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<p>The information is not available in the format requested. NHS England publishes
trust-level data on the number of attendances at accident and emergency (A&E)
departments, but data on attendances at individual hospital sites are not available.
The table below provides the number of A&E attendances at Calderdale and Huddersfield
NHS Foundation Trust for the full years 2010-11 to 2016-17 and the year to date position
in 2017-18.</p><table><tbody><tr><td rowspan="2"><p>Attendances at A&E</p></td><td><p>2010-11</p></td><td><p>2011-12</p></td><td><p>2012-13</p></td><td><p>2013-14</p></td><td><p>2014-15</p></td><td><p>2015-16</p></td><td><p>2016-17</p></td><td><p>2017-18
Year to Date*</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>134,528</p></td><td><p>137,821</p></td><td><p>140,825</p></td><td><p>138,799</p></td><td><p>142,038</p></td><td><p>148,355</p></td><td><p>151,354</p></td><td><p>51,194</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p>*Activity
from April to July 2017 inclusive</p><p>Sources: NHS England:</p><p>2010 data is from
the Quarterly Monitoring of Accident and Emergency (QMAE) collection. The number of
emergency admissions not via A&E were not collected on the QMAE return.</p><p>2011-12
to June 2015 data is from the A&E Attendance and Emergency Admissions Weekly Sitrep
collection.</p><p>From July 2015 data comes from the A&E Attendance and Emergency
Admissions Monthly Sitrep collection.</p>