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human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-05-22more like thismore than 2024-05-22
date less than 2024-05-20more like thismore than 2024-05-20
date tabled less than 2024-05-20more like thismore than 2024-05-20
ddp created less than 2024-05-20T20:25:01.027Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-20T20:25:01.027Z
answering body
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 208 more like this
answering dept short name Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office more like this
answering dept sort name Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-05-20T20:28:16.845Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-20T20:28:16.845Z
less than 2024-05-24T08:47:04.263Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-24T08:47:04.263Z
hansard heading Israeli Settlements more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 27106 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
parliament number 58 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-05-24T08:15:46.063Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-24T08:15:46.063Z
question text To ask the Deputy Foreign Secretary, if he will take diplomatic steps to help prevent the expansion of Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. more like this
2023/24 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member constituency Linlithgow and East Falkirk remove filter
tabling member printed
Martyn Day more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2023/24 27106 more like this
uin 27106 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-05-16more like thismore than 2024-05-16
date less than 2024-05-14more like thismore than 2024-05-14
date tabled less than 2024-05-14more like thismore than 2024-05-14
ddp created less than 2024-05-14T17:57:19.017Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-14T17:57:19.017Z
answering body
Department for Work and Pensions more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 29 more like this
answering dept short name Work and Pensions more like this
answering dept sort name Work and Pensions more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-05-14T18:07:07.580Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-14T18:07:07.580Z
less than 2024-05-22T16:41:04.345Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-22T16:41:04.345Z
hansard heading Bereavement Benefits more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 26180 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
parliament number 58 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-05-22T16:09:50.75Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-22T16:09:50.75Z
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, if he will make an assessment of the potential merits of (a) creating a team in his Department that specifically supports bereaved benefit claimants and (b) providing training to all staff in his Department on bereavement support. more like this
2023/24 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member constituency Linlithgow and East Falkirk remove filter
tabling member printed
Martyn Day more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2023/24 26180 more like this
uin 26180 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-05-15more like thismore than 2024-05-15
date less than 2024-05-13more like thismore than 2024-05-13
date tabled less than 2024-05-13more like thismore than 2024-05-13
ddp created less than 2024-05-13T21:01:09.057Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-13T21:01:09.057Z
answering body
Treasury more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 14 more like this
answering dept short name Treasury more like this
answering dept sort name Treasury more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-05-13T21:09:29.976Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-13T21:09:29.976Z
less than 2024-05-20T10:31:04.632Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-20T10:31:04.632Z
hansard heading Pensioners: Taxation more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 25886 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
parliament number 58 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-05-20T09:59:11.613Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-20T09:59:11.613Z
question text To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, how many of those receiving State Pension paid tax in the (a) 2021-22, (b) 2022-23, and (c) 2023-24 financial years. more like this
2023/24 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member constituency Linlithgow and East Falkirk remove filter
tabling member printed
Martyn Day more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2023/24 25886 more like this
uin 25886 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-05-14more like thismore than 2024-05-14
date less than 2024-05-10more like thismore than 2024-05-10
date tabled less than 2024-05-10more like thismore than 2024-05-10
ddp created less than 2024-05-10T14:10:08.860Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-10T14:10:08.860Z
answering body
Department for Education more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 60 more like this
answering dept short name Education more like this
answering dept sort name Education more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-05-10T14:19:59.139Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-10T14:19:59.139Z
less than 2024-05-20T15:35:08.211Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-20T15:35:08.211Z
hansard heading Academies: Information Sharing more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 25660 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
parliament number 58 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-05-20T15:03:29Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-20T15:03:29Z
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Education, if she will make an assessment of the potential merits of updating information sharing requirements for academies in line with requirements for local authority maintained schools. more like this
2023/24 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member constituency Linlithgow and East Falkirk remove filter
tabling member printed
Martyn Day more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2023/24 25660 more like this
uin 25660 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-05-07more like thismore than 2024-05-07
date less than 2024-05-02more like thismore than 2024-05-02
date tabled less than 2024-05-02more like thismore than 2024-05-02
ddp created less than 2024-05-02T15:07:52.857Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-02T15:07:52.857Z
answering body
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 208 more like this
answering dept short name Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office more like this
answering dept sort name Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-05-02T15:17:33.456Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-02T15:17:33.456Z
less than 2024-05-09T11:25:04.942Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-09T11:25:04.942Z
hansard heading USA: Demonstrations more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 24680 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
parliament number 58 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-05-09T10:54:03.017Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-09T10:54:03.017Z
question text To ask the Deputy Foreign Secretary, whether he has had discussions with his US counterpart on the (a) handling of pro-Palestine protests on university campuses and (b) potential impact of disbanding those protests on (i) free speech and (ii) the right to assembly in that country. more like this
2023/24 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member constituency Linlithgow and East Falkirk remove filter
tabling member printed
Martyn Day more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2023/24 24680 more like this
uin 24680 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-05-07more like thismore than 2024-05-07
date less than 2024-05-02more like thismore than 2024-05-02
date tabled less than 2024-05-02more like thismore than 2024-05-02
ddp created less than 2024-05-02T15:08:01.317Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-02T15:08:01.317Z
answering body
Department for Business and Trade more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 214 more like this
answering dept short name Business and Trade more like this
answering dept sort name Business and Trade more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-05-02T15:17:42.420Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-02T15:17:42.420Z
less than 2024-05-13T15:47:06.417Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-13T15:47:06.417Z
hansard heading Arms Trade: Israel more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 24681 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
parliament number 58 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-05-13T15:15:45.637Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-13T15:15:45.637Z
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Business and Trade, if she will make an assessment of the potential implications for her policies on arms exports to Israel of protests by university students. more like this
2023/24 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member constituency Linlithgow and East Falkirk remove filter
tabling member printed
Martyn Day more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2023/24 24681 more like this
uin 24681 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-05-07more like thismore than 2024-05-07
date less than 2024-05-02more like thismore than 2024-05-02
date tabled less than 2024-05-02more like thismore than 2024-05-02
ddp created less than 2024-05-02T15:10:30.957Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-02T15:10:30.957Z
answering body
Home Office more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 1 more like this
answering dept short name Home Office more like this
answering dept sort name Home Office more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-05-02T15:19:58.961Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-02T15:19:58.961Z
less than 2024-05-17T11:43:04.483Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-17T11:43:04.483Z
hansard heading Human Trafficking: France more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 24682 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
parliament number 58 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-05-17T11:11:58.577Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-17T11:11:58.577Z
question text To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, whether his Department has made an assessment of the potential impact of the UK's departure from the EU on the effectiveness of processes for working with French authorities to prosecute (a) small boat gangs and (b) other people traffickers. more like this
2023/24 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member constituency Linlithgow and East Falkirk remove filter
tabling member printed
Martyn Day more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2023/24 24682 more like this
uin 24682 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-05-07more like thismore than 2024-05-07
date less than 2024-05-02more like thismore than 2024-05-02
date tabled less than 2024-05-02more like thismore than 2024-05-02
ddp created less than 2024-05-02T15:10:58.023Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-02T15:10:58.023Z
answering body
Home Office more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 1 more like this
answering dept short name Home Office more like this
answering dept sort name Home Office more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-05-02T15:20:25.873Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-02T15:20:25.873Z
less than 2024-05-23T17:54:05.839Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-23T17:54:05.839Z
hansard heading Visas: Applications more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 24683 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
parliament number 58 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-05-23T17:22:19.547Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-23T17:22:19.547Z
question text To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what the average time taken was to process migrant visa applications in each of the last three years for which data is available. more like this
2023/24 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member constituency Linlithgow and East Falkirk remove filter
tabling member printed
Martyn Day more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2023/24 24683 more like this
uin 24683 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-05-02more like thismore than 2024-05-02
date less than 2024-04-30more like thismore than 2024-04-30
date tabled less than 2024-04-30more like thismore than 2024-04-30
ddp created less than 2024-04-30T17:31:59.660Zmore like thismore than 2024-04-30T17:31:59.660Z
answering body
Department for Education more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 60 more like this
answering dept short name Education more like this
answering dept sort name Education more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-04-30T17:45:25.606Zmore like thismore than 2024-04-30T17:45:25.606Z
less than 2024-05-14T14:21:04.161Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-14T14:21:04.161Z
hansard heading Education: Standards more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 24264 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
parliament number 58 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-05-08T14:52:16.927Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-08T14:52:16.927Z
question first ministerially corrected
less than 2024-05-14T13:49:14.537Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-14T13:49:14.537Z
question text To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what recent assessment she has made of the adequacy of the requirement for Academy schools to provide parents with an annual report of their child's progress. more like this
2023/24 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member constituency Linlithgow and East Falkirk remove filter
tabling member printed
Martyn Day more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2023/24 24264 more like this
uin 24264 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
human indexable true more like this
published true more like this
registered interest false more like this
answer date less than 2024-04-29more like thismore than 2024-04-29
date less than 2024-04-25more like thismore than 2024-04-25
date tabled less than 2024-04-25more like thismore than 2024-04-25
ddp created less than 2024-04-25T14:38:54.167Zmore like thismore than 2024-04-25T14:38:54.167Z
answering body
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office more like this
question status Tabled more like this
answering dept id 208 more like this
answering dept short name Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office more like this
answering dept sort name Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office more like this
ddp modified
less than 2024-04-25T14:45:36.855Zmore like thismore than 2024-04-25T14:45:36.855Z
less than 2024-05-03T13:46:06.043Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-03T13:46:06.043Z
hansard heading Gaza: Israel more like this
house id 1 more like this
identifier 23772 more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
parliament number 58 more like this
question first answered
less than 2024-05-03T13:15:31.283Zmore like thismore than 2024-05-03T13:15:31.283Z
question text To ask the Deputy Foreign Secretary, if he will have discussions with his Israeli counterpart on the (a) effectiveness of command and control within the Israeli Defence Forces and (b) reports that a senior commander who was dismissed in connection with the strike that killed international aid workers in Gaza had expressed personal views on aid to Gaza. more like this
2023/24 more like this
session number 4 more like this
tabling member constituency Linlithgow and East Falkirk remove filter
tabling member printed
Martyn Day more like this
title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2023/24 23772 more like this
uin 23772 more like this
version 1 more like this
written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
answer answer
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this
pref label House of Commons more like this
tabling member
label Biography information for Martyn Day more like this