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unstar this property answer text <p>I refer my noble friend to the answer I gave to Lord Jopling on 26 September, <em>Official Report</em>, Column WA399 and WA400. For reference, as of November 2014, there are three Ministers who are members of the House of Commons and ten Ministers who are members of the House of Lords who are not in receipt of a ministerial salary.</p><p> </p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>Our Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain has raised both cases with the Government of Bahrain and emphasised the importance of ensuring that due legal process is respected and international norms of justice adhered to. We will continue to monitor both cases closely.</p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>Public Health England (PHE) has a comprehensive range of action aimed at reducing the incidence and mortality from liver disease. It monitors the incidence, mortality and outcomes of treatment for liver disease and the risk factors: alcohol obesity and Hepatitis B and C. PHE has a wide range of action to tackle unhealthy alcohol consumption, obesity and viral hepatitis through strengthening local action, promoting healthy choices, and giving appropriate information to support healthier lives. <br> <br> In response to the All Party Parliamentary Hepatology Group report PHE has committed to producing a PHE Liver Disease Framework. This will focus on public health action to tackle risk factors for liver disease and inequalities in relation to liver disease. Work has already begun to bring together expertise within PHE on the major risk factors for liver disease (alcohol, hepatitis B and C and obesity), data on liver disease and its risk factors and on death and dying from liver disease. Many of the actions to tackle the major risk factors require a coordinated approach between PHE and NHS England.</p><p> </p><p><br> NHS England is responsible for delivering improvements in outcomes against the NHS Mandate and in line with the NHS Outcomes Framework. NHS England are adopting a broad strategy for delivering improvements in relation to premature mortality, working with commissioners and PHE to support clinical commissioning groups in understanding where local challenges lie and in identifying the evidence in relation to the priorities for reducing mortality at a national level.</p><p> </p>
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unstar this property answer text Reports from Kobane continue to be deeply concerning. We have not made representations about these specific allegations, but we maintain a close dialogue with Turkey on the evolving crisis in the region. We applaud Turkey’s generosity in hosting over 170,000 refugees that have fled the fighting in Kobane in recent weeks, in addition to the 1.4 million refugees already in Turkey. more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>The work of this organisation, and its emphasis on the importance of reconciliation to achieve peace, appears laudable.</p><p>While Foreign and Commonwealth Office officials have met with their partner organisation (the Friends of Bereaved Families Forum), we do not provide financial support to either of the groups.</p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>The Government believes that international law on the use of military force is absolutely clear. There must be a lawful basis for such force to be used and activities must be conducted in accordance with the law of war or international humanitarian law. This is as true when considering the possible use of remotely piloted aircraft systems as it is with any other military asset or weapon. Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems are a relatively new military asset, and their use, whether armed or unarmed, will continue to evolve. However, the existing international legal framework is clear and robust; and, as with any other weapons system, it is fully capable of governing their use. We do not need to rewrite the laws of war in order to be confident that, when used in such lawful circumstances, remotely piloted aircraft systems operate in the same legal environment as other military means. We have set this position out previously including at the UN Human Rights Council in response to the report of the Special Rapporteur.</p>
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unstar this property answer text <p>I announced in my Written Ministerial Statement of 23 July 2014, columns WS135-136, that the costs of implementing policies in the Health and Social Care Act incurred to 31 March 2014 were £1,316 million. This is the latest available figure.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>These costs have been more than covered by the savings arising from the Health and Social Care Act, which up to 31 March 2014, were approximately £4.9 billion.</p><p> </p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>The reconfiguration of local health services is a matter for the local National Health Service. All service changes should be led by clinicians and be in the best interests of patients, not driven from the top down.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>It is for NHS commissioners and providers to work together, with local authorities, patients and the public, in bringing forward proposals that will improve the quality, safety and sustainability of healthcare services.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Any changes must be supported by the Government’s four tests for service change, namely:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>- support from general practitioner commissioners;</p><p> </p><p>- clarity on the clinical evidence base;</p><p> </p><p>- robust patient and public engagement; and</p><p> </p><p>- support for patient choice.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Once a decision on a local case for change has been made, it is up to the NHS to ensure its local services meet the needs of its population.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>More generally, we would expect any local plans for changes to acute services to take full account of the impact on neighbouring hospitals.</p><p> </p>
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unstar this property answer text <p>The information requested is not centrally collected. Departmental officials are aware that the General Medical Council does collect some demographic data about doctors and this is published in its annual report ‘The state of medical education and practice in the UK’.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England, has registered all general practitioner (GP) practices since April 2012. The CQC’s role is to inspect and regulate GP practices, including those practices run by single-handed GPs. The CQC regulates at a provider level and may remove a practice’s registration where care is not meeting the required standard. Actions taken against an individual GP would be the responsibility of NHS England for contractual issues and the General Medical Council for professional issues.</p><p> </p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p /> <p>The Justice Secretary has recently announced that he has agreed with the Secretary of State for Health that our officials work together to ensure that any prisoner can have mental health treatment equivalent to the best they would receive in the community.</p><p> </p><p>Officials are currently drawing up options for the scope of this work, including consideration of specialist mental health centres within the prison estate. Until these options have been developed, I am unable to say what form they may take and in which prisons they may operate.</p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>Network Rail has allocated £13.4million from the geo-environmental resilience programme. Their preferred option involves the removal of three weirs close to Stafford's bridge and Cowley bridge.</p><p> </p><p>The Environment Agency are not providing financial assistance with the scheme, but support the scheme as it complements their Exeter Flood defence scheme and their general approach of returning rivers to their natural states.</p><p> </p><p>Over the coming months, Network Rail will work with the Environment Agency to work out how they deliver the scheme collaboratively.</p><p> </p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>The Government is committed to reforming the EU to the benefit of all Member States, to make it more competitive, democratically accountable and fair for those inside and outside the Eurozone. Political parties have set out their position on the question of the appropriate exercise of competence in the EU. The Government’s policy is clear: we need an EU where decisions are taken at the right level, with issues best left to member states decided at the national level. We have already shown that such reform is possible: cutting the EU budget; ending the UK’s bailout obligations; cutting red tape in line with Business Taskforce recommendations; ensuring our fish stocks are managed regionally rather than centrally, agreeing three major Trade Agreements and launching trade talks with the US.</p><p>Support for EU reform is growing: this summer, the President-elect of the European Commission committed to explore improving the interaction between the Commission and national parliaments, which he recognised have a key role to play in enforcing the principle of subsidiarity; to completing the internal market in products and services; to creating the right regulatory environment and promoting a climate of entrepreneurship and job creation; and to working for a deal that “accepts the specificities of the UK in the EU, while allowing the Eurozone to integrate further.” The European Council also recognised the need for reform. It concluded in June that there was a need to protect the right to free movement from “misuse or fraudulent claims” and that “the concept of ever closer union allows for different paths of integration.”</p><p>The Government’s proposals for EU reform will continue to respect the UK’s obligations under the existing Treaties.</p>
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unstar this property answer text <p>The Government is committed to reforming the EU to the benefit of all Member States, to make it more competitive, democratically accountable and fair for those inside and outside the Eurozone. Political parties have set out their position on the question of the appropriate exercise of competence in the EU. The Government’s policy is clear: we need an EU where decisions are taken at the right level, with issues best left to member states decided at the national level. We have already shown that such reform is possible: cutting the EU budget; ending the UK’s bailout obligations; cutting red tape in line with Business Taskforce recommendations; ensuring our fish stocks are managed regionally rather than centrally, agreeing three major Trade Agreements and launching trade talks with the US.</p><p>Support for EU reform is growing: this summer, the President-elect of the European Commission committed to explore improving the interaction between the Commission and national parliaments, which he recognised have a key role to play in enforcing the principle of subsidiarity; to completing the internal market in products and services; to creating the right regulatory environment and promoting a climate of entrepreneurship and job creation; and to working for a deal that “accepts the specificities of the UK in the EU, while allowing the Eurozone to integrate further.” The European Council also recognised the need for reform. It concluded in June that there was a need to protect the right to free movement from “misuse or fraudulent claims” and that “the concept of ever closer union allows for different paths of integration.”</p><p>The Government’s proposals for EU reform will continue to respect the UK’s obligations under the existing Treaties.</p>
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unstar this property answer text <p>The UK has been consistently clear: at a time when governments across the EU are taking difficult decisions to manage their deficits, the European Commission should not be asking Governments across the EU for more money.</p><p> </p><p>The UK strongly believes in limiting the size of the EU budget and will continue to press for necessary restraint and discipline in order to get the best deal for British taxpayers.</p><p> </p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>The Government is committed to reforming the EU to the benefit of all Member States, to make it more competitive, democratically accountable and fair for those inside and outside the Eurozone. Political parties have set out their position on the question of the appropriate exercise of competence in the EU. The Government’s policy is clear: we need an EU where decisions are taken at the right level, with issues best left to member states decided at the national level. We have already shown that such reform is possible: cutting the EU budget; ending the UK’s bailout obligations; cutting red tape in line with Business Taskforce recommendations; ensuring our fish stocks are managed regionally rather than centrally, agreeing three major Trade Agreements and launching trade talks with the US.</p><p>Support for EU reform is growing: this summer, the President-elect of the European Commission committed to explore improving the interaction between the Commission and national parliaments, which he recognised have a key role to play in enforcing the principle of subsidiarity; to completing the internal market in products and services; to creating the right regulatory environment and promoting a climate of entrepreneurship and job creation; and to working for a deal that “accepts the specificities of the UK in the EU, while allowing the Eurozone to integrate further.” The European Council also recognised the need for reform. It concluded in June that there was a need to protect the right to free movement from “misuse or fraudulent claims” and that “the concept of ever closer union allows for different paths of integration.”</p><p>The Government’s proposals for EU reform will continue to respect the UK’s obligations under the existing Treaties.</p>
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unstar this property answer text <p>The consultation on introducing regulations for standardised packaging of tobacco ran between 26 June and 7 August 2014. All substantive responses were then considered before the regulations were notified in draft to the European Commission as technical standards under the procedures of Directive 98/34/EC. They were notified to the Commission on 29 August 2014.</p><p> </p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> </p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>The consultation-stage impact assessment on standardised packaging of tobacco products is being updated following the public consultation, which ran between 26 June and 7 August 2014. The updated Impact Assessment takes into account previous comments from the Regulatory Policy Committee (RPC) and will be re-submitted to the RPC for their consideration before it is published.</p><p> </p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>Network Rail, which leads the industry deployment of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS), is fully engaged within European groups involved in ERTMS rollout. In particular Network Rail is looking closely at the Danish deployment, which will deliver ERTMS onto mixed traffic corridors. The assessments of Network Rail are fed into national planning activities for ERTMS implementation.</p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>Our estimates are based upon information and assessments carried out by industry, who have used data from UK and EU deployments.</p><p> </p><p>The Government uses these estimates as a benchmark only, to be used during the evaluation of those new passenger franchises affected by the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) deployment. As this information is used in commercial competitions, it would not be appropriate to put this in the public domain.</p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>The Department for Transport has forecast premiums for the purposes of the competition for the InterCity East Coast franchise. These forecasts take into account Grand Central’s access rights at their current levels. The Invitation to Tender for the InterCity East Coast franchise competition includes a Risk Assumption relating to the impact of an expansion of Open Access operations.</p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>Grand Central will not pay the same access charges as Intercity East Coast as Open Access Operators do not pay Fixed Track Access Charges (FTAC). However, both Franchised and Open Access Operators pay Variable Track Access Charges (VTAC) since these are set to reflect the direct ‘wear and tear’ costs that train services impose on the network when they are run.</p><p> </p><p>For Control Period 5 (CP5) the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) has held <ins class="ministerial">the Capacity Charge element of VTAC at CP4 levels for services currently run by existing passenger Open Access Operators, however they will pay CP5 rates for any additional or new services whilst any new entrant Open Access Operator will pay CP4 rates on services below a set threshold and CP5 rates on services above that threshold. </ins><del class="ministerial">Open Access (both passenger and freight) VTAC at CP4 levels, whilst</del> Franchised Operators pay the new, higher CP5 rates<del class="ministerial">.</del> <ins class="ministerial">for both existing and new services.  However, this is the only element of VTAC that is calculated on a different basis.</ins></p><p> </p>
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unstar this property answer text <p>The accession process of countries from the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to the European Union does not involve steps specifically aimed at ensuring that British citizens are compensated for any deprivation of property during the Tito era. However the criteria for EU accession for candidate countries do include a requirement to implement measures to ensure that the rule of law is firmly embedded within the judicial and political system. This includes respect for private property, and we note that the European Commission has highlighted specifically the need for progress on restitution of property in its most recent annual enlargement Progress Reports on the Western Balkans countries published on 8 October. Furthermore, all Western Balkan countries have ratified the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, the First Protocol of which enshrines the principle of respect for private property. <br><br>Some Western Balkans countries have, in recent years, made progress on the restitution of private property. Serbia invited applications for restitution and received 75,000 of them. Montenegro and Albania have been slower to implement their legislation on restitution, as highlighted in successive annual country Progress Reports by the European Commission. In 2012, the Commission recognised progress regarding restitution of property in Macedonia seized under the former Yugoslav Communist regime, despite administrative and judicial delays. In May, Albania (which was not part of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) submitted an action plan to the Council of Europe, aiming to create, by June 2015, an effective mechanism to enforce decisions on restitution of, or compensation for, property nationalised during the Communist regime. The Kosovo Property Claims Commission and Kosovo Property Agency continue to resolve outstanding private property disputes resulting from the 1998-99 armed conflict. Over 40,000 claims have been decided. Bosnia and Herzegovina has made no progress on restitution of private property in the last four years. Despite earlier attempts to enact a legal framework, there is none in place.</p>
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unstar this property answer text <p /> <p>Every death in custody is a tragedy, and the Government is committed to reducing the number of self-inflicted deaths in prisons. All prisons are required to have procedures in place to identify, manage and support people who are at risk of harm to themselves. These procedures include the Assessment, Care in Custody and Teamwork (ACCT) process, which is a prisoner-centred, flexible care planning system for prisoners identified as at risk of suicide or self-harm. Prisons are also required to ensure that they have procedures in place to learn from deaths in custody to prevent future occurrences.</p><p> </p><p>We are working hard to understand the reasons for the recent rise in the number of self-inflicted deaths, but there is no simple explanation. Additional resources and support are being provided for safer custody work in prisons, and in particular to improve the consistency of the ACCT system. The National Offender Management Service has also put in place additional staff at regional level to support staff in prisons and to share good practice, and created a dedicated learning and knowledge management team at headquarters which is providing further support for safer custody work.</p><p> </p><p>Data on deaths in custody is published quarterly in the Safety in Custody Statistics Bulletin, available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>
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unstar this property answer text <p>Under section 5 of the Public Statues (Metropolis) Act 1854 the consent of the commissioners of works needs to be obtained before a public statue can be erected in a public place in the Metropolitan Police District of London. The functions of the commissioners of works are now vested in the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. By virtue of the London Government Act 1963 (as amended by the Greater London Authority Act 1999), the Metropolitan Police District of London is now the area of Greater London (excluding the City of London, and the Inner and Middle Temples). Details of the local authorities in this region can be found at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p> </p> more like this
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unstar this property answer text <p>The Department does not hold an archive or register relating to consent given by the Secretary of State for the erection of statues under section 5 of the Public Statues (Metropolis) Act 1854.</p> more like this