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star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest true more like this
star this property answer date less than 2025-02-05more like thismore than 2025-02-05
star this property date less than 2025-02-03more like thismore than 2025-02-03
star this property date tabled less than 2025-02-03more like thismore than 2025-02-03
star this property ddp created less than 2025-02-03T22:06:03.857Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-03T22:06:03.857Z
star this property answering body
Department of Health and Social Care more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2025-02-03T22:32:59.262Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-03T22:32:59.262Z
less than 2025-02-11T13:46:04.030Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-11T13:46:04.030Z
star this property hansard heading Cancer: Drugs more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 28209 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property parliament number 59 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2025-02-11T13:45:13.74Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-11T13:45:13.74Z
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, pursuant to the Answer of 13 January 2025 to Question 21831 on Cancer: Drugs, if his Department will make an assessment of the potential implications for his policies of the findings on page 21 of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations’ publication entitled EFPIA Patients W.A.I.T. Indicator 2023 Survey, published in June 2024, that 25% of new oncology medicines approved by the European Medicines Agency had full public availability to English patients in 2019-2022. more like this
star this property session
2024/25 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Wokingham more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Clive Jones more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 28209 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 28209 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator 5207
star this property publisher
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property tabling member 5207
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest true more like this
star this property answer date less than 2025-02-05more like thismore than 2025-02-05
star this property date less than 2025-02-03more like thismore than 2025-02-03
star this property date tabled less than 2025-02-03more like thismore than 2025-02-03
star this property ddp created less than 2025-02-03T22:19:02.957Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-03T22:19:02.957Z
star this property answering body
Department for Culture, Media and Sport more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 217 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Culture, Media and Sport more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Culture, Media and Sport more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2025-02-03T22:43:07.807Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-03T22:43:07.807Z
less than 2025-02-11T10:16:06.551Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-11T10:16:06.551Z
star this property hansard heading Video Games: Finance more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 28368 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property parliament number 59 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2025-02-11T10:15:26.017Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-11T10:15:26.017Z
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, whether her Department plans to provide (a) funding and (b) other support to the Tranzfuser programme. more like this
star this property session
2024/25 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Chatham and Aylesford more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Tristan Osborne more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 28368 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 28368 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator 5220
star this property publisher
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property tabling member 5220
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest true more like this
star this property answer date less than 2025-02-10more like thismore than 2025-02-10
star this property date less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property date tabled less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property ddp created less than 2025-02-04T18:23:09.833Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:23:09.833Z
star this property answering body
Department for Culture, Media and Sport more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 217 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Culture, Media and Sport more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Culture, Media and Sport more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2025-02-05T09:35:09.340Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-05T09:35:09.340Z
less than 2025-02-11T09:59:04.075Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-11T09:59:04.075Z
star this property hansard heading Department for Culture, Media and Sport: Bidfood more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 28706 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property parliament number 59 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2025-02-11T09:59:02.757Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-11T09:59:02.757Z
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, pursuant to the Answer of 3 February 2025 to Question 26736 on Department for Culture, Media and Sport: Bidfood, what contracts (a) under the value of £12,000 and (b) tendered before 2015 and subsequently extended (i) the BFS Group Limited and (ii) subsidiary companies of BFS Group Limited holds with (A) her Department and (B) agencies of her Department. more like this
star this property session
2024/25 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Birmingham Northfield more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Laurence Turner more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 28706 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 28706 more like this
star this property version 2 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator 5234
star this property publisher
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property tabling member 5234
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest true more like this
star this property answer date less than 2025-02-10more like thismore than 2025-02-10
star this property date less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property date tabled less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property ddp created less than 2025-02-04T18:07:31.443Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:07:31.443Z
star this property answering body
Department of Health and Social Care more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 17 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Health and Social Care more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2025-02-04T18:17:28.717Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:17:28.717Z
less than 2025-02-11T09:17:11.811Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-11T09:17:11.811Z
star this property hansard heading Department of Health and Social Care: Correspondence more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 28588 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property parliament number 59 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2025-02-11T09:16:15.623Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-11T09:16:15.623Z
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, how many and what proportion of items of correspondence from Parliamentarians received by (a) his Department, (b) himself and (c) his ministerial team have not received a substantive response in each month since August 2024. more like this
star this property session
2024/25 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Sleaford and North Hykeham more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Dr Caroline Johnson more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 28588 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 28588 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator
star this property label Biography information for Dr Caroline Johnson more like this
star this property publisher
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property tabling member
star this property label Biography information for Dr Caroline Johnson more like this
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest true more like this
star this property answer date less than 2025-01-29more like thismore than 2025-01-29
star this property date less than 2025-01-27more like thismore than 2025-01-27
star this property date tabled less than 2025-01-27more like thismore than 2025-01-27
star this property ddp created less than 2025-01-27T22:51:21.700Zmore like thismore than 2025-01-27T22:51:21.700Z
star this property answering body
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 7 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Housing, Communities and Local Government more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Housing, Communities and Local Government more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2025-01-27T23:08:02.769Zmore like thismore than 2025-01-27T23:08:02.769Z
less than 2025-02-10T14:41:03.878Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-10T14:41:03.878Z
star this property hansard heading Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government: Bidfood more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 26749 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property parliament number 59 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2025-02-10T14:40:21.693Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-10T14:40:21.693Z
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what contracts (a) BFS Group Limited and (b) subsidiary companies of BFS Group Limited hold with (i) her Department and (ii) agencies of her Department. more like this
star this property session
2024/25 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Birmingham Northfield more like this
star this property tabling member printed
Laurence Turner more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 26749 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 26749 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type Ordinary more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator 5234
star this property publisher
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property tabling member 5234
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest true more like this
star this property answer date less than 2025-02-10more like thismore than 2025-02-10
star this property date less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property date tabled less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property ddp created less than 2025-02-04T18:41:54.457Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:41:54.457Z
star this property answering body
Ministry of Defence more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 11 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Defence more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Defence more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2025-02-04T18:59:21.294Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:59:21.294Z
less than 2025-02-10T13:57:05.636Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-10T13:57:05.636Z
star this property hansard heading Hawk Aircraft more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 28862 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property parliament number 59 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2025-02-10T13:56:05.72Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-10T13:56:05.72Z
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the Answer of 16 January 2025 to Question 23535 on Hawk Aircraft, what plans his Department has for the replacement of the Hawk T1 by 2030; and whether it is his policy to maintain a sovereign jet training capability in this process. more like this
star this property session
2024/25 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Exmouth and Exeter East more like this
star this property tabling member printed
David Reed more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 28862 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 28862 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator 5347
star this property publisher
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property tabling member 5347
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest true more like this
star this property answer date less than 2025-02-10more like thismore than 2025-02-10
star this property date less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property date tabled less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property ddp created less than 2025-02-04T18:41:49.017Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:41:49.017Z
star this property answering body
Ministry of Defence more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 11 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Defence more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Defence more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2025-02-04T18:59:16.590Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:59:16.590Z
less than 2025-02-10T13:56:07.215Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-10T13:56:07.215Z
star this property hansard heading Hawk Aircraft more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 28861 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property parliament number 59 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2025-02-10T13:55:08.237Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-10T13:55:08.237Z
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the Answer of 16 January 2025 to Question 23535 on Hawk Aircraft, what assessment he has made of the potential impact of the high fatigue index in the remaining Hawk T1 fleet on the total number of available UK-based training hours for personnel. more like this
star this property session
2024/25 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Exmouth and Exeter East more like this
star this property tabling member printed
David Reed more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 28861 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 28861 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator 5347
star this property publisher
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property tabling member 5347
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest true more like this
star this property answer date less than 2025-02-10more like thismore than 2025-02-10
star this property date less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property date tabled less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property ddp created less than 2025-02-04T18:41:43.633Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:41:43.633Z
star this property answering body
Ministry of Defence more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 11 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Defence more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Defence more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2025-02-04T18:59:12.000Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:59:12.000Z
less than 2025-02-10T13:55:13.501Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-10T13:55:13.501Z
star this property hansard heading Hawk Aircraft: Repairs and Maintenance more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 28860 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property parliament number 59 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2025-02-10T13:54:21.907Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-10T13:54:21.907Z
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what the annual cost is to maintain the Hawk T1 fleet under the existing fleet maintenance contract. more like this
star this property session
2024/25 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Exmouth and Exeter East more like this
star this property tabling member printed
David Reed more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 28860 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 28860 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator 5347
star this property publisher
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property tabling member 5347
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest true more like this
star this property answer date less than 2025-02-10more like thismore than 2025-02-10
star this property date less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property date tabled less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property ddp created less than 2025-02-04T18:41:30.637Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:41:30.637Z
star this property answering body
Ministry of Defence more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 11 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Defence more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Defence more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2025-02-04T18:59:03.934Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:59:03.934Z
less than 2025-02-10T11:14:03.917Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-10T11:14:03.917Z
star this property hansard heading Military Aircraft: Training more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 28858 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property parliament number 59 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2025-02-10T11:13:34.91Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-10T11:13:34.91Z
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what was the total cost to the public purse of training personnel on jet aircraft in (a) the UK and (b) overseas in each of the last five years; and what proportion of the total training budget each represents. more like this
star this property session
2024/25 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Exmouth and Exeter East more like this
star this property tabling member printed
David Reed more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 28858 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 28858 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator 5347
star this property publisher
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property tabling member 5347
star this property human indexable true more like this
star this property published true more like this
star this property registered interest true more like this
star this property answer date less than 2025-02-10more like thismore than 2025-02-10
star this property date less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property date tabled less than 2025-02-04more like thismore than 2025-02-04
star this property ddp created less than 2025-02-04T18:41:24.263Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:41:24.263Z
star this property answering body
Ministry of Defence more like this
star this property question status Tabled more like this
star this property answering dept id 11 more like this
star this property answering dept short name Defence more like this
star this property answering dept sort name Defence more like this
star this property ddp modified
less than 2025-02-04T18:58:59.636Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-04T18:58:59.636Z
less than 2025-02-10T11:11:04.385Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-10T11:11:04.385Z
star this property hansard heading Military Aircraft: Training more like this
star this property house id 1 more like this
star this property identifier 28857 more like this
star this property legislature
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property parliament number 59 more like this
star this property question first answered
less than 2025-02-10T11:10:23.987Zmore like thismore than 2025-02-10T11:10:23.987Z
star this property question text To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many UK personnel have been trained on jet aircraft in (a) the UK and (b) overseas in each of the last five years; and in which countries overseas training has taken place. more like this
star this property session
2024/25 more like this
star this property session number 1 more like this
star this property tabling member constituency Exmouth and Exeter East more like this
star this property tabling member printed
David Reed more like this
star this property title House of Commons Tabled Parliamentary Question 2024/25 28857 more like this
unstar this property type
star this property uin 28857 more like this
star this property version 1 more like this
star this property written parliamentary question type NamedDay more like this
star this property answer answer
star this property creator 5347
star this property publisher
star this property pref label House of Commons more like this
star this property tabling member 5347