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<p>We have no specific plans to make an assessment of the potential merits of implementing
a UK-wide blueprint for inflammatory bowel disease. However, in England, NHS England
is working with front-line clinical experts, patient representative groups and leading
charities, including Crohn’s and Colitis UK, to improve diagnosis and treatment of
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This includes a new IBD RightCare scenario, which,
when published, will set out high-quality joined-up care at every point of the patient
journey, as well as data packs for local commissioners.</p><p>In addition, the Getting
it Right First Time specialty report on gastroenterology, published in September 2021,
sets out actions and recommendations for the National Health Service to improve patient
care and ensure consistency of care across the country. Information on trends in the
incidence rates of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis is not held.</p>