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<p> </p><p><em>Kick-starting stalled developments</em></p><p>This Government has introduced
a series of measures to support stalled house building. These include:</p><p>· The
Get Britain Building investment fund, providing over £500 million of finance which
has so far helped start 11,893 new homes on stalled sites (as of February 2014).</p><p>·
The Growing Places Fund is providing £770 million to deliver the infrastructure needed
to unlock stalled schemes that will promote economic growth, create jobs and build
homes. The fund has been fully allocated to Local Enterprise Partnerships and the
devolved administrations to fund local projects.</p><p>· The £474 million Local Infrastructure
Fund investment fund is supporting the delivery of upfront infrastructure for locally-supported,
large scale housing sites and commercial development; it also provides capacity funding
and brokerage support to local authorities to help them progress major schemes through
the planning process. Nearly 80,000 homes have been unlocked on fifteen different
sites. A further thirteen schemes are currently being assessed for investment, which
we believe have the potential to deliver nearly 40,000 homes.</p><p>· The Autumn Statement
committed an additional £1 billion of Local Infrastructure Fund funding to unlock
locally-led housing schemes capable of delivering up to a further 250,000 new homes,
and a second round prospectus will be published in due course.</p><p>· The Growth
and Infrastructure Act 2013 enables developers with any Section 106 agreement to apply
for a review of the affordable housing component to ensure development is not being
made unviable by unrealistic requirements. Such unviable Section 106 agreements result
in no development, no regeneration and no community benefits: a sensible review can
result in more housing and more affordable housing.</p><p>· As the housing market
has improved, we have ended the temporary measure (introduced by the last Administration)
which allowed developers to roll forward their planning permissions; this ending of
the measure will increase the incentive for developers to start on site before permission
expires.</p><p>· We are also seeking to tackle the inappropriate use of planning conditions
and speed up the process of gaining non-planning consents.</p><p>· The Budget announced
a £525 million Builders' Finance Fund to assist small and medium sized developers
to access finance to support the delivery of housing schemes of between 15 and 250
units, helping kick-start stalled sites and deliver around 15,000 units over four
years.</p><p><em>Supporting development on brownfield land</em></p><p>Freeing up brownfield
land for regeneration and development is a key priority for my department. Our actions
include:</p><p>· We have amended planning regulations to make it easier to change
the use of an existing building from commercial to residential use, retail to residential
use and agricultural to residential use. Permitted development rights have been expanded,
including for flats above shops and allowing for new temporary uses. The Budget announced
our intention to further extend these flexibilities.</p><p>· The National Planning
Policy Framework makes clear that planning should encourage the effective use of land
by re-using brownfield land provided that it is not of high environmental value, and
that local councils can set locally appropriate targets for using brownfield land.
We have also amended planning practice guidance to stress the importance of bringing
brownfield land into use.</p><p>· We have abolished the last Government's Pathfinder
programme which sought to demolish homes and instead we have focused on refurbishment
and getting empty homes into use. We are investing £160 million specifically to bring
empty homes back into use. The New Homes Bonus rewards long-term empty homes being
brought back into use and we have given councils the flexibility to remove tax subsidies
given to empty homes, and use the money to keep the overall rate of council tax down.
The number of empty homes in England has fallen to its lowest rate ever according
to the Empty Homes Agency.</p><p>· My Department has been supporting the Olympic legacy,
driving renewal and regeneration in east London, replacing over 740 acres of polluted,
low-grade industrial land and premises with new sports and community facilities, parks,
homes, shops and transport infrastructure.</p><p>· We are working with the Mayor of
London to unlock the construction of 11,000 new homes at Barking Riverside, and extend
transport infrastructure.</p><p>· A new garden city will be delivered on brownfield
land in Ebbsfleet, supported by an Urban Development Corporation and up to £200 million
of public investment. The last Administration pledged in its 2003 Sustainable Communities
Plan to regenerate Ebbsfleet but failed to deliver.</p><p>· The new Right to Contest
builds on our existing Community Right to Reclaim Land, which lets communities ask
that under-used or unused land owned by public bodies is brought back into beneficial
use. This new Right applies to sites currently in use, but are not vital for operations.
It gives businesses and members of the public an opportunity to challenge government
on the best use of its estate.</p><p>· We have a comprehensive programme to sell surplus
public sector land and property, freeing up taxpayers' money and providing land for
new homes. As at the end of December we had released surplus government owned land
with capacity for 68,000 homes to be built. We have strengthened the role of the Homes
and Communities Agency through a targeted programme of transfers from other Government
Departments and agencies. In addition, to ensure land is released efficiently, the
Homes and Communities Agency will be Government's land disposal agency. This builds
on the Homes and Communities Agency's expertise and experience of complex land remediation
and disposals as well as their close relationships with local planning authorities.</p><p>·
Through the Strategic Land and Property Review we have identified scope to generate
£5 billion of receipts from government land and property between 2015 and 2020. This
will put land and property into the hands of those who can exploit them for commercial
purposes – creating opportunities for housing and economic development.</p><p>· Changes
to Community Infrastructure Levy rules now provide an increased incentive for brownfield
development, and extended exemptions for empty buildings being brought back into.
We have recently published a consultation paper to lift Section 106 burdens on vacant
buildings being returned to use.</p><p>· The Budget announced an Estate Regeneration
fund which will provide £150 million to help kick start and accelerate the regeneration
of housing estates.</p><p>I hope this outlines the decisive action that this Government
is taking.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>