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<p>We are taking action to encourage wildflower meadows by managing designated sites,
providing incentives for habitat management and creation, and forging strong partnerships
with landowners, communities and conservation bodies.</p><p> </p><p>Our agri-environment
schemes provide incentives for creation and management of wildlife-rich habitat, including
meadows. Since 2011, we have initiated creation of over 130,000 hectares of wildlife
rich habitat, including wildflower meadows. Our new Environmental Land Management
scheme will reward farmers and land managers for delivering environmental outcomes
such as conserving and restoring such habitats.</p><p> </p><p>Our Sites of Special
Scientific Interest (SSSIs) provide protection for approximately two thirds of the
total extent of 110,000 ha of semi-natural grassland Priority Habitat in England.
Natural England’s 2018-19 SSSI designation programme identifies a further 12 sites
containing important wildflower-rich grasslands. The 25 Year Environment Plan commits
us to restoring 75% of SSSI areas to good condition.</p><p> </p><p>We work with partners
to support the recovery of threatened species and their habitats. For example, Natural
England are working with landowners and conservation organisations on the Back from
the Brink programme including on the ‘Limestone’s Living Legacies’ project, restoring
a network of limestone grassland sites in the West Midlands.</p>