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<p>The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 places duties on local housing authorities
to take reasonable steps to try to prevent and relieve a person’s homelessness. Local
authorities must now work with people who are homeless or at risk of losing their
homes to develop personalised housing plans, tailored to focus on the needs and circumstances
of the household. The support offered may involve financial support.</p><p>We are
providing a £310 million Homelessness Prevention Grant to local authorities in 2021/22
to help them plan and respond to their local homelessness pressures. Amongst other
things, local authorities may use this to support people into the private rented sector,
for example through guarantor schemes or by providing deposits. Local authorities
may use homelessness funding flexibility in line with local need.</p><p>In addition,
this year there is £140 million available in Discretionary Housing Payments which
can be used for those who may need additional support with housing costs.</p>