td><p>2012-13</p></td><td><p>2013-14</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Asthma</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">22.2 </del><ins class="ministerial">6.6</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">17.5 </del><ins class="ministerial">5.3</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">17.2</del><ins class="ministerial"> 4.5</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">19.4</del><ins class="ministerial"> 3.6</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">18.8</del><ins class="ministerial"> 5.4</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.3</p></td><td><p>1.5</p></td><td><p>0.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>2.6</p></td><td><p>3.4</p></td><td><p>2.4</p></td><td><p>3.4</p></td><td><p>3.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">24.8</del><ins class="ministerial"> 9.2</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">21.0</del><ins class="ministerial"> 8.8</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">19.9</del><ins class="ministerial"> 7.2</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">24.3 </del><ins class="ministerial">8.5</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">23.4</del> <ins class="ministerial">10.0</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Motor Neurone Research</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p>7.0</p></td><td><p>7.5</p></td><td><p>4.2</p></td><td><p>4.1</p></td><td><p>3.6</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.2</p></td><td><p>0.2</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>1.0</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>0.5</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p>7.3</p></td><td><p>7.8</p></td><td><p>5.0</p></td><td><p>5.5</p></td><td><p>5.1</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Osteoporosis</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p>6.2</p></td><td><p>5.4</p></td><td><p>5.1</p></td><td><p>4.6</p></td><td><p>5.9</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>1.0</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>0.3</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>0.8</p></td><td><p>1.3</p></td><td><p>1.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p>6.5</p></td><td><p>6.1</p></td><td><p>6.0</p></td><td><p>6.3</p></td><td><p>8.7</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The figures shown for asthma exclude research into air pollution and potential effects on health outcomes including asthma.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Total spend by the NIHR on asthma, MND and osteoporosis is higher than the figures shown because expenditure by the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) on these diseases cannot be disaggregated from total CRN expenditure. NIHR expenditure relating to development of new drugs for asthma, MND and osteroporosis occurs primarily through NIHR research infrastructure including the CRN and cannot be disaggregated from total expenditure.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Information on MRC expenditure into the development of new drugs for asthma, MND or osteoporosis is not available.</p><p> </p>
star this property answering member constituency Mid Norfolk more like this
star this property answering member printed George Freeman more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2014-10-29T17:12:28.3318918Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-29T17:12:28.3318918Z
star this property question first ministerially corrected
less than 2014-11-13T10:22:56.0372213Zmore like thismore than 2014-11-13T10:22:56.0372213Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for George Freeman more like this
star this property previous answer version
star this property answering member constituency Mid Norfolk more like this
star this property answering member printed George Freeman more like this
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for George Freeman more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Liz Kendall more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2014-10-23more like thismore than 2014-10-23
star this property answering body
Department of Health more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health more like this
star this property hansard heading Motor Neurone Disease more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how much from the public purse has been spent on research into motor neurone disease in each of the last five years. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Leicester West more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Liz Kendall more like this
star this property type
star this property uin 211730 more like this
star this property answer
star this property is ministerial correction true more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2014-10-29more like thismore than 2014-10-29
star this property answer text <p>The following table shows estimated expenditure on research on asthma, motor neurone disease (MND) and osteoporosis by the Medical Research Council, other Research Councils and Innovate UK, and by the National Institute for Health (NIHR) through its research programmes, research centres and units, and research fellowships.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><em>£ million</em></p><p> </p><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td><p>2009-10</p></td><td><p>2010-11</p></td><td><p>2011-12</p></td><td><p>2012-13</p></td><td><p>2013-14</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Asthma</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">22.2 </del><ins class="ministerial">6.6</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">17.5 </del><ins class="ministerial">5.3</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">17.2</del><ins class="ministerial"> 4.5</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">19.4</del><ins class="ministerial"> 3.6</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">18.8</del><ins class="ministerial"> 5.4</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.3</p></td><td><p>1.5</p></td><td><p>0.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>2.6</p></td><td><p>3.4</p></td><td><p>2.4</p></td><td><p>3.4</p></td><td><p>3.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">24.8</del><ins class="ministerial"> 9.2</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">21.0</del><ins class="ministerial"> 8.8</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">19.9</del><ins class="ministerial"> 7.2</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">24.3 </del><ins class="ministerial">8.5</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">23.4</del> <ins class="ministerial">10.0</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Motor Neurone Research</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p>7.0</p></td><td><p>7.5</p></td><td><p>4.2</p></td><td><p>4.1</p></td><td><p>3.6</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.2</p></td><td><p>0.2</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>1.0</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>0.5</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p>7.3</p></td><td><p>7.8</p></td><td><p>5.0</p></td><td><p>5.5</p></td><td><p>5.1</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Osteoporosis</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p>6.2</p></td><td><p>5.4</p></td><td><p>5.1</p></td><td><p>4.6</p></td><td><p>5.9</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>1.0</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>0.3</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>0.8</p></td><td><p>1.3</p></td><td><p>1.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p>6.5</p></td><td><p>6.1</p></td><td><p>6.0</p></td><td><p>6.3</p></td><td><p>8.7</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The figures shown for asthma exclude research into air pollution and potential effects on health outcomes including asthma.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Total spend by the NIHR on asthma, MND and osteoporosis is higher than the figures shown because expenditure by the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) on these diseases cannot be disaggregated from total CRN expenditure. NIHR expenditure relating to development of new drugs for asthma, MND and osteroporosis occurs primarily through NIHR research infrastructure including the CRN and cannot be disaggregated from total expenditure.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Information on MRC expenditure into the development of new drugs for asthma, MND or osteoporosis is not available.</p><p> </p>
star this property answering member constituency Mid Norfolk more like this
star this property answering member printed George Freeman more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2014-10-29T17:12:28.3318918Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-29T17:12:28.3318918Z
star this property question first ministerially corrected
less than 2014-11-13T10:22:56.0372213Zmore like thismore than 2014-11-13T10:22:56.0372213Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for George Freeman more like this
star this property previous answer version
star this property answering member constituency Mid Norfolk more like this
star this property answering member printed George Freeman more like this
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for George Freeman more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Liz Kendall more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2014-10-23more like thismore than 2014-10-23
star this property answering body
Department of Health more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health more like this
star this property hansard heading Osteoporosis: Drugs more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how much from the public purse has been spent on the development of new drugs to treat symptoms of osteoporosis in each of the last five years. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Leicester West more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Liz Kendall more like this
star this property type
star this property uin 211735 more like this
star this property answer
star this property is ministerial correction true more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2014-10-29more like thismore than 2014-10-29
star this property answer text <p>The following table shows estimated expenditure on research on asthma, motor neurone disease (MND) and osteoporosis by the Medical Research Council, other Research Councils and Innovate UK, and by the National Institute for Health (NIHR) through its research programmes, research centres and units, and research fellowships.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><em>£ million</em></p><p> </p><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td><p>2009-10</p></td><td><p>2010-11</p></td><td><p>2011-12</p></td><td><p>2012-13</p></td><td><p>2013-14</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Asthma</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">22.2 </del><ins class="ministerial">6.6</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">17.5 </del><ins class="ministerial">5.3</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">17.2</del><ins class="ministerial"> 4.5</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">19.4</del><ins class="ministerial"> 3.6</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">18.8</del><ins class="ministerial"> 5.4</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.3</p></td><td><p>1.5</p></td><td><p>0.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>2.6</p></td><td><p>3.4</p></td><td><p>2.4</p></td><td><p>3.4</p></td><td><p>3.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">24.8</del><ins class="ministerial"> 9.2</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">21.0</del><ins class="ministerial"> 8.8</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">19.9</del><ins class="ministerial"> 7.2</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">24.3 </del><ins class="ministerial">8.5</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">23.4</del> <ins class="ministerial">10.0</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Motor Neurone Research</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p>7.0</p></td><td><p>7.5</p></td><td><p>4.2</p></td><td><p>4.1</p></td><td><p>3.6</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.2</p></td><td><p>0.2</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>1.0</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>0.5</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p>7.3</p></td><td><p>7.8</p></td><td><p>5.0</p></td><td><p>5.5</p></td><td><p>5.1</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Osteoporosis</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p>6.2</p></td><td><p>5.4</p></td><td><p>5.1</p></td><td><p>4.6</p></td><td><p>5.9</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>1.0</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>0.3</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>0.8</p></td><td><p>1.3</p></td><td><p>1.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p>6.5</p></td><td><p>6.1</p></td><td><p>6.0</p></td><td><p>6.3</p></td><td><p>8.7</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The figures shown for asthma exclude research into air pollution and potential effects on health outcomes including asthma.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Total spend by the NIHR on asthma, MND and osteoporosis is higher than the figures shown because expenditure by the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) on these diseases cannot be disaggregated from total CRN expenditure. NIHR expenditure relating to development of new drugs for asthma, MND and osteroporosis occurs primarily through NIHR research infrastructure including the CRN and cannot be disaggregated from total expenditure.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Information on MRC expenditure into the development of new drugs for asthma, MND or osteoporosis is not available.</p><p> </p>
star this property answering member constituency Mid Norfolk more like this
star this property answering member printed George Freeman more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2014-10-29T17:12:28.3318918Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-29T17:12:28.3318918Z
star this property question first ministerially corrected
less than 2014-11-13T10:22:56.0372213Zmore like thismore than 2014-11-13T10:22:56.0372213Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for George Freeman more like this
star this property previous answer version
star this property answering member constituency Mid Norfolk more like this
star this property answering member printed George Freeman more like this
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for George Freeman more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Liz Kendall more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2014-10-24more like thismore than 2014-10-24
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Department of Health more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health more like this
star this property hansard heading Asthma: Drugs more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how much the Government has spent on the development of new drugs to treat the symptoms of asthma in each of the last five years. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Leicester West more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Liz Kendall more like this
star this property type
star this property uin 211885 more like this
star this property answer
star this property is ministerial correction true more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2014-10-29more like thismore than 2014-10-29
star this property answer text <p>The following table shows estimated expenditure on research on asthma, motor neurone disease (MND) and osteoporosis by the Medical Research Council, other Research Councils and Innovate UK, and by the National Institute for Health (NIHR) through its research programmes, research centres and units, and research fellowships.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><em>£ million</em></p><p> </p><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td><p>2009-10</p></td><td><p>2010-11</p></td><td><p>2011-12</p></td><td><p>2012-13</p></td><td><p>2013-14</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Asthma</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">22.2 </del><ins class="ministerial">6.6</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">17.5 </del><ins class="ministerial">5.3</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">17.2</del><ins class="ministerial"> 4.5</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">19.4</del><ins class="ministerial"> 3.6</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">18.8</del><ins class="ministerial"> 5.4</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.3</p></td><td><p>1.5</p></td><td><p>0.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>2.6</p></td><td><p>3.4</p></td><td><p>2.4</p></td><td><p>3.4</p></td><td><p>3.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">24.8</del><ins class="ministerial"> 9.2</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">21.0</del><ins class="ministerial"> 8.8</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">19.9</del><ins class="ministerial"> 7.2</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">24.3 </del><ins class="ministerial">8.5</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">23.4</del> <ins class="ministerial">10.0</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Motor Neurone Research</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p>7.0</p></td><td><p>7.5</p></td><td><p>4.2</p></td><td><p>4.1</p></td><td><p>3.6</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.2</p></td><td><p>0.2</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>1.0</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>0.5</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p>7.3</p></td><td><p>7.8</p></td><td><p>5.0</p></td><td><p>5.5</p></td><td><p>5.1</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Osteoporosis</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p>6.2</p></td><td><p>5.4</p></td><td><p>5.1</p></td><td><p>4.6</p></td><td><p>5.9</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>1.0</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>0.3</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>0.8</p></td><td><p>1.3</p></td><td><p>1.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p>6.5</p></td><td><p>6.1</p></td><td><p>6.0</p></td><td><p>6.3</p></td><td><p>8.7</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The figures shown for asthma exclude research into air pollution and potential effects on health outcomes including asthma.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Total spend by the NIHR on asthma, MND and osteoporosis is higher than the figures shown because expenditure by the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) on these diseases cannot be disaggregated from total CRN expenditure. NIHR expenditure relating to development of new drugs for asthma, MND and osteroporosis occurs primarily through NIHR research infrastructure including the CRN and cannot be disaggregated from total expenditure.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Information on MRC expenditure into the development of new drugs for asthma, MND or osteoporosis is not available.</p><p> </p>
star this property answering member constituency Mid Norfolk more like this
star this property answering member printed George Freeman more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2014-10-29T17:12:29.113Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-29T17:12:29.113Z
star this property question first ministerially corrected
less than 2014-11-13T10:22:56.0372213Zmore like thismore than 2014-11-13T10:22:56.0372213Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for George Freeman more like this
star this property previous answer version
star this property answering member constituency Mid Norfolk more like this
star this property answering member printed George Freeman more like this
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for George Freeman more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Liz Kendall more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2014-10-24more like thismore than 2014-10-24
star this property answering body
Department of Health more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health more like this
star this property hansard heading Asthma more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how much public funding was allocated to research into asthma in each of the last five years. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Leicester West more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Liz Kendall more like this
star this property type
star this property uin 211918 more like this
star this property answer
star this property is ministerial correction true more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2014-10-29more like thismore than 2014-10-29
star this property answer text <p>The following table shows estimated expenditure on research on asthma, motor neurone disease (MND) and osteoporosis by the Medical Research Council, other Research Councils and Innovate UK, and by the National Institute for Health (NIHR) through its research programmes, research centres and units, and research fellowships.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><em>£ million</em></p><p> </p><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td><p>2009-10</p></td><td><p>2010-11</p></td><td><p>2011-12</p></td><td><p>2012-13</p></td><td><p>2013-14</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Asthma</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">22.2 </del><ins class="ministerial">6.6</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">17.5 </del><ins class="ministerial">5.3</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">17.2</del><ins class="ministerial"> 4.5</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">19.4</del><ins class="ministerial"> 3.6</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">18.8</del><ins class="ministerial"> 5.4</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.3</p></td><td><p>1.5</p></td><td><p>0.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>2.6</p></td><td><p>3.4</p></td><td><p>2.4</p></td><td><p>3.4</p></td><td><p>3.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">24.8</del><ins class="ministerial"> 9.2</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">21.0</del><ins class="ministerial"> 8.8</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">19.9</del><ins class="ministerial"> 7.2</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">24.3 </del><ins class="ministerial">8.5</ins></p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">23.4</del> <ins class="ministerial">10.0</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Motor Neurone Research</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p>7.0</p></td><td><p>7.5</p></td><td><p>4.2</p></td><td><p>4.1</p></td><td><p>3.6</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.2</p></td><td><p>0.2</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>1.0</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>0.5</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p>7.3</p></td><td><p>7.8</p></td><td><p>5.0</p></td><td><p>5.5</p></td><td><p>5.1</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="6"><p>Osteoporosis</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Medical Research Council</p></td><td><p>6.2</p></td><td><p>5.4</p></td><td><p>5.1</p></td><td><p>4.6</p></td><td><p>5.9</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Other Research Councils and Innovate UK</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.0</p></td><td><p>0.1</p></td><td><p>0.4</p></td><td><p>1.0</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>National Institute for Health Research</p></td><td><p>0.3</p></td><td><p>0.7</p></td><td><p>0.8</p></td><td><p>1.3</p></td><td><p>1.8</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p>6.5</p></td><td><p>6.1</p></td><td><p>6.0</p></td><td><p>6.3</p></td><td><p>8.7</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The figures shown for asthma exclude research into air pollution and potential effects on health outcomes including asthma.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Total spend by the NIHR on asthma, MND and osteoporosis is higher than the figures shown because expenditure by the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) on these diseases cannot be disaggregated from total CRN expenditure. NIHR expenditure relating to development of new drugs for asthma, MND and osteroporosis occurs primarily through NIHR research infrastructure including the CRN and cannot be disaggregated from total expenditure.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Information on MRC expenditure into the development of new drugs for asthma, MND or osteoporosis is not available.</p><p> </p>
star this property answering member constituency Mid Norfolk more like this
star this property answering member printed George Freeman more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2014-10-29T17:12:28.3318918Zmore like thismore than 2014-10-29T17:12:28.3318918Z
star this property question first ministerially corrected
less than 2014-11-13T10:22:56.0372213Zmore like thismore than 2014-11-13T10:22:56.0372213Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for George Freeman more like this
star this property previous answer version
star this property answering member constituency Mid Norfolk more like this
star this property answering member printed George Freeman more like this
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for George Freeman more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Liz Kendall more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2018-11-19more like thismore than 2018-11-19
star this property answering body
Department for Work and Pensions more like this
star this property answering dept id 29 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Work and Pensions more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Work and Pensions more like this
star this property hansard heading Universal Credit: Housing more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, what proportion of claimants receiving the housing element of universal credit are also claiming the state pension. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Arfon more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Hywel Williams more like this
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star this property uin 192811 more like this
star this property answer
star this property is ministerial correction true more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2018-11-27more like thismore than 2018-11-27
star this property answer text <p>The table gives the estimated number of households receiving the Housing Element of Universal Credit in Great Britain, May 2018. The notes should be read in conjunction with the information provided in the table.</p><p> </p><table><tbody><tr><td colspan="2"><p>Estimated number of households in payment and receiving the Housing Element of Universal Credit in Great Britain, May 2018</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Total</p></td><td><p><del class="ministerial">471,800</del><ins class="ministerial">425,400</ins></p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Claiming State Pension</p></td><td><p>200</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><p><strong>Source:</strong> Household on Universal Credit dataset <strong>and</strong> Work and Pensions Longitudinal Survey.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Notes:</strong></p><ol><li>The figures are derived from unpublished information and have not been quality assured to National Statistics or Official Statistics publication standard.</li></ol><ol start="2"><li>Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred. Individual figures may not add up to the total due to rounding.</li><li>A count date of the second Thursday of the month is used when calculating the statistics for households on Universal Credit.</li><li>Further information on the background and methodology for Universal Credit can be accessed here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li></ol>
star this property answering member constituency North Swindon more like this
star this property answering member printed Justin Tomlinson more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2018-11-27T11:22:16.427Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-27T11:22:16.427Z
star this property question first ministerially corrected
less than 2018-12-06T16:58:29.93Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-06T16:58:29.93Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Justin Tomlinson more like this
star this property previous answer version
star this property answering member constituency North Swindon more like this
star this property answering member printed Justin Tomlinson more like this
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Justin Tomlinson more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Hywel Williams more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2018-11-20more like thismore than 2018-11-20
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Department for International Trade more like this
star this property answering dept id 202 more like this
star this property answering dept short name International Trade more like this
star this property answering dept sort name International Trade more like this
star this property hansard heading Arms Trade: Cameroon more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for International Trade, whether his Department plans to review arms sales to the Government of Cameroon. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Oxford East more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Anneliese Dodds more like this
star this property type
star this property uin 193544 more like this
star this property answer
star this property is ministerial correction true more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2018-11-23more like thismore than 2018-11-23
star this property answer text <p>The Government takes its export control responsibilities extremely seriously.</p><p> </p><p>The UK operates one of the most<del class="ministerial"> thorough and</del> robust export control<ins class="ministerial"> regimes</ins> <del class="ministerial">systems</del> in the world. The Government will not grant export licences where to do so would be inconsistent with the Consolidated EU and National Arms Exports Licensing Criteria, which include<ins class="ministerial"> the respect for</ins> <del class="ministerial">an assessment of</del> human rights and fundamental freedoms in the country of final destination.<ins class="ministerial"> The Government will not grant a licence where there is a clear risk that the items to exported might be used for internal repression.</ins></p><p>Extant<del class="ministerial"> licenses</del> <ins class="ministerial">licences</ins> can be revoked at any time if the situation changes in Cameroon<ins class="ministerial"> and those licences are no longer assessed as being consistent with the licensing criteria</ins>.</p><p><br /> The policy remains as announced to parliament in a Written Ministerial Statement on 25 March 2014: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
star this property answering member constituency Beverley and Holderness more like this
star this property answering member printed Graham Stuart more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2018-11-23T14:58:43.387Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-23T14:58:43.387Z
star this property question first ministerially corrected
less than 2018-11-26T11:00:41.847Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-26T11:00:41.847Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Graham Stuart more like this
star this property previous answer version
star this property answering member constituency Beverley and Holderness more like this
star this property answering member printed Graham Stuart more like this
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Graham Stuart more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Anneliese Dodds more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2018-11-20more like thismore than 2018-11-20
star this property answering body
Foreign and Commonwealth Office more like this
star this property answering dept id 16 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Foreign and Commonwealth Office more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Foreign and Commonwealth Office more like this
star this property hansard heading Diplomatic Service: EU Countries more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, what assessment he has made of whether UK citizens may continue to seek consular and diplomatic protection from EU member states in countries where the UK is not represented after the UK leaves the EU. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Bishop Auckland more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Helen Goodman more like this
star this property type
star this property uin 193410 more like this
star this property answer
star this property is ministerial correction true more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2018-11-26more like thismore than 2018-11-26
star this property answer text <p>​The UK has significant expertise in crisis preparedness and consular affairs. Thanks to its extensive global footprint of <del class="ministerial">273</del> <ins class="ministerial">274</ins> posts in 169 countries and territories, and its network of Honorary Consuls, the UK is able to provide professional consular services worldwide. In addition to our network, people who need assistance can call any of our embassies, high commissions or consulates, or the FCO switchboard, 24/7 for advice or help. The UK is open to maintaining a close level of cooperation with the EU, if this is perceived to be of mutual benefit, on crisis preparedness and consular affairs, including the provision of consular assistance to unrepresented EU citizens in third countries on a reciprocal basis. Details of this offer have been published on, most recently in a <a href="" target="_blank">technical note</a> on coordination on external security.</p>
star this property answering member constituency West Worcestershire more like this
star this property answering member printed Harriett Baldwin more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2018-11-26T16:58:31.593Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-26T16:58:31.593Z
star this property question first ministerially corrected
less than 2018-12-03T12:32:53.01Zmore like thismore than 2018-12-03T12:32:53.01Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Dame Harriett Baldwin more like this
star this property previous answer version
star this property answering member constituency West Worcestershire more like this
star this property answering member printed Harriett Baldwin more like this
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Dame Harriett Baldwin more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Helen Goodman more like this
star this property registered interest false more like this
star this property date less than 2018-11-22more like thismore than 2018-11-22
star this property answering body
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport more like this
star this property answering dept id 10 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Digital, Culture, Media and Sport more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Digital, Culture, Media and Sport more like this
star this property hansard heading Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport: GoldenTree Asset Management more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, whether (a) he or (b) officials from his Department have (i) met or (ii) been in correspondence with representatives from GoldenTree Asset Management since his appointment. more like this
star this property tabling member constituency West Bromwich East more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Tom Watson more like this
star this property type
star this property uin 194686 more like this
star this property answer
star this property is ministerial correction true more like this
star this property date of answer less than 2018-11-27more like thismore than 2018-11-27
star this property answer text <p>I updated the House on Monday 19th November regarding Johnston Press. Johnston Press had a number of creditors including Golden Tree Asset Management, Fidelity, Caravel Asset Management, and Benefits Street Partners. As I set out on 19 November, a consortium of creditors formed JPI Media to take over the assets of Johnston Press. DCMS has been in contact with a number of stakeholders in relation to the takeover<del class="ministerial">.</del><ins class="ministerial">:I spoke with David King (Chief Executive of JPI Media) and John Ensall (Director at JPI Media). Officials at DCMS have also spoken to representatives of Johnston Press and JPI Media. </ins></p> more like this
star this property answering member constituency Kenilworth and Southam more like this
star this property answering member printed Jeremy Wright more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2018-11-27T14:57:08.09Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-27T14:57:08.09Z
star this property question first ministerially corrected
less than 2018-11-27T18:02:20.17Zmore like thismore than 2018-11-27T18:02:20.17Z
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Sir Jeremy Wright more like this
star this property previous answer version
star this property answering member constituency Kenilworth and Southam more like this
star this property answering member printed Jeremy Wright more like this
star this property answering member
star this property label Biography information for Sir Jeremy Wright more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Lord Watson of Wyre Forest more like this