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<p>The Crime Survey for England and Wales shows crime has reduced by more than a third
since 2010, and has remained broadly stable over recent months. However, we recognise
the changing and increasing demand on the police, particularly in areas of low-volume
high-harm crime like serious violence. We responded by increasing police funding by
£460 million in 2018/19, including £280 million from council tax precept. The police
workforce statistics released on 24 January show the first year on year increase in
police officer numbers in a decade, indicating that Police and Crime Commissioners
have been able to protect the front line.</p><p>For 2019/20, we have proposed a settlement
that will see overall funding for the policing system increase by up to £970 million,
including council tax precept. Many PCCs are consulting on plans to use this flexibility
for significant police officer recruitment.</p>